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  • we gather here today to lament the passing of an honourable man and his silent disappearance. i would read his will, but nobody could decipher what's he's trying to say so just leave some flowers or crackers, I guess.
    I'm here to objectively read you with the most objectiveness that an object can object. This will be the set a new precedence for objectivity.

    Ps. object.
    Huh, awkward emotions. Rather than confusedly think about them I think it's more constructive if I just rip your heart out and eat it to consume your soul.
    "That's not a heart. This is a heart." -Dandy Croak

    trivia: E.T. has eleven hearts.
    Happy ripping!

    @Yorda, "don't think, feel" -Bruce Lee
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    *Knife in hand*
    Don't think, feel. Don't think, feel,
    The heart is about here? Good enough! Ya!
    Oops. Wrong place.
    The heart is about there? GOOD ENOUGH! YA!
    Survey says ... MS Paint. Now, let us talk of alternatives. The Parrot Beak Method, not quite as known as a room full of parrots. However, rejoice! The bananas for the room full of monkeys can supplement some of the nutritional needs of these avian artists. Quite tricky to manage in contrast to the monkeys, but if Weed can do it, then so can we!
    So...you're an errant Tony clone?
    *tilts head*

    Tony, Tony, bo-bony. Banana-fana fo-fony. Fee-fi-mo-mony. Tony!

    Of course not. Anyway, I hope you got my point although I expressed it via absurdism. Also recall that alerts were disabled for a while. Recall why. Then, you'll remember the exes and the zees.
    No, I didn't get your point at all.
    Why are you following me
    When Yorda started following me, I started following those who have interacted with me so far. I may have made a few mistakes because I initially used the alert thing as a basis, but I was pretty sure of you. Read button feature request idea was shot down by you.

    Now, I can add Zoey.
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    Well, I only follow people when they do or say something that I admire or take interest in. There is always a reason why I became interested in them and followed them. However, for about 15% of my following list I have forgotten precisely why I followed them due to a low rate of interaction afterwards.
    @Yorda, rolling a six-sided die, it will normally land with one of the faces up (1/6). It would be strange for one of the edges (1/12) but even more odd for one of the corners (1/8). So, 85% is not bad, not bad at all.

    Was going to mention batting average, but there's actually someone with a 1.000 record.
    I am not sure why everyone says you are apparently weak with words. :blob_evil_two: Such an assessment confuses me.
    To me, there is always a foreboding sense of laughter behind this guy's posts. everything he says is a simple message hidden behind a meticulous veil of words that distracts us from what it really means, having us look in places that were there there. it's like a mockery of literature itself. it's so anti-literal that's it's laughing at us for trying to decipher a meaning that was never there at all.
    *wonders if www has been inhaling some fairy dust*

    @Nahrenne, aww shucks. I missed being addressed by that initialism for years. I think it's too morbid to grind fairies into dust when you can do a shakedown like with a saltshaker.

    I was thinking more along the lines of dust coming off the wings when they flutter...you know...like moths have a dust on their wings...
    *notes to self that www has a morbid interest in grinding fairies*

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