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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Doctor Stern
GenderFemaleRaceBeastman - abhumanLevelN/A
This Doctor Stern is the female abhuman of the two doctor Sterns it relates to all things to do with her.
She is married to the other Doctor Stern and is an excellent doctor in her own right though she is a far more suspicious person in regards to helping the strays and such which her husband always seems to pull into their lives. She loves him more than her own life and would willingly trade it to save his any day of the week. She may be a secret spy master at the head of an unknown organisation that looks after Scribel's safety and security. The Sterns true doctoring ability only comes out when the two are together this is not from some magical potion or what not it is instead because otherwise they worry constantly about how the other one is doing and it distracts them slightly.
Maternal instinctsDoctor Stern has deep motherly instincts if you need a mother and don't have access to one she will worm her way into your heart no mater what.
Doctorate in both magical and technological healingAs a doctor she not only learned about healing in the way that most doctors seem to be she is also a semi adept mage able to use a little bit of magic for healing purposes to help heal the patients that inevitably end up on her doorstep.
Doctor's codeDoctor Stern follows the doctors code and thus will help anyone whom is injured if she can. Whilst she abides by the code she slowly becomes a better and better doctor as time passes. Straying from the code will stagnate her progress.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Doctor Stern
This Doctor Stern is the male human of the two doctor Sterns it relates to all things to do with him.
He is married to the other Doctor Stern and is an excellent doctor in his own right though he is an extraordinarily kind and caring person compared to his wife who is a far more suspicious person in regards to helping the strays and such which he always seems to pull into their lives. He loves her more than his own life and would willingly trade it to save her any day of the week. He may be a secret spy master at the head of an unknown organisation that looks after Scribel's safety and security. The Sterns true doctoring ability only comes out when the two are together this is not from some magical potion or what not it is instead because otherwise they worry constantly about how the other one is doing and it distracts them slightly.
PsychicDoctor Stern is a psychic of unknown strength. It seems that he can't read minds that are to different from his own such as the heavily indoctrinated and remodled brain of AIEO however he is able to take note of daemons and other such beings that might exist in a persons mental scape.
Doctorate in both magical and technological healingAs a doctor she not only learned about healing in the way that most doctors seem to be she is also a semi adept mage able to use a little bit of magic for healing purposes to help heal the patients that inevitably end up on her doorstep.
Doctor's codeDoctor Stern follows the doctors code and thus will help anyone whom is injured if he can. Whilst he abides by the code he slowly becomes a better and better doctor as time passes. Straying from the code will stagnate his progress.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Spire Reef Region - Misty Puppeteer Ship Under the depth of the Black Sea
Sir Borik Lochton
Age51ClassPirate CaptainMoneyN/A

Once a nobleman from the distant kingdom, Sir Borik had to escape into the open sea because of the rebellion. However, due to the fury of the ocean, his ship sank.

Because of sheer luck, Sir Borik managed to hang onto his life as the wreckage brought him to
Spire Reef. In here, he suffered much, but never once had he given up.

From the cabin boy, to the salior, to mate, then Second Mate, Quartermaster, and finally, after succeeding the late captain, he finally became the captain of his own crew.

Now, his Misty Puppeteer roamed the Black Sea, claiming booties and treasures. His legend, although small and unassuming, still lingered within the mouth of the old-timers.

Ordinary pirates could not hope to meet him, but if anyone had a death wish, then headed to the Misty Puppeteer, where he usually frequented.

Killed by Silvery Witch, his ship and himself remained inside the Black Sea, waiting, waiting for the arrival of their mistress.
Domineering PresenceExperiencing many life-and-death situations, Lord Borik had a strong presence that forced ordinary pirates to cower before him.
Sword and Gun Art MasteryAlthough his other hand had been cut and replaced by a magical wooden arm, his mastery over duel sword-and-gun art still remained strong and unyielding.
Noble TemperamentAs a former noble, Sir Borik retained his superb intelligent and interrogation skills. Mind games came naturally as drinking and breathing for him.
Mountainous WillLord Borik possessed a strong will. Able to conceal his deep thoughts while revealing only a little of his plans.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Himeko, last name unknown
GenderDay - Female
Night - Male
Age22ClassCity GuardMoney30G/dayScribel City

