Recent content by Thousand_Faces

  1. T

    Scribble Hub Turns Two!

    Thank you for providing such an amazing service! I came here from a link, have found so many more stories to read, and am now working to write my own. I appreciate this opportunity and beauty from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!
  2. T

    Reach out to dedicated reader

    I think that is probably the best comment so far. A global comment that does not direct towards shy readers. I truly appreciate your response. Thank you! ^^
  3. T

    Reach out to dedicated reader

    New Arthur here and I saw someone was reading my chapter within minutes of being out. There has not been any dialogue with them before, would it be weird to reach out to them in appreciation of them being a reader? Just happy to see someone so engaged in my story and wanted to let them know.
  4. T

    Time until story is first noticed

    A very good viewpoint I did not take into account. Much appreciated. I am more interested in even a single reader. Just to know someone is reading the words, good or bad, i am putting out.
  5. T

    Time until story is first noticed

    I was curious how quickly a newly released story from a new author would be picked up by readers. Since i plan to use the prologue as my scale of interest into producing more chapters.