Recent content by Wintertime

  1. Wintertime

    How fast do you write? (And how do you deal with perfectionism?)

    For perfectionism, realize that the more you focus on it at a given moment, the less progress you make toward reaching that goal. The best form of perfection comes in the realization that; no matter how perfect I am at a given work, I will only be able to understand how its flaws when I view it...
  2. Wintertime

    How arrogant were you when you first came here

    I've been doing fine so far. I was just writing as a hobby, so I didn't care at the time. I still don't, so maybe that's why it's going so well.
  3. Wintertime

    The money making problem in VRMMORPGs

    I agree.
  4. Wintertime

    The money making problem in VRMMORPGs

    I mean the thing is, novels don't really need a realistic portrayal of earning money through MMOs. The point of an MMO novel is that making money is not the main focus of the MMO, but rather how the character progresses through the MMO. The MMO setting is just a backdrop to characters...
  5. Wintertime

    The money making problem in VRMMORPGs

    You can get money into EVE and out of it, wdym? ISK can be exchanged for real currency, but it's just prohibited in the game. (Doesn't mean that players won't do it, you just get the risk of getting your account banned.) Also, it's not a gambling den because there are structures in place that...
  6. Wintertime

    The money making problem in VRMMORPGs

    I mean the implementation of stealing money is fine. EVE online you can steal transport ships by destroying them and grabbing their loot. That doesn't mean people will be stealing them without risking a Guild War. Often, Guilds will protect their members. Alliances, Coalitions, etc. Just read up...
  7. Wintertime

    The money making problem in VRMMORPGs

    I mean, I've been making loads of money from playing games competitively for years, so I have some experience in this matter. I hit Challenger in League of Legends and have been top rankings in MMOs most of my life. You can ask me anything, I have an answer. Also, to answer some questions...
  8. Wintertime

    Novel on esports, should I use real games or make my own games ?(Potentially RIPOFF real games)

    Already ahead of you. As to your question, MMOs are the most common, although you could potentially do whatever you want.
  9. Wintertime

    Do you dream of writing

    I think of writing before going to sleep. Not particularly dreaming. And I don't think of "writing" in the literal sense, I think of plot points to write about. Like a money shot scenario, and then build around towards that arc.
  10. Wintertime

    Writing Telling too much information.

    I find it good to work backwards from the ideal point. It takes a hard time convincing the readers or hiding hidden plots as you're writing, but if you give clues, I find it to work much better. This does require a little bit of storyboarding or at least understanding your character enough to...
  11. Wintertime

    The worst story you ever made

  12. Wintertime

    Looking for good stories to license

    I'm currently working on a high fantasy reincarnation novel set in a parallel world as of right now, so that's currently taking up most of my time. Afterwards, however, I'll be able to send you a sample of a rewrite. If you're judging for my writing ability, I can send 4-5 chapters of my latest...
  13. Wintertime

    Looking for good stories to license

    I'm interested. Would you like to have a LitRPG adventure rewritten with my experience over the years? I think I remember getting in touch with you a while back for the original version and you recommended me Daniel Passot. I'm currently writing and self-publishing a fantasy adventure novel, but...