Recent content by Candy_Man

  1. Candy_Man

    A arm?

    If you want the SUPER technical anatomical definition. Then the arm's beginning is more vague since you should take into account muscular, skeletal, and vascular/nervous anatomy. Skeletally, the arm begins from the humerus. However, you should also take into account that the shoulder is made up...
  2. Candy_Man

    If your novel was selected to become an anime, what song would you use as an opening/ending?

    Maybe, we won't find out until I get my anime. ;)
  3. Candy_Man

    If your novel was selected to become an anime, what song would you use as an opening/ending?

    Opening - Soviet anthem Ending - Soviet anthem (ear rape version) Edit: Of course I'm joking, I'm actually going to remix the anthem to make it sound ANIME.
  4. Candy_Man

    A badass catchphrase?

    I don't want to stay here for an hour to think of something so here's what I think might fit, "Mercy is optional"
  5. Candy_Man

    Writing pacing sentences

    I usually limit myself to two/three conjunctions per sentence SO I don't find myself writing long, unwieldy sentences WHICH might be difficult to read. This rule does have exceptions for when I feel like I can get away with an especially long sentence.
  6. Candy_Man

    Characters are used to represent different aspects of the same thing

    So like different parts of a car have their own personalities? Headlights: "Hey, there's a truck in front of us, maybe we should slow down?" Horn: "BEEP BEEP, GET THE FUK OUTTA THE WAY!" Air bag: "Fear Not! I shall protect the master (driver) from this evil truck."
  7. Candy_Man

    The Chicken or the Egg, Which Came First?

    I can get sciency with the topic of speciation and all. However, I like to think that a dinosaur laid an egg and a chicken came out, which means that the egg came first. Foolproof theory.
  8. Candy_Man

    Hard to Post Work on Webnovel?

    For some reason I read that as scribblehub and was very confused for a good minute.
  9. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    Heyo Angry face!
  10. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    You sound like my mom, so I have to agree with you. Then I'll ignore what you just said and continue. Angry face!
  11. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    Wow, that sounds depressing. No. Angry face!
  12. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    You will never win! You have tired yourself out, while I am ready to fight for, like, at least an hour I think? Angry face!
  13. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    No, lmao. Angry face!
  14. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    It will if you just stop talking, so stop! Angry face!
  15. Candy_Man

    The Last to Comment Wins

    You are just jealous that I'm winning and you are not. Angry face!