What if Earth was actually flat?

Jan 15, 2019
I'm curious about what will happen if our planet was actually flat, instead of round.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I'm curious about what will happen if our planet was actually flat, instead of round.
Basically gravity wouldn't work, as their would be no core. Even if gravity did happen, which it wouldnt, everything would be pulled towards the center and create odd results i would bet.

Second, the core we have moves and generate a magnetic field. A flat core wouldnt be able to move and generate a magnetic field either so we would have no protection against the sun. We would burn.

Third,what would keep us in place? In a flat disk we couldn't keep our position and would fly off. No sun, moon, anything.

There are also several other problems but those are the most obvious.

Honestly even donut shaped earth would fare better. You could possibly have a core with that, maybe, which would fix a few problems.


Villainess Yorda the Virtuous Flower of Evil
Aug 9, 2019
id still fuck it regardless

It's all here in the calculations. Benben, follow the field lines. That is mathematically optimal direction to fuck it.


Since gravity is an attractive force between masses it necessitates a reversal of the field lines. So the gravitational field lines must point inwards towards the line of mass, which would be our flat planet.

Because of the gravitational field water will flow down the lines of force and end up becoming a large, likely elliptical, bubble of water in the center of the planet. Thus most terrestrial life would have a hard time surviving while marine and amphibious life would thrive. The large amount of water would also change the gravity of our flat earth. You will notice that mass has a tendency to falls off the the left or right side it's like a rock falling off the top of a mountain. Over a very long time, this highly unstable configuration of mass will get rounded out.

In electromagnetism there is an analogue situation with a finite line of charge. The only difference is the electrice field arrows point in the opposite direction due to a positive line of charge assumed in the computation. If one were to do a few rough calculations and setup for numerical computation ...


Then you use a bit of programming and forget about all the singularities, divide by zero problems,

// This program numerically calculates the
// electric field at points around a finite
// line of uniform charge density in 2D
// it could be done in 3D, but the 2D cross
// section would obviously look the same if you rotated
// the line of charge on a 3rd axis of space

// Preprocessor Directives
using namespace std;

int main()
// File I/O Variables
// Output will be x2 y2 Ex Ey
// x2 the x coordinate of the point in space
// y2 the y coordinate of the point in space
// Ex the x component of the electric field vector at point (x2,y2)
// Ey the y component of the electric field vector at point (x2,y2)
ofstream output; // will be used to output the entire grid
output.open("electricField.txt"); // this is my output text file

// Other Variables
int N=20; // number of discrete increments
double L=10; // the length of the finite linear charge segment
double Ex=0; // x component of the E field vector at point (x2,y2)
double Ey=0; // y component of the E field vector at point (x2,y2)
double dx=L/N; // The length of a small element of the line

double C=1.0; // This is all the constants combined
// I will use it to just adjust the problem to give good numbers
// that fit nicely on the graph for when I graph the vector arrows
// Constants like Linear Charge Density are free for me to adjust

double x2=0; // Calculating E field vector at this x position
double y2=0; // Calculating E field vector at this y position
double x1=0; // position on the line of charge x-axis only
double y1=0; // this is always zero since the charge is on x-axis only

for(int y=-3;y<4;y++) // the current y2 coordinate calculated
y2=(L/3.0)*y; // This is just a y point on my grid
for(int x=0;x<6;x++) // the current x2 coordinate calculated
x2=(L/3.0)*x; // This is just a x point on my grid
for(int i=1;i<N+1;i++) // loop calculates Ex, Ey, at (x2,y2)
Ex = Ex + (x2-i*dx)/ pow((((x2-i*dx)*(x2-i*dx))+(y2*y2)),1.5);
Ey = Ey + y2 / pow((((x2-i*dx)*(x2-i*dx))+(y2*y2)),1.5);
Ex=Ex*C; // Just multiplying in the constants
Ey=Ey*C; // Just multiplying in the constants
output << x2 << "\t" << y2 << "\t" << Ex << "\t" << Ey << endl;
Ex=0; Ey=0; // Reset Ex, Ey, for the next iteration

// Finish Program

return 0;

Then you get shifty output data and plot it

eField - Copy.png

So all the calculations prove what everyone would naturally expect through intuition. :blob_blank:
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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
If Earth were to be flat then gravity wouldn't work the same way meaning force would work differently meaning inertia and mass would work differently too meaning time and space and matter would work differently meaning shit


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
It's all here in the calculations. Benben, follow the field lines. That is mathematically optimal direction to fuck it.

