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  1. abu_nur

    I hate it when my "original" idea turns out to be generic as hell.

    😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 exactly an interesting plot will be always interesting if done right.
  2. abu_nur

    I hate it when my "original" idea turns out to be generic as hell.

    But he is an anime girl now
  3. abu_nur

    I hate it when my "original" idea turns out to be generic as hell.

    Noooo we be wholesome 😾
  4. abu_nur

    I hate it when my "original" idea turns out to be generic as hell.

    literally first thing that came to mind
  5. abu_nur

    Authors, please, recommend me your story!

    it's just a 3 chapter thing. but i mean try if you wanna. it is in the signature
  6. abu_nur

    Red bar in statistics page

    -queen of the night 2025
  7. abu_nur

    Alright You Folks, How Ya Been?

    nope i am from none of them
  8. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    I kinda chuckled at this part cuz i did the math and 50$ is 2500 from my country coin which is kinda half the price of a Samsung here. I actually know people with such wages, it's kinda funny in a dark way 😭.
  9. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    I mean if you already have to pay 50$ just hire an artist i know guys who may agree to even 10$ and are at least decent 😭. Also my main reason to start writing in like 2020 was because the standard of fiction everywhere was always the same and stuff it was hard to find what i wanna. So i started...
  10. abu_nur


    My government copyright policy may be less powerful that scribble hub bro. But thanks for the notification will keep and ear out in future
  11. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    Yep i can make several yt videos out of them fr 😭
  12. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    it is basic courtesy, to give me the link young man 😔 wdym 5 star bots
  13. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    oh where are yall talking on discord? is there like an SH server? i can see how this turns. good thing i am maining on SH
  14. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    IK RIGHT, the ads is either just ai pics, some lines from a random scene in the story, or a click bait for kids (idk if any kids read online novels tho, not in normal cases)
  15. abu_nur

    Alright You Folks, How Ya Been?

    you got muffin, aooooooooooooo
  16. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    yea i meant i still use an ad blocker anyways. idk why but when in my country malicious ads appear more on random websites, and mess clicking one will be deadly. so my point is, it might be better to advertise stuff via word of mouth, rather than via RR ads. cuz i am sure i am not the only one...
  17. abu_nur

    what is the most absurd tag on SH

    muffins are uselessly expensive
  18. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    yea ik cuz i always use and ad blocker everyday fr. you can't trust ads nowadays sure you can be whatever you wanna, and i get you i forget stories i read only a week after
  19. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    gotta google that
  20. abu_nur

    am i the only one thinking RR ads are kinda flimsy

    i was born in the hole tho (third world noises) 😔🤚