Moshi May 6, 2020 I just realized that I can have a custom title now! I forgot when I passed 50 messages, but apparently I did! What should I put for my title?
I just realized that I can have a custom title now! I forgot when I passed 50 messages, but apparently I did! What should I put for my title?
Moshi Apr 24, 2020 Moshi said: I'll go write it then. Click to expand... It's been noticed I'll actually have to write it now... well, I'll just post it and delete a few days later.
Moshi said: I'll go write it then. Click to expand... It's been noticed I'll actually have to write it now... well, I'll just post it and delete a few days later.
Moshi Apr 19, 2020 So many more months more.... Okay, it's only two, but still. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with my life.
So many more months more.... Okay, it's only two, but still. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with my life.
Moshi Apr 18, 2020 It's a beautiful day Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you Are stuck in quarantine.
It's a beautiful day Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you Are stuck in quarantine.
Moshi Apr 15, 2020 Ah... I haven't been on the forums in forever. I wonder if anyone still remembers me?
Moshi Feb 25, 2020 Now that I got my second character to level 2... don't do it me. don't do it. but I want to...
Moshi Feb 24, 2020 Only 4 more posts to go until I can get a custom title~ Gonna be a super long wait though, since I never post outside of the games subforum
Only 4 more posts to go until I can get a custom title~ Gonna be a super long wait though, since I never post outside of the games subforum
tiaf Feb 24, 2020 I just realized that you have half of my reaction score without even reaching 50 messages
Moshi Feb 24, 2020 Writing up quest reports counts as writing practice, right? I swear I'll write my book someday. Someday
Writing up quest reports counts as writing practice, right? I swear I'll write my book someday. Someday
Moshi Feb 24, 2020 I hope today will be somewhat productive ^^ hanging around the forums is productive, right?