Recent content by javert

  1. J

    For those who do their own cover art,

    thank you :)
  2. J

    For those who do their own cover art,

    I honestly don't know. I just draw what I feel like, and switch it up when I get bored of it. For my current story, I've gone through three different cover designs that I've made. I don't know if any of them are actually successful as cover images, but they each have their own charms I...
  3. J

    Any Recommendations?

    You might enjoy my story, In the Shadow of Heaven, which I try to make as emotionally compelling as possible :)
  4. J

    Rewrite, edit, or continue on at end of arc?

    I think you should continue on. It's better to have more progress on a story than it is to endlessly edit the beginning, which is a trap that people get sucked into often. Save editing for once the story is complete, imo.
  5. J

    Something to read

    You can probably read all of my story, In the Shadow of Heaven, that's currently posted here in about 2 hours (much more exists, but I'm in the process of cross posting it.)
  6. J

    Recommendations any recommended novel?

    Yes, my MC, Yan, is black. It's not a plot point or anything, just part of her character :)
  7. J

    Are you sometimes feel that you hate some part of your book?

    I do sometimes. Usually I think the prose is good, but I know that especially the oldest parts of my story tend to meander. I really need to learn how to edit to make things flow. It sucks knowing what the flaws are in my work but being somewhat unable to fix them.
  8. J

    Recommendations any recommended novel?

    You might enjoy my story, In the Shadow of Heaven, which is a serious science fiction novel. I'm cross posting the chapters here from royalroad at about 1/day, so there's plenty of it to read :)
  9. J


    I'd love it if you checked out my story, In the Shadow of Heaven, which I think is pretty good :) I'm in the process of cross posting it to here from royalroad, so there are (many) more chapters there than what is currently available here Just a warning, there are some parts that involve injury...
  10. J

    How long should a regular chapter be?

    My average chapter* is between 5-9k words long. My shortest is <2k, my longest is ~17k. I write typically one event per chapter, or a few smaller scenes if they are related/chronological/don't deserve their own chapter. I think I'm an exception rather than the rule, though, as from what I can...