You know things are rough when you start selling your lifeblood to get by. On the plus side, lives are being saved and bank accounts relieved. On the downside, needles
Once again, asking investigators in crime dramas to STOP MOVING AND TOUCHING THE EVIDENCE WITH THEIR BARE HANDS and contaminating every crime scene they wander into.
one of our aquariums sprung a leak. there goes all that hard work! now we gotta set up a new one AND a temporary enclosure for the plants and critters in there. what a cruddy week.
q log #41: life can throw you hardballs from time to time. it helps to remember that the STARS and ATOMS still spin in their inexorable orbits. yup, even after that embarrassing thing you did.
Why are we feeling so gloomy, the octopus wondered. The octopus quickly remembered why: it had forgotten to take its anti-gloom meds that day. "Oh," said the octopus. "Well that explains it". It then took its meds and stopped feeling so dang gloomy.
q log #40: someday someone is gonna hug you so tight that all the sharp broken pieces inside you will press into your internal organs, killing you and releasing you from this suffering. <3
lost a close personal friend to suicide the other day. coped by baking brownies and thinking about all the times we made and ate food together. they had walnuts in them and were very delicious.