Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Freestyle RP


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019
Going forward (Closed) Location: Slums Characters: Cassel

Although the man’s hood covered most of his face Cassel could see a small smile appear on his face as he said,

“Glad to see that you’re onboard Cassel. Although the fresh air is nice, why don’t continue this at our base. We can speak about things in more detail plus I can brief you on the place while I’m at it.”

Nodding, Cassel silently followed them as the group headed towards their base.

Looking at it from the outside, the base itself looked fairly small with it seemingly built after the slime tide. With the traces of what was leftover from the attack being fairly apparently once looked up close.

However what surprised him was the walls. Made out of lumber and stacked in a uniform fashion. It almost looked out of place here. With his feet moving by themselves, he reached out toward the walls touching it he silently asked,

“-how do you guys not manage to get caught even with these in place? No matter how blind the city is, I'm sure they’d notice a giant sized wall in the slums.”

Letting out a chuckle, the man said, “I am more surprised that you haven’t noticed after all your slime runs Cassel. After the Slime tide the city realized one fact. That, they simply can’t rely on the city to protect them. So places like these are more common than you think. And, even if they want to tear it down, a little money is more than enough for them to ignore such a thing.”

“They aren’t like that!”

“How can you be so sure? The ones you know are just a drop in an ocean. Can you really say you know every single guard in this city deep enough to say for sure that they wouldn’t do something like this? When they don’t even tell you just why they need information on the chatter on the streets.”


“People, Cassel are much deeper than they seem on the surface. Keep that in mind when we are talking about our deal.”

Knocking at the gate in a pattern the man casually recited a code to the watchmen before getting let in.

Shortly after that the gates creaked open and Cassel's eyes couldn’t help but widen.

Although the roads here were now barren it was well lit with small lanterns lighting the road. And, he could see the people wandering through it without caring if it was night time or that the town outside was in a state of disrepair.

Waving his arm towards him the man smiled proudly and said,

“Anyway with all the disagreements aside, welcome to the town of the night. Our main base of operations, shelter of the weak, and a place to take for those with too much on their mind to take it off for the world.”

Looking at the people playing and chatting carefreely, he nodded in agreement.

The city after the slime tide was one where it was weirder for anyone to be happy. With their livelihoods destroyed and the city in disrepair. It made the city be shrouded in a layer of gloom. Even if the monsters surrounding the town were destroyed and their safety guaranteed the repairs they still had made and such costs weren’t cheap even with adventurers. But, somehow they made such a scene an possibility. And, if such a thing could apply to the entire city it would be a better thing all together but..

“Is what I have to do going to hurt the guards?”

Shrugging the man sighed,

“A little, are you going to give up because of it?”

Shaking his head, he looked at him,

“No...even if what I have to do is harmful for the short term it is something I still have to do. If I want the people around me to be happy.”

“Quite the generous person huh? Glad to see someone like you joining our side.”

“So what do you need me to do?”

“We need you to find where their high level combatants are hiding.”

Giving him a weird look, Cassel couldn’t help but shoot back,

“And, how do you expect me to do that?”

“Well we don’t expect anything from you right now. With your current power you’re more likely to get caught with your pants down than do anything major.”

Raising his eyebrows he asked,

“Then what do you want me for?”

“Not having the skills we need can easily be solved. We just need to give you those skills.”

Frowning he couldn’t help but ask,

“And, just how do you expect to do that?”

“Don’t underestimate us even at this state we still were former adventurers.”


“Geez not very bright are you? You still haven’t caught on after all my talk of otherworlders? Tsk tsk at least pretend to listen to me.”

Although he wanted to ask for some more details about just what kind of adventurers they were or retort that if they really were so great then why couldn't they do it themselves. The man's demeanor and what he could see of his face told him that wasn't a great idea.

So moving he clicked his tongue and said,

“Fine, then just who’s going to teach me?”

Pointing towards himself the man chuckled, “Me,”



With his frown turning deeper Cassel wanted to find an excuse to refuse the man’s offer but couldn’t find one. He hadn’t had someone teach him one on one since Felicia.

Although she hadn’t stated that he couldn’t have different teachers. He couldn’t help but feel an aversion towards someone else teaching him.

But, despite his reluctance he knew that if kept holding on then he would only burden her. So taking the first step he opened his mouth, “So what now?”
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