Scribble Hub Forum

Deleted member 45782
Deleted member 45782
If you would like feedback on your story from other SHF users, please include your story link in your Story Feedback thread(s).

Or put your story link on your SHF profile. Two ways to do it:

1. Your SHF Profile > About You or,
2. Your SHF Profile > Signature
Deleted member 45782
Images you want to upload into your ScribbleHub chapters must have a URL.
You can upload an image to Discord, Imgur, ScribbleHub forums, and then copy and paste the image's url link to the URL section when inserting image and then click save.
Deleted member 45782
Deleted member 45782
Deleted member 45782
List of Genres on ScribbleHub:

- ScribbleHub's > Read > Genre. Shows all SH's genres. Clicking on any genre takes you to find stories by that genre; arrow next to it has the selected genre's definition.
Deleted member 45782
List of SH Tags and Their Definitions:

- ScribbleHub's List - Tags. Click on a tag to find story by that tag. Arrow next to it has the tag's def.
- Click on any tag on a story to find stories with that tag. Arrow next to that tag has that tag's definition.
Deleted member 45782
An idea about different types visible on SH: (However, it may not be as accurate. Do your own research.)

Please do your own research cause the thread may not go into depth about copyright types and am not sure how accurate it is. Do your own research.