From what Mei saw, the person seems confident in her bearing. She is cheerful and talkative. Perhaps self-confident too as she did not hestitate in displaying her affection to her wife publicly. This is in contrast to the person male form, which is a man of few word. As for skills, the person is capable of scrying, and possibly using that scrying ability to boost her archery skill. She is also affiliated with alchemist guild, and the city guard. For relationship with other people, she has one wife named Shara. She knows someone named Gilbert in the guard office, too. Perhaps close enough as the man was comfortable enough to throw sandals to the person's head to interrupt her. Other than that, someone who served as the commander at the north guard tower knew of her capability.
Enough to serve at the alchemist guild​
Scry and die? The man has the ability to scry at least 13 km distance, and track them accurately in the night.​
The bow he wields was pretty large.​
Jan 9, 2019
Kalbius Malkeyer (Do not use without permission)
Village of Mertis
Uncrowned King, The Banker, Rank B Adventurer, Scion of the First Emperor​
An older man, he tends to be well dress and always sport as cheeky smile.​
Kalbius is a count in the Holy Human Empire. Far from imperial control he lives as he pleases in the village of Mertis. The Malkeyer house can be traced all the way back to Theda Malkeyer, one of the wives of the first Emperor. But his claim to the throne is tenuous at best. Even has his power griped the criminal forces of the empire's frontier, he made no moved to rebel or be at odds with the empire.

They simply continued with the masquerade of a frivolous count and an empire neglecting it's outrageous noble. Kalbius does not believe in the Empire, he does not believe in aristocracy nor human supremacy. He only believes in money, plutocracy, those that can control money shall rule the world.

In his youth he travelled and saw the world, eventually becoming an B rank adventurer. Although he had lay down his weapons and stop casting spells for many years, he is still a formidable and deadly foe in combat. But with his control of the underworld to eliminate someone would be as simple as a single letter.

In the merchant's guild dossier, when the subject touched on Kalbius' relationship with the Guild, the information was heavily redacted... but it seems to suggests the count was once a leading figure in the guild, or that secretly he might still be.

But right now he is known as the Uncrowned King, a man with wealth rivalling that of a country. And his subjects, are those that seek to hid their wealth from the eyes of the world; criminals, villains, they trade and deal with him.
Strongest personality traits:
  • Pragmatic
  • Preparedness
Weakest personality traits:
  • Obssess with maintaining an "Image"
  • Overly cautious .
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Alway seems too relaxed.
Interests and hobbies:
  • Really likes cats.
  • Really likes to hunt.
Things that they hate:
  • Waste, inefficiencies
Ambitions and goals:
  • Make more money
  • Remove prejudices unrelated to wealth
Living situation:
  • Rich
  • Many lands
Life philosophy:
  • Wealth,, if you can make money, you are stong
Biggest obstacle:
  • Other people that are idealistic
  • Unnegotiable people: fanatics or racists
Future plans:
  • Make a place that wealth(His wealth) decides the rules
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • Typical stuff you might expect from a good magic swordsman, but nothing OP.
  • Enhanced Speed.
  • Very talented at kissing
  • Please do not kill off this character without talking to @Generic.Archdemon
  • Please do not separate Kalbius from his money.
  • Feel free to ship more money with this character
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Scribel Region
Darlio Windwalker
Rufus Art - Valkyrie Profile 2_ Silmeria Art Gallery.jpeg
  • Vice-Captain of Scribel's Archery Division
  • Strict
  • Prideful (Prove you're worthy so that you may speak his name!)
  • David and Goliath Fetish, (Likes to see the little guy win.)

