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  1. Bobple

    Your LEAST favorite part of writing?

    Editing. Even if I was good at it, and the fact I'm not makes the process even worse.
  2. Bobple

    Thank you

    Thank you
  3. Bobple

    Its been a few days but I lost another family member. And as the pattern would suggest, it was a...

    Its been a few days but I lost another family member. And as the pattern would suggest, it was a closer person to my heart. My grandfather, I-Fuck, argh. These last few days have been painful. I have managed to distract myself in a few ways, and deal with the grief in a few others, but I simply...
  4. Bobple

    It is now officially two years since I started posting. Weird. I could likely write a lot...

    It is now officially two years since I started posting. Weird. I could likely write a lot more, but that requires more word space. So, weird indeed.
  5. Bobple

    Why did you create your stories? And what motivates you to continue?

    Basically because I enjoy it. Reading was what helped me realise I could write, as my talent in other creative mediums was certainly lacking. I have always enjoyed telling stories to myself, and writing is an extension of that, but now they feel more real. Not that the characters are setting...
  6. Bobple

    Been trying to improve my writing speed, and honestly, been doing pretty well. I know it has...

    Been trying to improve my writing speed, and honestly, been doing pretty well. I know it has increased a lot over the last two years. Year one I doubt my average was even over 1.5k a week, year 2 apparently it was 4k, but for this year so far I have been averaging around 5k. So that feels good.
  7. Bobple

    I use google docs, which doesn't actually count those '1 word' characters as words (Just learned...

    I use google docs, which doesn't actually count those '1 word' characters as words (Just learned that, didn't know some software counted those as words, mine just counts them as characters). Honestly, the 'not serious answer' might be closer to the truth than expected :blob_cookie:
  8. Bobple

    As I near the two year milestone... it feels a lot... The first year milestone didn't carry...

    As I near the two year milestone... it feels a lot... The first year milestone didn't carry this much weight? Not sure if that is the right word. Either way, reaching two years feels crazier to me than the first.
  9. Bobple

    No power for two days now.... :blob_blank: Fix is apparently is either tonight or in two more days.

    No power for two days now.... :blob_blank: Fix is apparently is either tonight or in two more days.
  10. Bobple

    Alright You Folks, How Ya Been?

    I've been well :blob_cookie: New year, new goals, all that fun stuff. Good luck with your expanding, and roadtrip around the internet's novel sites! (y)
  11. Bobple

    Funniest Typos You Missed?

    Man... I've nearly made every possible bad typo Not sure what's the funniest. I've done some some of the above ones.
  12. Bobple

    Huh... in less than a month I will be the two year milestone of me posting online. Crazy...

    Huh... in less than a month I will be the two year milestone of me posting online. Crazy :blob_neutral:
  13. Bobple

    The Last to Comment Wins

    Exactly... I am a poor man with nice clothes. No one ever wants to buy my apples.
  14. Bobple

    The Last to Comment Wins

    Everyone is currently losing
  15. Bobple


    Yeah, I've seen both used, but yeah, post seems to be the far more common approach. For downloads, usually there is a reason for them. Whether that be the author like to upload in bulk, spicy content which goes against TOS, they just prefer it that way, etc.
  16. Bobple

    The Last to Comment Wins

    winning might be strong word
  17. Bobple

    First Time DND Player

    Outside what people have said. Have fun, it's still a game in the end. For DMing, start small. Do one-shots and short modules to begin with, they are a great way to learn how to DM. As Jeryboe said, modules are great. For experience and newbie DMs. Playing as a player is a good to get a feel...
  18. Bobple

    The 2nd Pick Protagonist

    Hmmm. Depends. If the OG protag doesn't exist or something happens to them. Then I would probably pick one of the friends from the start, or one of the mc's family. Either way, it would be a very different story from the ground up. The first arc plot point would likely be the same if I chose...
  19. Bobple

    Did the math based on the prior numbers, I wrote an average of 4000 words a week last year...

    Did the math based on the prior numbers, I wrote an average of 4000 words a week last year.... that just feels crazy. I remember so many weeks where I barely reached 2k, I even took multiple weeks off for sickness and other reasons... where did I pull all those extra words from... :blob_neutral:
  20. Bobple

    The Last to Comment Wins

    Good for you again I suppose