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  1. Shintah02

    Having trouble with adding footnotes

    Hey guys, can anyone tell me how I can add a footnote on this platform? I thought it'd be like Ms Word but good grief was I mistaken. I pressed the footnote button and got this.... I really don't know what to do from here. Tried adding text too but that flopped. I want those kinds of footnotes...
  2. Shintah02

    Writing Chinese Fantasy. What am I supposed to know?

    Hey there! I'm not Chinese (or Asian for that matter), but I really am interested in their culture. I'm especially intrigued by Chinese mythology so if anyone has a few pointers for me, help me out, kay? I just need some tips on how to write a Chinese novel with a historical fantasy setting...
  3. Shintah02

    School Life BL looking for feedback, y'all...

    This is my first time writing and I'd really appreciate the feedback of those who are interested. Only the first 5 chapters out so far though; please be nice...:blob_hug: Here's the link: Thank you!