  • Is partially in charge of the City Guard Training
  • Trains Adventurers in Archery (Should they choose the quest.
Expert ArcherThrough many years as a guard and adventurer, Darlio has learnt and perfected his archery
PrideHe looks down upon those, who let their words speak for their actions. Won't kill monsters, he deems weak.
Wind's ChampionCan control the wind, enhancing his speed, attack speed, arrow speed. As well as allowing him to use wind magic.
Eagle's EyeCan see through intermediate camofladge, and low magic camofladge. Eagle eye also improves his eye sight by 500metres
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Alexei Lebedev
Age26ClassRank D Adventurer/Long-term contracted City GuardMoneyN/A
Scribel City for the moment​

- A person from a different world
- Was subjected to being kidnapped and raped by rich women when he was a teenager in his original world
- Arrived in Tonia when he was a teenager
- Became an adventurer soon after arriving in Tonia
- Was subjected to physical abuse from female adventurers when he first arrived in Tonia
- Suffered from being permanently scarred on his face by female adventurers
- Despises females
- Hates being touched, or touching, females
- Is highly proficient with using a billhook spear
- Has grown tired of living close to the edge of death and so took up a long-term contract with the Scribel City Guards for some stability
- Is eager to help deal with the slime horde heading towards Scribel City
- Can be hired as a trainer in using the Billhook spear at the City Guards
- helped during the slime raid
- dragged Liana around the city, helping deal with the slime raid
- Fought on the front lines of the South Wall during the slime raid
- got a full acid attack to his back protecting Liana during the slime raid
- got several acid burns on his limbs from keeping Liana safe during the slime raid
- met Niv during the slime raid but barely remembers her - if at all
- helped barricade the sewer entrances to stop sewer slimes from entering the city during the slime raid
- kicked an unconscious Liana across a bit of the city in order to get her to a temple during the slime raid
- met Jasper during the slime raid
- was accused of preferring men by Jasper, to which his gaze turned steely, during the slime raid
- accused Jasper of paying Liana so he can f*ck her during the slime raid <- his words
- helped deliver medicine across the city during the slime raid
- sadistically trained Myria in how to use a spear for a day
- has a close relationship with Darlio apparently
- seems to listen to what Darlio tells him to do, although reluctantly
Professional mindset​
He follows the orders his superiors give him.
He always makes sure he follows the objectives set out to him on quests/missions/orders.
Dutiful worker​
He never shirks his work when assigned work through quests.
Working as a contracted City Guard, he is very mindful about the oncoming slime horde and is eager to help keep the city safe.
City Guard training​
Has at some point undertaken training from the guards and passed the exam so he can take more quests.
Strong and agile body​
Due to many years of training and doing quests, he has attained a body full of strength and agility - allowing him to fight or dodge/escape in dangerous situations.
Combat Level-headedness​
After about a decade of being an adventurer, he has learned to keep a level head and not let his emotions get the better of him during combat.
Aversion to Women​
Due to past experiences, he has an aversion towards women.
Feels repulsed and physically sick if touched/he touches a woman.
Feels uncomfortable being alone with a woman.
Billhook Spear Specialist​
Due to about a decade of being an adventurer, he has trained constantly in how to use a billhook spear, earning him the skills to be noted as a specialist in using such a weapon.
Caustic Tongue​
Has talent in saying truly crude and toxic things to people - especially women.
Adventurer Fatigue​
After about a decade of living on the edge from undergoing dangerous quests - along with taking the D-rank exam - he has become tired of being an adventurer, wanting more stability in his life.
Isn't keen on seeing overly-enthusiastic adventurers wanting to take on dangerous quests for the thrill.

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
The Miko of Eternal Night
GenderFemaleRaceBeastman (Dragon)Level??
Age??ClassShrine MaidenMoneyN/A
  • Current Miko of the Fuyu Machi Region.
  • Resides in the Yato Machi, the upper city of the mountain. Handles the supernatural aspect of problems that occur, such as regarding the exorcism of demons, the collection of information regarding supernatural beings---like the Oni---and also being responsible for any ceremony.
  • Proficient in the usage of talismans. (Ignore the gun in the picture, thanks.)
  • Proprietress of Vicious' current lodgings.
Any talisman begins with good handwriting. Sora's brush strokes dance gracefully across the paper.
Exorcist, Dancer, Demon-Slayer
Part of a Miko's duties. Sora knows quite a bit of each of these, though she isn't a master of any of the three.
Sora's true form is a golden Oriental dragon. She can transform between her draconic and human forms at will.
Blessing of the Mountain Kami
Since she serves as the shrine maiden of the Kami which the Beastmen pray to, she's also one of those which have received his blessing. In a way, her status is akin to other Divines' Champions.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The Ephemeral Flower Girl
Where stories live.jpeg
  • The girl who sell flowers, in front of the Scrible Church
  • Likes listening & telling Stories of Legend, tales, Odyssey, Mythology.. basically all fantasy stories.
  • She is Cheerful, Friendly, Kind, Strict yet Surprisingly Mischievous at times.
  • Her address is unknown. No one knew where she lives.
  • She have a parent or so they saids. Yet no one remember their faces, name or personality at all.
  • She dearly loves her Grandmother. Who tell her Stories of legends & Myths from ancient time with great details. as if she witness those herself.
Green thumb
She is really good at growing plants, specially flowers
Mother Earth Beloved Child​
She is dearly loved by the world for reason unknown.
Golden Voice
She really is a great singer to behold.
Fairy steps
She is a great dancer apperently. when she dance so is the faeries they became festive although unseen by her & everyone... In return she glows when she dance due to the Fairies dancing along side her.
Scion of light


