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  1. BenJepheneT

    Taught a cousin that "jizz" meant piss and now he using it everywhere and my non English...

    Taught a cousin that "jizz" meant piss and now he using it everywhere and my non English speaking relatives are none the wiser. he's been using it at school too to ask for the bathroom too
  2. BenJepheneT

    much like spartans throwing weak babies off a cliff, if my son doesn't break out of my wife's...

    much like spartans throwing weak babies off a cliff, if my son doesn't break out of my wife's womb like xenomorph im pulling out the cloth hanger and scraping his remain back to the source. i also believe in recycling
  3. BenJepheneT

    there are two skeletons in you. one drops too little loot to be useful and the other makes a...

    there are two skeletons in you. one drops too little loot to be useful and the other makes a goofy pose for environmental storytelling.
  4. BenJepheneT

    Ben™'s dumpster fire-full of abs, lewds and bewbs

    more OC stuff (circa mid 2023)
  5. BenJepheneT

    Setting myself on fire as tolerance training for hell so that I can survive long enough to find...

    Setting myself on fire as tolerance training for hell so that I can survive long enough to find the guy who invented QR Menus in Restaurant and kill him
  6. BenJepheneT

    Honestly I don't know why I'm back here. I pretty much dropped writing entirely to do fan art...

    Honestly I don't know why I'm back here. I pretty much dropped writing entirely to do fan art and comics. Guess that you can leave SHF™, but the SHF™ in you will never leave.
  7. BenJepheneT

    interesting review but why on my page? Anyway, it's a mild 5.5/10 from me. It's neither bad or...

    interesting review but why on my page? Anyway, it's a mild 5.5/10 from me. It's neither bad or good; it's entertaining but worth exactly One Binge™. Much like any Bethesda-fronted Fallouts, I treat it as a spin-off. And off I go before the lore nerd in me starts sperging.
  8. BenJepheneT

    boo :)

    boo :)
  9. BenJepheneT

    Ben™'s dumpster fire-full of abs, lewds and bewbs

    I've got a shit ton more where that came from. A 1.5 year hiatus will do that to you
  10. BenJepheneT

    Ben™'s dumpster fire-full of abs, lewds and bewbs

    i see that the site's file size threshold has not improved one bit. No matter; image resizing tech has gone a long way. Ive done some Rainbow Six Seige sketches (in order: Mute, Jäger, Warden, Kapkan) do expect more in the future
  11. BenJepheneT

    how am I still top 3 in messages y'all been snoozin'?

    how am I still top 3 in messages y'all been snoozin'?
  12. BenJepheneT

    Profile ids

    I am just now learning this wtf
  13. BenJepheneT

    What Kind of Characters do you Gravitate Towards?

    it's an extreme for me. for one, i fucking adore unhinged characters that literally drive the story wherever they desire. see Onizuka from GTO. everything in the story goes according to his will and he throws as many curveballs as the story throws at him. a one-man show with the world as his...
  14. BenJepheneT

    Internal Genres: The Different Types of Character Arcs

    I think there's a difference between transcribing speech to paper and writing for an medium while listening to an entirely different genre.
  15. BenJepheneT

    What you like

    A year ago I would've given you a pantheon of requirements for a story to suit my liking to a tee. I would've said some nerd ass shit like "non linear story telling" or "active protagonist involvement" or "minimal purple prose" or some other shit that would dry up a pussy faster than frostbite...
  16. BenJepheneT

    Who is the funniest SHF member?

    what the fuck is this and why am i on it
  17. BenJepheneT

    im of the belief that you can theoretically control a woman like a Gundam by hooking up a...

    im of the belief that you can theoretically control a woman like a Gundam by hooking up a computer chip to the uncut umbilical cord immediately post-birth but too bad modern medicine is run by cowards too afraid of Big Ethics™ to see the true advancement (Lockheed Martin sponsored bio-grown...
  18. BenJepheneT

    if you're under 5 foot 6 feel free to shout the n word (hard r) as no one can hear you down there

    if you're under 5 foot 6 feel free to shout the n word (hard r) as no one can hear you down there
  19. BenJepheneT

    I'm surprised anyone remembered but thanks for the well wishes, people 🙏🙏

    I'm surprised anyone remembered but thanks for the well wishes, people 🙏🙏
  20. BenJepheneT

    Which AI Art Prompts do you use to make Reference Pictures?

    [unrelated] If you're proficient with tags on Danbooru sites, you'll never need AI prompts to get your references, ever.