Since gravity is an attractive force between masses it necessitates a reversal of the field lines. So the gravitational field lines must point inwards towards the line of mass, which would be our flat planet.

Because of the gravitational field water will flow down the lines of force and end up becoming a large, likely elliptical, bubble of water in the center of the planet. Thus most terrestrial life would have a hard time surviving while marine and amphibious life would thrive. The large amount of water would also change the gravity of our flat earth. You will notice that mass has a tendency to falls off the the left or right side it's like a rock falling off the top of a mountain. Over a very long time, this highly unstable configuration of mass will get rounded out.

In electromagnetism there is an analogue situation with a finite line of charge. The only difference is the electrice field arrows point in the opposite direction due to a positive line of charge assumed in the computation. If one were to do a few rough calculations and setup for numerical computation ...

Then you use a bit of programming and forget about all the singularities, divide by zero problems,

// This program numerically calculates the
// electric field at points around a finite
// line of uniform charge density in 2D
// it could be done in 3D, but the 2D cross
// section would obviously look the same if you rotated
// the line of charge on a 3rd axis of space

// Preprocessor Directives
using namespace std;

int main()
// File I/O Variables
// Output will be x2 y2 Ex Ey
// x2 the x coordinate of the point in space
// y2 the y coordinate of the point in space
// Ex the x component of the electric field vector at point (x2,y2)
// Ey the y component of the electric field vector at point (x2,y2)
ofstream output; // will be used to output the entire grid
output.open("electricField.txt"); // this is my output text file

// Other Variables
int N=20; // number of discrete increments
double L=10; // the length of the finite linear charge segment
double Ex=0; // x component of the E field vector at point (x2,y2)
double Ey=0; // y component of the E field vector at point (x2,y2)
double dx=L/N; // The length of a small element of the line

double C=1.0; // This is all the constants combined
// I will use it to just adjust the problem to give good numbers
// that fit nicely on the graph for when I graph the vector arrows
// Constants like Linear Charge Density are free for me to adjust

double x2=0; // Calculating E field vector at this x position
double y2=0; // Calculating E field vector at this y position
double x1=0; // position on the line of charge x-axis only
double y1=0; // this is always zero since the charge is on x-axis only

for(int y=-3;y<4;y++) // the current y2 coordinate calculated
y2=(L/3.0)*y; // This is just a y point on my grid
for(int x=0;x<6;x++) // the current x2 coordinate calculated
x2=(L/3.0)*x; // This is just a x point on my grid
for(int i=1;i<N+1;i++) // loop calculates Ex, Ey, at (x2,y2)
Ex = Ex + (x2-i*dx)/ pow((((x2-i*dx)*(x2-i*dx))+(y2*y2)),1.5);
Ey = Ey + y2 / pow((((x2-i*dx)*(x2-i*dx))+(y2*y2)),1.5);
Ex=Ex*C; // Just multiplying in the constants
Ey=Ey*C; // Just multiplying in the constants
output << x2 << "\t" << y2 << "\t" << Ex << "\t" << Ey << endl;
Ex=0; Ey=0; // Reset Ex, Ey, for the next iteration

// Finish Program

return 0;

Then you get shifty output data and plot it

So all the calculations prove what everyone would naturally expect through intuition.
So i can still dick it right?


Villainess Yorda the Virtuous Flower of Evil
Aug 9, 2019
What 'if' Earth was actually flat?

Somebody stupid should have said, "What do you mean by 'if'?"


Villainess Yorda the Virtuous Flower of Evil
Aug 9, 2019
I was thonking very hard here. Well, that's a lie. I knew that answer already, like I always do.