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Gelderholm Region - Military Base of Gelderholm
Obsinase Deckto
GenderMaleRaceDwarfLevel11 (D-ranked)

Strong, powerful, and domineering... These words were once used to describe the young Obsinase Deckto, one of the rising stars of Gelderholm.

Titled the Great Dual Hammer, Obsinase had led many operations that came back successfully, gaining some precious breathing time for Gelderholm to regroup and prepared.

Now, as time passed, and years went by, Obsinase's friends and commanders, one by one, retired or passed away... Until, one day, he felt his strength was no longer significant to the battle, and he requested to be a commander, one of the lowest ranking position of the Dwarven Military.

With his last bit of the remaining life, Obsinase dedicated himself to teaching the new-faces how to properly fight against the minions of Hydra, and how to survive when everything went south.
Sharp EyesAs Obsinase accumulated experience from fighting and fleeing, he cultivated his special sense to detect danger and keep tracks of significant changes.
Hammer MasteryOnce the rising star of Gelderholm, Obsinase still remained powerful beyond ordinary commander in his Hammer Mastery.
WiseObsinase had seen much, and experienced more than any other dwarves. His knowledge was vast, especially regarding the battle tactics and the biology of the Hydra's minion.
Peril SenseThe best innate talent Obsinase possessed. It helped him sensed special development before it happened, and it was rarely wrong.
Strongest personality traits:
  • Assertive
  • Strong-willed
  • Wise
Weakest personality traits:
  • Paranoid
  • Self-centred
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Direct in his speech
  • Does not care about basic courtesy
Interests and hobbies:
  • Teaching newbies basics
  • Observing newbies in training
Things that they hate:
  • Mystery
Ambitions and goals:
  • Help Gelderholm survive
  • Become a teacher of a powerful figure
Living situation:
  • Rich and famous
  • Live comfortably in military base
Life philosophy:
  • Eyes are the window of the soul, and also the vector of the world
Biggest obstacle:
  • His age
Future plans:
  • Retire when the war is over
  • Open his own combat school
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
AgeClassGang co-leaderMoneyN/A
Natasha is a strange woman and the protector of the head of the Gun Runners she has had some stealth training under AIEO and another ganger but she is not very good at it.

Her background is it's own mystery and she won't answer any digging into it other than that she never knew her father but he left orders and a training manual.

She has had some stealth training from the Vanus school but due to her more robust form compared to that of the Vanus temple it was not overly good.

Instead the training from Mr Morrison that she undertook once was far more rewarding comparatively. However it wasn't enough to base a style on.

Natasha is the next in line for the head of the Gun Runners and barring extremely exceptional circumstances will succeed as the head of it especially when taking into account the other backers they have.
Stealth training - Vanus - terribleNatasha has been trained in the Vanus skills of stealth, though barely and not properly in any way shape or form if anything they suck at it
MercilessShe is without mercy if her angry is stirred in anyway shape or form.
Noble TemperamentHer mother trained her as a noble as best she could this has led to Natasha having in some ways a noble temperament
Mysterious combat artsNatasha's father left behind a set of combat arts for her to use.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Gelderholm Region - Gelderholm
GenderMaleRaceHumanLevel9 (E-ranked)
Age24ClassLone KnightLocationGelderholm

Once a loyal guard of his mistress, Medisus swore to protect her for all his life, just like how his bloodline had worked for the household since the beginning.

