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  1. T

    How do you usually imagine a world and its characters while reading a novel?

    Other. I don't have colors or concrete images in my imaginations, period, just vague silhouettes and what are effectively instructions on what that thing would look and feel like if it were in front of me, even if I can't see it in my mind.
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    If you guys want a tier list, do it right at least.

    Chinese Tier is not good or bad necessarily, just annoys me on a personal level and so I refuse to read them.
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    Concept Discussion: Big Space Guns in Fantasy Settings

    Disclaimer: Studio Ghibli exists, and is being ignored because I believe the (two? three?) movies that resemble what I am talking about do not count because of the themes and allegory inherent in those films. They are not relevant here. You read the title so lets cut to the chase; ever played a...
  4. T

    Brainstorming with Duck (Theme: Necromancy)

    Ok so this one is super niche but there's a spell in a d&d 3.5e book (either Libris Mortis or Ghostwalk, don't remember which) called Bloodstar The description implied a floating orb of blood in the air, and whenever someone gets injured near it in a way that draws blood, it sucks a little more...
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    The Extremis of Gore

    I tend to take the more clinical approach, describing the morbid and unpleasant in cold, logical terms first, because to a certain extent the visceral morbidity, the knowledge that you and everyone else around you are fundamentally just meat animated by particularly complex slime, and you can be...
  6. T

    What makes you motivated?

    Spite for my mental health
  7. T

    Writing Prompt Cheesy Characterization Prompt

    The story opens in media res, the protagonist in the middle of a chaotic, messy, and horrific battle. Who is on what sides, what the stakes are, and who is currently winning are details that are not elaborated on. The only focus is on how much fun the protagonist is having, and the unhinged...
  8. T

    What Do You Dislike About Isekai-Reincarnation Stories?

    'Here's my isekai world! It totally isn't like the real world at all you guys, anyways here's a generic vaguely medieval society that also has magic! What do you mean 90% of the population having reliable, lethal offense on demand would change the way the fundamental way laws are written...
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    Writing "Whenever you get stuck, kill a character"

    Tl;dr local autist wants to make things less ambiguous and more helpful, other equally funny jokes coming next week The writing advice 'Whenever you get stuck, kill a character' is widely accepted as being categorically bad in just about every way writing advice can be, so much so that I'm just...
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    First versus third person POV

    3rd Person is significantly more comfortable to write for me, and it's for a very specific reason. When I have my protagonist just be wrong about something or make a mistake in 1st person, I the author get personally called out for it. When I do the same thing in 3rd person, people go 'oh wow...
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    Hit Me With Your Worst Pun

    Hit me. I want your truly worst and most cursed concoctions to soothe my wounded soul
  12. T

    What races would you create?

    If I'm a god with all the time in the world to do it? To start with, we gotta have spontaneously generating monsters with varying levels of aesthetic coherence and a limited but large selection of random characteristics based on where they generate. After that, humanoid and intelligent versions...
  13. T

    How would your main cast react to these scenarios?

    1. He'd probably try to check if it's a 'dumb animal' type of baby dragon or 'as smart as an adult human' type of baby dragon. In either case, he'd be forced to kill it himself or hide it from people who would want it dead, but the scientific value he would try and obtain nonetheless. 2...
  14. T

    How long before isekaization?

    I don't care, as long as the protagonist has enough attachment to the original world that it actually matters to his characterization aside from checking a box and giving him cheats.
  15. T

    Authors, please, recommend me your story!

    Mine, An Infinite Perspective, is about superpowers generally, romance secondarily. It's about to end what I've been referring to in my notes as the 'first' 'arc', and begin its proper second. A perfect time to get invested in the characters before the plot really begins!
  16. T

    Does make the need for predation to live make a creature evil?

    I realize my initial reply didn't address the vampire part of the question. Ahem. Vampire hunger is usually more of a symbolic or metaphorical thing, than an actual literal hunger. They feel compelled to do so in a way that injures others, but there is no evidence to suggest, in any piece of...
  17. T

    Writing Do you post your "Prototypes"?

    I have a 'post it to check if I want to write more' attitude. I can be completely sold on a concept, think it fucks super hard, but be unsure if I want to finish it. If I post it, I find out by how often I go to write the next chapter to post whether or not I want keep going with it.
  18. T

    Does anyone else also hate how reincarnation is often handled?

    Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, but from both writing and reading perspectives, I can tell you from experience that the readers don't like reincarnation being anything more than an excuse for anime nonsense, as far as the common denominator is concerned.