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  1. D

    Writing First Person and Third Person POVs - What’s better?

    I've always used 3rd person for one simple reason - flexibility. If I want people to see the story from my MC's point of view, I can just write third person limited. But it allows me to shift to third person omniscient to show the stories of other characters or to tell additional information...
  2. D

    Something is wrong with me (I can't write as much as I used to)

    Something similar happened to me between my first and second series. First one I was writing about 3k a day, constantly uploading and writing. Second one... well, significantly less. What changed? My upload schedule, for one. I started uploading weekly chapters instead of daily - and for one...
  3. D

    Working changed my writing

    Just something I was thinking about a lot recently. I started writing as a hobby in college. At the time, I wrote a couple of series - one of which I ended up going all the way and completing. This was where I gained the basis of my writing experience, with a whole bunch of trial and error...
  4. D

    What media inspired your work?

    So many things have inspired my works, but largely Japanese Manga and Light Novels, as well as Korean Webtoons. A number of series that have inspired my stories: -Overlord -Undead Unluck -Sweet Home -Spyxfamily -Re Zero -Berserk -Kingdom -Escape Room -Pyramid Game -Dorohedoro -Usogui -Kaiji...
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    Favorite quotes from your own works

    "To have control over a person is not to take everything they have, but to leave them with just enough so that you still have something left to take away."
  6. D

    Doubts when creating a story

    If you wait for inspiration to come, it will never come. If you dont know where your story is going, figure it out. Plot. Plan. Prepare. Write. The areas that I have the most doubts is when I dont know what Im building up to. As writers, if we arent working towards a goal then of course its...
  7. D

    What are the themes of your stories?

    The consistent messages that I've always tried to show in my stories? Actions speak louder than words. People will always try to look good publicly, even when they're a horrible person in private. Corruption is everywhere, and the person at the top is always the most corrupted. Otherwise...
  8. D

    I'm not an expert, I just write from the heart.

    I write simply because I enjoy it - no other reason. It's so much fun to create a story, and even more fun to reread it when you're editing and realize that you created something.
  9. D

    A Sad Reality

    My mother works as a school substitute, so I often hear stories about children who have behavior issues. One particularly common theme is that the children who have only one parent or who have irresponsible parents that don't give them attention will act out in order to receive attention from...
  10. D

    What kind of comments are worth deleting?

    Personally I don't think any comments should be deleted. Even the obscene ones. Yes it's true that they can be harsh, or even hateful at times. But I think it's good to remind people of what has been said rather than simply delete it from existence.
  11. D

    How do YOU write VILLAIN without sounding like a piece of 💩

    A villain is nothing more than the protagonist of a different story.
  12. D

    🖐What is your Main-Character doing currently?

    My main character... uh... well, I havent really written anything involving him for about 1.5 volumes so...
  13. D

    Well, at the end of the day, we live in a world where doing the right thing will never be rewarded. Of course there is incentive to be selfish, otherwise why would people choose it? There is no merit to doing the right thing if its simply to be rewarded. But I suppose your discussion is more...
  14. D

    Biggest pet peeve as an author

    The one thing that really annoys me is when I'm not sure who is talking during dialogue. Most of the time it should be obvious, either based on the context of what it being said, or because it's explicitly stated who is speaking, but once in a while I notice scenes where someone is talking and...
  15. D

    Total words ÷ 4 = Views

    My factor is about 52. Not very encouraging.
  16. D

    Writing is not just writing.

    You want the honest truth? As a writer, the only person's opinion you should care about is your own. If you enjoy your work, then that is all that should matter. Why write a story that tailors to everyone else's taste if it doesn't even entertain you? Who cares if people dislike it? Who...
  17. D

    Writers, keep a journal for your ideas.

    Journal? I have an entire database for my stories. Characters, backstories, nations, hierarchies and political structures, historical events, plotlines, abilities and systems, you name it.
  18. D

    What Music/Word/Quote always gives you shivers, Doesn’t have to be necessarily scary.

    Some of my favorites: "Even if you were a king, the only thing you ever controlled were pawns." "There is no greater evil in this world than that which masks itself as justice." "Hope is a dangerous thing. For the desires of man are always contrary to one another. Where one man gains...
  19. D

    1st person or 3rd person

    I tend to switch between 3rd person limited and 3rd person omniscient depending on how much information I want to reveal.
  20. D

    Tips and tricks for authors

    My advice is to give characters depth. What do I mean by this? Something I see very often (Especially in anime and manga) is that there are characters who are based completely around tropes, as if they only exist to say a single line or to have a set in stone personality that never changes...