As the childhood friend of his mistress, Medisus had always adored her, to the point of crossing into the forbidden territory. Although both of them knew their wish could not be granted, they remained strong in their commitment and passion.

To pursue his dream, Medisus tried his best to accumulate fame and wealth, so that he could propose for his mistress, and finally began their dream. However, one day, when he came back, he found the mansion to be in ruin, and the flame, burning brightly, had consumed all his dream, and burned her alive.

Now, purposeless and worn-out, Medisus wandered into the wildness, and before he knew it, he was at Gelderholm, fighting monsters to stop his train of thoughts.
True KnightTaught by his father, Medisus was an authentic knight, with mastery over many weapons, including some sharpshooting mastery.
Worldly WearinessExperienced a great tragedy, Medisus sought to come to term with his loss, and tried his best to not let anyone experience his end.
Loyal CodeWith the codes of the knights in his heart, Medisus would never betray his friends or comrades.
Illusive FantasyMedisus would sometimes see the mistakes of his past. The phantoms of his loss would manifest unpredictably. Sometimes his love, sometimes his father...
Strongest personality traits:
  • Loyal
  • Kind-hearted
  • Understanding
Weakest personality traits:
  • Jaded
  • Wearied
  • Regretted about his own past
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Respectful, followed the Knight Codes.
  • Tried to help others in need.
Interests and hobbies:
  • Fighting monsters
  • Teaching others his skills
Things that they hate:
  • His own weak self
Ambitions and goals:
  • Come to term with his own loss
  • Move on and start a new life
  • Avenge Solet
Living situation:
  • Live like a poor person
  • No attachment to money
Life philosophy:
  • Past makes us, but it also destroys us
  • The pain of the past reminded us of the future
Biggest obstacle:
  • Hallucination from his past
  • His grief towards Solet's 'death'
Future plans:
  • Maybe settle down and retire
  • Find someone to heal his heart
  • Pass down his Knight skills
  • Remember Solet
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Active member
Mar 19, 2020
[Retired] Character Sheet - Ramza Beoulve
GenderMaleRaceHumeLevel3 (635 / 1200 EXP)
Age19ClassWhite mage/SquireMoney0 G

A squire in training and the youngest son of the great House Beoulve. Before leaving his home to become a mercenary, he was keenly aware of the difference in birth between himself and his illustrious half-brothers. He believes that justice shall not be found in fighting for his own sake but for the sake of others, and he hates those who would sacrifice another's life for any reason.
A young man who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. Ramza is a mysterious warrior who left many questions unanswered, after his untimely death, regarding his role in the War of Lions, and his actions as a heretic. Born the third and last son of the noble house of Beoulve, he strove to uphold his family name by becoming a knight alongside his childhood friend Delita, eventually joining the Gariland Royal Military Akademy with him. However, when compared to his two half brothers who were already knights, he never considered himself worthy of the house name.

After the war, He retired from the life in battlefield. He devoted his life in the run as a white mage. With Alma beside him, he went around the world, helping others in need.

He changed when Alma went sick. It seemed that being the host of St. Ajora made her health deteriorate. Everywhere he looked, he couldn't find anyone who could cure Alma. Because of that, in desperation, he wished for her to be healthy.

The zodiac stones in his pouch reacted. Somehow, Alma was cured. But, he did not know if the being in front of her was Alma, his sister, or it was a lucavi. He was afraid, if the only way to move forward was to kill his sister.

It was then. He did not notice that his sister knew about his fears. She, using the magic Ultima, vanquished her own life. Not long after that, he found on her bedroom, about his nightmares.

His life was aimless after that. He felt dispirited after everything that happened to his life. One day, when he visited a tavern, he heard about a rumor of the gate to another world.

