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    I'm messing with my glossary since it can be seen in public

    you can use spoiler tags in your glossary entries to hide parts.

    Cover Art & Story Popularity

    Cover and Title attract users to visit your synopsis, good synopsis attract the user to read your first few chapters, and an impactful first few chapters will make people want to read more of your story.

    Can't/Don't Understand The Trending Algorithm

    A cool cover art, interesting name, and an interesting synopsis works pretty well

    Abomination I Made 2: Electric Boogaloo

    cute. now delete it please

    Just Showing Off My New Cover Art

    I'll be real with you man, that don't look like a 50$ art piece

    look at dem LEGS

    What in the armadillo bones

    Art Tutorial/Assets

    Manga is better than anime, Prove me wrong.

    I'd say it depends on the quality, and they vary both in anime and manga. Sometimes the manga may have good art while anime not so much which does affect the feel. I'd still say the manga is the better medium because it's generally more in-depth.

    If you give any novel a Monologue which novel which character and why

    I dont quite get your question, are you asking me which novel acc to you has the best monologues?
  10. NCKZMA

    Software/Apps to use in drawing

    Photoshop has everything you'd ever need, so I suggest you just learn that. A lot of of tutorials out there for you to learn, not just photoshop but also how to digital paint in it. Here's a link for you to check out, tutorials, photoshop brushes, and alot more...
  11. NCKZMA

    UwU Art

    The arm and the forearm have to be the same lengths BTW, this doesn't include the hand.
  12. NCKZMA

    Help a Girl Out Will Ya?

    The Ring from Lord of the Rings
  13. NCKZMA

    I want to have a decent story cover

    you should try looking for some artwork in Artstation and pixiv and ask em for permission
  14. NCKZMA

    Best/Ideal Online Editing Tool Aside from Humans!

    Using Onedrive's Online Word, Grammarly to Check grammar. Microsoft One Note to map out your story (Its free and a must, you can add images, write just like word and make lines) and using ONEDRIVE, DROPBOX and MEGA online storage to store your stuff.
  15. NCKZMA

    Fun thin I saw on trending today on scribble hub

    Its not a sex fanfiction. If it was I'd post it, in Wattpad and not here.
  16. NCKZMA

    Where does everyone get their cover art?