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  • The one Fandom I refuse to beef with is the Furries. I rather not anger my weird, horny little it gremlins.
    I have an idea for a feature request, but dunno how to phrase it. I'd love a update tab, that without writing a chapter to give an update you could just post a blurb in a dedicated tab next to the glossary and statistics tab that will allow you to notify reader of hiatus and other things
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    Author note (notice board?) on the series main page? That's what I would call it
    Yeah, but I wanna contemplate the subject more before I write the request in the request feature area.
    I went to fiverr to find an artist for my upcoming work, and for my buddy's... smut work... why everyone so expensive yet so bad. There were a few good artist, but they focused on a style unsuitable for my needs
    why everyone so expensive yet so bad
    Why do you think they are on Fiverr?
    Ruti.... I was window shopping, but if you know anyone willing to draw for a reasonable price. And doesn't do anime style art. Let me know
    Just go to twitter X and find someone
    Um... an artist friend of mine, she focuses on the Masters (da Vinci) told me that drawing busts women and flat chested is easy, it's the in-between that's hard... is this actually true, or is she trolling
    As per my last transmission, I'm not a nihilistic person. People are selfish and greedy by nature, and this isn't exactly a bad thing. But humans are also generous and hopeful which make them contradictory. A person can have conflicting beliefs.
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    Yes agreed, greed is fundamentally part of the human body.
    All humans has that. Its like inertly coded in the DNA.
    That is the beauty but also the horror of them.
    Humans can be the best and the worse.

    And well, in 2024, there are people so bad, that for example a rich actress doesnt care to destroy the IP of the childhood of billions of other human beings. And/or another creating a music-video, just to call millions as racist people.
    Or a (ded) CEO boosting rate of denying healthcare by 30%, even creating an AI to do that.
    Humans are at their base selfish and greedy. This doesn't mean they're good or evil, just that they are what they are. That said, it's often amazing when someone is selfless, and no one really bat's an eye when someone is corrupt. That's the banality of evil
    Of course we notice when someone is corrupt, it's just that calling them out will end up in... suboptimal situations
    Humans would like in anarchy, if no rules.
    Would be barbarians.

    Humans are "civilized" simply bc they repress their "urges".

    But its also why in recent years people feel everything is worsening, bc lot of people break the rules and letting urges in charge. (heck, a certain drama is that a DC writer, PROUDLY announced a Harley Quinn comic with theme of FARTS)
    I've been dealing with depression. It occurs every year around Christmas, sort of a remembrance of my time in the system. I usually just watch comedy shows, drink booze and relax.
    I try not to be serious here. But if you get a chance, sponsor a boys Group Home. They receive less gifts come Christmas than girl homes and the depression of being in a cold group home can cause major emotional trauma that persists. Thank you.
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