After experiencing a few days of adventuring, he felt disenchanted to it. To him, he had enough combat during the fight against the lucavi to last for a lifetime. Instead, he refocused himself in the healing arts to help others.
White mage robeA robe, adorned with red triangles around the edges, signifying his class as a white mage.
MettleThe basic of the squire job.
  • Shout: Raises his physical strength and magical strength, as well as his speed and reactions.
  • Ultima: The ancient magic of his world, to be honest its performance was worse than Holy.
White MagicWith the aid of the spirit of light, Ramza can do various things like heal, attack, and give protections to others.
  • Cure: Revitalize someone. Using this, Ramza can mend wounds and recover the blood loss caused by that wounds.
  • Esuna: For physical aspect, it can cure being poisoned, paralyzed and blinded (though if the eyes is destroyed, there is no cure from that). It can also cure sleepiness and wake them from sleep, though the tiredness because of the lack of sleep still lingers. The magical aspect that this spell cure is to remove some curse, blindness caused by magic, being morphed into toad (but not other animal), being turned into stone, and being mind controlled.
  • Holy: At its base, this magic manifested the arrows of light to attack from the ground. The direction of the spell is vertical.
  • Wall/Protect/Shell: Manifest a barrier to protect the target. Wall protects from both physical attack and magical attack, but its power is halved compared to protect which protect from physical attack only, or shell which protect from magical attack only. This spell did not prevent damage, only lessening it. So, a sword that is thrust against the user, when facing wall or protect, will be slowed down so that its impact is lessened. It can still pierce the target of course with sufficient strength.
BrawlerTrained in the arts of the monk, Ramza can use the art of fighting barehanded to fight effectively.
ManafontRamza gathered the mana in the air and earth by walking instead of meditation.

00.00 - 05.00: Sleep at the tavern
05.00 - 08.00: Gathering firewood and hunting at northern forest.
08.00 - 09.00: Tavern
09.00 - 09.30: Adventurer Guild
09.30 - 15.00: Volunteering at the temple as healer
15.00 - 15.30: Adventurer guild
15.30 - 20.00: Adventurer guild kitchen, making rations
20.00 - 21.00: Socialize at the tavern
21.00 - 24.00: Sleep at the tavern
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
GenderfemaleRaceDemon lordLevelRank S
Age????????ClassDemon MonarchLocationAppears at Random Location

A Mysterious Little girl with golden glowing eye, pale complexion, wearing a elegant yet erotic piece of clothing which barely Covered her body. She is always seen sitting Upon a Demonic Evil looking throne monster, which levitate in mid air.​

A beautiful Sinister Little girl Who suddenly appear out of nowhere in the world of Tonia. Then soon after immediately She keep Demanding Good Food, Good Liquor & Good Entertainment for her enjoyment.​
Where she came from is unknown, she is illusive in nature & very hard to find specially when you are seeking her intentionally.​
Seems like the main reason she ever step foot in the world of Tonia. is due to a very fragrant attractive scent of a certain someone Black Demonic Blood the smell is so Addicting it almost induce her Madness.

She coincidentally smelled the scent of the black blood very briefly. & When she entered Tonia to find the owner of the scent, it already long Vanished somewhere. Leaving her devastated.​
Strongest personality traits:
  • Carefree, Childish, Sinister, Impulsive, Sadistic, Insane. & Arrogant.
  • She loves to look down upon everything & everyone Sadistically.
Weakest personality traits:
  • Childish at times.
  • Being blinded by Her own Desires
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Every word came from her contains Profanity & every action she makes is arrogant, Impolite & playful
  • Have a sweet tooth
  • She always sit on her throne she rarely walk with her legs.
Interests and hobbies:
  • Party/Festival,
  • Any Liquor/beverage
  • sweet confectionery
  • All worldly Desire.
Things that they hate:
  • Order/Laws & any restrictions.
  • The Church.
  • Anything that related to the word Holy.
  • Those that don't Show her Respect. Or people who have rude behavior before her.
Ambitions and goals
  • Reshaping the world according to My Desire.
  • Make humanity fullfil her Wants
Living situation:
  • On a Vacation,
  • Currently Enjoying herself... But Food, Drink, Entertainment in this world SUCKS
Life philosophy:
  • Absolute Freedom, Perpetual Enjoyment & The fulfillment of all of My Desire.
Biggest obstacle:
  • No good food, No good Drink or No proper Entertainment in Tonia suitable for her standard.
  • Boredom
Future plans:
  • Make people create her Food, Drink & Entertain her.
  • Destroying the church & the Holy empire.
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • Necromancy (undead Manipulation)
  • Herculean Strength
  • Hex(Curse) & Disease Magic
  • Teleport
  • Great Philosopher (Very Knowledgeable)
  • Demon Summoning
  • Please Don't antagonize her ever, or else you'll have a really really bad time.
  • Befriending or being her Lover is totally Impossible... Give up.. Acquaintance only.
  • Please note she doesn't follow common sense, (write wherever insane Idea you may have)
  • You can bribe her with really good confectionery or Liquor of high quality or Demonic Potion. Use those to either escape, Deceive, or luckily get a reward from her albeit very low in chance.
  • She can be allied if you happened to have the same goal, interest, but only temporary. She will occasionally give assistance as INDIRECT SUPPORT & will not personally intervene herself.
  • She Appears in random location but usually she is spotten in...
    • nature with great scenery
    • In Cementery/haunted places/Evil places,
    • In the middle of nowhere. Like Wasteland, Desert, or crossroads.
    • In the Middle of a Lake, Swamp or Sea
    • Usually in Nighttime have a higher chance she is to be spotted.

