Scribble Hub Forum

Why are theorem true. How do we know they are true. What experiment we used to know they were true.
What logic we use to prove this theorem. What are the axioms. How do we know these axioms are true.
Then you would be indeed left behind because exams test time management and calculation speed not concepts.
Knowing answers to why questions are never rewarded by the system . It's only rewarded by reality when you want to discover something but good luck doing it alone without the system
He is self aware of the problem but can't solve it. That's why
"What do you want to do"
"Nothing new" is the response.
He knows he MUST do something else. The fact that there is a infinite work.
So you can never be finished and do what you must.
The fact you can't give up for one reason or another. The fact that you can always be working .
Enslaves you.
You don't get time to think