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  1. C

    Is there any map making software out there

    Whatever map tool you end up using, I remember a tip from some mapmaking forum about coasts. If you're drawing a whole continent, or even part of one, with a body of water next to it, there's a method for nice coasts. 1) draw the general shape of the landmass, like a blob thingy 2) refine that...
  2. C

    What did you learn today?

  3. C

    I just want to brag

    I'll bring out the tequila tonight to celebrate!
  4. C

    I just want to brag

    Thanks, and thanks for the advice as well! And congrats on your dream job from last year!
  5. C

    I took an AI image, put it in anime filter and this is what I got.

    Right hand definitively shows AI vibes, left hand is good! And the image looks cool AF!
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    I just want to brag

    Drat, I'm busted! And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids!
  7. C

    I just want to brag

    Hence the "I'm letting the news out here instead of Facebook, Instagram or X". It's not 100% safe, but I have a pseudonym, gave some details but not all of them and count on the general goodwill (and apathy) of people reading me. Please don't bust me out?
  8. C

    I just want to brag

    Hi everyone! Here's the thing: I've been working as a temporary replacement for a guy for almost a year and a half. He was off work due to cancer, and he got progressively better. His cancer was beaten last summer, he has been recovering ever since. I realy like my workplace. My bosses are...
  9. C

    Why is caviar appealing to rich people?

    Caviar has a strong, immediately identifiable taste. It can be consumed in small portions and retain its culinary interest, so it is suitable for fancy gatherings where you are supposed to eat daintily. Like all "luxury" foods (and all quality foods that aren't luxury*), it is entirely traceable...
  10. C

    speak only with song lyrics

    After takin' several readings I'm surprised I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us !
  11. C

    Am I the only one who thought of this idea?

    Reading the comments, you'd want to make the AI/robot psyche at least a bit unique. While horny or edgy* unemotional MCs are a dime a dozen, and a robot wouldn't particularly add anything interesting, a fully Asimovian AI, bound by the 3 laws (and the fourth, organic law), navigating an Isekai...
  12. C

    Crossover fanfic challenge

    C'est sympa comme début d'histoire, mais ça va mettre le zbeul dans ASoIaF (plus que dans HP) ! Je serais plus parti sur Charlie Weasley (c'est bien lui le Weasley spécialiste en dragons ?) qui se retrouve quelque part en Easteros après que... disons Ron, sous l'insistence de Harry, ait activé...
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    Hardcore Mmorpg

    Hey! I don't have ideas, but I do read two series by the same author on RR : the butcher of Gadobhra and Tunnel Rat. The first series is about players who got shitty classes to work in-game for megacorps and then exploit any loophole that they find. You'll find all of it on RR. The second...
  14. C

    Writing Prompt Demon Lord's Present

    With a sharp claw, he began to tear into the wrappings and opened the box. Inside it was nothing. Jeff, perplexed, looked further, around, under, over, elsewhere, bearing his consummate perception to the maximun. That's when he saw what was really in the box. It wasn't nothing, it was Nothing...
  15. C

    Am I actually really smart🤔

    I'd be inclined to say the opposite: many dumb people aren't able to recognise or value smartness, like in the formation of the "crab basket" mentality or "tall poppy" syndrome. The ones that stand out by being smarter are constantly brought down by their peers or specifically targeted by those...
  16. C

    Books in an Imperial regime

    Wow, imperial Japan winning WW2 and ruling East Asia with an iron fist seems to be way too heavy a topic to be fought by the power of love and manga. That leaves you with two options : - 1) Taking the setting seriously. So you have an hyper-racist government willing to fund human...
  17. C

    How do I write an proper beastkin story?

    Disclaimer: I haven't read your story. Your going back to romance may just be how your brain works. You want to make cool characters, they're so cool you (unconsciously) ship them, and you end up with romance... Write a villain. Someone you actually would find despicable. And then let them...
  18. C

    Writing Prompt Amputated beauty collection

    There is said to be a domain. A haven and a cage, a place for those who have lost a part of them to find solace, a place to seal away the damaged goods, a hiden cove and a gilded jail. In that place, none that live are whole. Some are missing a finger, a toe or a limb. Some have scars and some...
  19. C

    Making Master powers

    What if the power to control others isn't mental at all? An endocrinothurge (made-up word: a mage/psychic who controls hormones) would be a cool opponent, especially if they have a reputation to be a mind bender and their opponents come prepared with mental shields and defences, only to be...
  20. C

    Writing Prompt Marvel(world-hopper eventually)

    Go for it, dude! I'm not that versed in Marvel lore, but you seem to have the story well planned ahead. Now comes the part where you actually write it. I know it's hard, I'm advising without practising, I have many stories in my head and neither the confidence nor the time to write them. But...