OCC: just say if there is something again
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tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
GM (pronounced "gem") (Free-to-use)
Bighorn Sheep Faun​
B Rank​
Scribel City​

Extremely short with a pair of cute curly horns and long ears.
Despite his small size, do not underestimate his age!

Eh? This section is classified? Is that even allowed???
What could an innocent little faun possibly be hiding?
GM has been the Guildmaster for as long as anyone can remember...
Strongest personality traits:
  • No good qualities whatsoever
Weakest personality traits:
  • Afflicted with multiple personality disorder
  • Lazy and incredibly weird
  • Apparently never sleeps
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Never does anything the "ordinary" way
  • Enters rooms through unconventional routes
Interests and hobbies:
  • Unknown
Things that they hate:
  • Unknown
Ambitions and goals:
  • Keep the Scribel City Adventurer's Guild running
Living situation:
  • Ordinarily lives in random cupboards and closets
  • Constantly overworked with paperwork
Life philosophy:
  • If you ever have a problem, dump it on someone else!
Biggest obstacle:
  • Endless paperwork
Future plans:
  • Retire and never touch paperwork ever again
  • World conquest through the power of laziness
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • Able to mysteriously escape from almost any situation.
  • Able to avoid detection abilities / spells / tracing.
  • Invulnerable to mind magic, illusions, and other poisons.
  • (Supposedly) Hears everything that happens in Scribel.
  • Has a perfect memory.
  • Please do not kill off this character. They're the GM.
  • Please do not defeat GM in battle; they'll almost always run away.
  • Please do not "outsmart" GM with your character.
  • Talk to @GM (and others) in the OOC room before making big plots.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Folke Nylph
Age12ClassStudentLocationSpire Reef?

A thin and scrawny child, that looks no older than 10 despite his age. His hair is dark and messy, but his eyes shine like bright fiery ambers, similar to Felicia El Freliti's left eye.
✦Folke is a little boy that was residing in Scribel City alongside his family when he was added to the missing persons list after suddenly not coming home one day.
✦After being bullied and trapped in the sewers by some 'classmates' from school, he was rescued by Felicia who had seen his name on the missing persons list and searched for him.
✦He became attached to Felicia quickly after the incident, who frequently visited him to set his mind at ease. She treasures him like a little brother.
✦He suddenly went missing some time ago again, and Felicia assumed that he was a victim of the Stealer of Beautiful Eyes. But strangely enough, found that sightings of a boy matching his description was spotted heading towards Spire Reef on his own two feet...
Strongest personality traits:
  • Quiet, calm, perceptive for his age and attentive
Weakest personality traits:
  • Eager to please others
  • Easily trusts and protect people he befriends
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Often enters a thoughtful daze randomly
Interests and hobbies:
  • Enjoys reading and writing
  • Loves hearing about Felicia's adventure tales
Things that they hate:
  • Being exploited/manipulated without his knowledge
  • Betrayal
Ambitions and goals:
  • Wants to write adventures of his own like Felicia
  • Wants to write a book based on Felicia's stories
  • Wants to give his parents a good life after retirement
  • Wants to learn how to tell true friends from fake friends
Living situation:
  • Lives with his family in a small house, they're not well-off, but not poor either.
Life philosophy:
  • True friends will stick by you through thick and thin!
Biggest obstacle:
  • Finds it difficult to tell who's exploiting him and who's not, but he's, fortunately, a quick learner.
Future plans:
  • Study hard for now!
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • Naturally perceptive with great vision
  • Please do not kill off this character without talking to @Feathers95 but otherwise, feel free to create lore for him without changing the base of his character.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Wu Xinyi (Xin)
Age27ClassRank D Adventurer/BarbarianLocationGelderholm

