Assurbanipal_II Aug 3, 2020 Little advice, leave a reply somewhere when you make new threads so that people can find them quicker in the future.
Little advice, leave a reply somewhere when you make new threads so that people can find them quicker in the future.
Assurbanipal_II Aug 1, 2020 \(^o^)/ Question about the game. Do we get some event table soon? Where impact points and gold are distributed.
\(^o^)/ Question about the game. Do we get some event table soon? Where impact points and gold are distributed.
Assurbanipal_II Jul 30, 2020 O.o If this counts. I am not sure if I am even a participant as I wasn't mentioned anywhere. It seems I will meet her rather late. O.o If this counts. I am not sure if I am even a participant as I wasn't mentioned anywhere. It seems I will meet her rather late.
Hopetoread Apr 22, 2020 Happy Birthday , Boss Lee 0/
Happy Birthday , Boss Lee 0/