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  1. ThisAdamGuy

    The Last to Comment Wins

    It will, hopefully over the weekend, but until then I must complain about it to anyone who will listen, or at least can't stop me from talking. That's the Common Cold Rules.
  2. ThisAdamGuy

    The Last to Comment Wins

    My sinuses got me like:
  3. ThisAdamGuy

    Something you 100% believe in author do but dont admit

    Even as a fifteen year old, that threw me for a loop. They spent the whole series talking about how Max was created to save the world, and the end result of that is that she's...supposed to hold a bunch of anti-global warming rallies? And they needed a bunch of human/bird mutants to do that for...
  4. ThisAdamGuy

    Does anyone else here suffer from "Multi-plot overload?

    I'm the opposite. I'll come up with a good idea and become so laser fixated on it that the book ends up being less than 100 pages long and nothing happens that isn't 100% related to the main plot. Sometimes I'll leave it like that, other times I'll try to expand it. You can usually tell when...
  5. ThisAdamGuy

    Something you 100% believe in author do but dont admit

    James Patterson does absolutely none of his own writing. At best, he might come up with the initial idea for a book before passing it along to one of his "co-authors." That's why each book in his longer series feels so vastly different and disconnected from each other. They were all written by a...
  6. ThisAdamGuy

    Something you 100% believe in author do but dont admit

    Write spicy chapters between two of the characters you secretly ship, and then delete them before your readers can see it and you bring dishonor on yourself, your family, and your cow. What is wrong with you? Your parents are right to be ashamed.
  7. ThisAdamGuy

    One or two fights?

    It kidnapped the princess. Henry went to fight the lick because he had the key to its castle. Why? No reason. The whole adventure is cliche and full of plot holes, and the party is constantly roasting the GM for it.
  8. ThisAdamGuy

    One or two fights?

    The way I planned for the part of Henry Rider 3 that I'm currently writing to go was, Henry and her friends get sucked into their world's version of DnD and can't escape until they reach the of the GM's campaign. That was originally going to involve them fighting some monsters, then a boss, then...
  9. ThisAdamGuy

    Why are Isekai/LitRPG/Xianxia/Transmigration stories so popular?

    Brain parasites that feed on people's creativity.
  10. ThisAdamGuy

    What is Your Favorite Novel of All Time?

    Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. I've loved every book of his that I've read, but IMO Mistborn (particularly the first one) hit exactly the right notes the most consistently. As much as I love Stormlight Archive, I have to admit that they're too long to really work with his...
  11. ThisAdamGuy

    Ignore this

    If they have a legal contract saying they're the only ones who are allowed to host that story, and SH refuses to take it down, WN will be able to sue them. And if you think SH won't track your IP address to tell WN that you're breaking you're breaking your own contract with them...then I'm a...
  12. ThisAdamGuy

    What Attracts You In A Book?

    Neither, it's the fans. There are so many books out there, and I have so little time to read, that I'll hardly ever just go out and browse for new books. I'll check places like the fantasy subreddit to see what books people are recommending and why they like them, then I'll look at the synopsis...
  13. ThisAdamGuy

    Do games have to be fun?

    I figured this would happen. People are just reacting to the thread title and not responding to what I wrote in the post itself.
  14. ThisAdamGuy

    Do games have to be fun?

    DO ME A FAVOR AND READ THE ENTIRE POST BEFORE REPLYING! A couple years ago, Yahtzee Croshaw released a video while he was still with The Escapist on whether or not video games needed to be fun. You can check it out below if you want: That wasn't a question I ever would have thought needed to...
  15. ThisAdamGuy

    Inappropriate for young readers?

    I'm still writing the part of Henry Rider 3 where she's trapped inside her world's version of DnD, and right now she's in the middle of a boss fight. The whole point of this game is that it takes recognizable monsters and turns them into funny parodies of themselves. Case in point, instead of...
  16. ThisAdamGuy

    Why Are Fanfictions Hated ?.

    I just don't see the point. Writing is only limited by your imagination, so I can't understand why people would be content writing about other people's characters in another person's world with a story they know never canonically happened.
  17. ThisAdamGuy

    What tags will turn you away from a game?

    I'll add soulslikes too. The Dark Souls trilogy and Bloodborne are some of my all time favorite games (not Elden Ring, though). I'll play through at least two of them every year. And that's probably why I hate almost every game that's tried to copy them. FromSoft got the formula down to a...
  18. ThisAdamGuy

    What tags will turn you away from a game?

    Real time with pause. I have never played a RTWP game where the combat didn't feel like an absolute chaotic mess.
  19. ThisAdamGuy

    Is everyone a moron?

  20. ThisAdamGuy

    Game reccomendation for PS3?

    Tales of Xillia. The gameplay is kinda meh, but the story is amazing. The sequel is okay too, but not a must-play like the first game.