A tall human with clear Eastern features, who stands at the grand height of 6'4. He has long black hair which is frequently tied up and dark brown, almost black, eyes.
✦Xin is an otherworlder who lost most of his memories after passing through Tonia's portal.
✦He wields a greatsword and acts as a ferocious barbarian during combat.
✦He was Felicia El Freliti's assigned partner for the city guard training exam.
✦Alongside Nora and Stal, he is one of Felicia's closest friends here in Tonia. They frequently meet up as a group to have a good meal with drinks.
Strongest personality traits:
  • Quiet, calm, stoic and diligent
Weakest personality traits:
  • Aloof, rarely discloses much information about himself, difficult to befriend, not easy to talk to
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Loves stealing and eating everyone's food but his own
Interests and hobbies:
  • Maintaining his training schedule
  • Sparring with others around his skill level
Things that they hate:
  • Fussy/overbearing/overly chatty people
  • Tomatoes
Ambitions and goals:
  • Wants to become strong
  • Find a place to call home
Living situation:
  • Lives in the adventurer's guild branch tavern in Gelderholm, he doesn't spend much of his rewards on unnecessary things due to his diligent nature, hence he's quite well-off
Life philosophy:
  • Only the strong can protect what's close to them
Biggest obstacle:
  • Finding suitable people to spar with
  • Increasing the severity of his training
Future plans:
  • Wants to continue adventuring with his friends for a long time
  • Become a Rank C adventurer
  • Wants to reunite with Felicia and spar with her again
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • High proficiency of swordsmanship (particularly greatswords)
  • Agile and stable footwork
  • Sturdy body foundation
  • Great physical strength
  • Please do not kill off this character without talking to @Feathers95 but otherwise, feel free to create lore for him without changing the base of his character. Please tag me when you interact with him!
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Spiral Reef​
- One of many spies from the guild to infiltrate Spiral Reef
- There are not many public records about him
- He acts as an information broker for the adventurers


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Nora Elvyre
Age25ClassRank E Adventurer/HuntressLocationGelderholm

A ginger-haired female with wavy locks, and round crystal-blue eyes. She's a little on the shorter side, and her body is slender and thin.
✦Nora is a magic huntress who hails from another world, where her clan battled against the elves to keep their freedom.
✦She wields an enchanted bow and acts as a magic huntress, able to send out arrows with differing magical effects.
✦She was Felicia El Freliti's assigned teammate for the city guard training exam, and Stal's partner.
✦Alongside Xin and Stal, she is one of Felicia's closest friends here in Tonia. They frequently meet up as a group to have a good meal with drinks.
✦She has been happily dating Stal for a few months now, although she rejected his advances at first.
Strongest personality traits:
  • Quiet, calm, perceptive, unreadable, patient
Weakest personality traits:
  • Finds it difficult to get close to others, judgemental
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • Hates to lose and rarely declines a fair challenge
Interests and hobbies:
  • Horseriding
  • Climbing trees
Things that they hate:
  • Overly hot weather
  • Scorpions
Ambitions and goals:
  • Wants to find a way to return home
Living situation:
  • Lives in the adventurer's guild branch tavern in Gelderholm, she often eats out or goes on shopping trips, but not too recklessly, hence she's average-ish in wealth
Life philosophy:
  • As long as you wait patiently, you'll find a chance.
Biggest obstacle:
  • Struggling to keep up with her friends in terms of ability and combat prowess, she's afraid they'll leave her behind
Future plans:
  • Wants to continue adventuring with her friends for a long time
  • Become a Rank D adventurer
  • Wants to reunite with Felicia and have a girls day out again
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • High proficiency in archery
  • High stealth
  • High flexibility and nimbleness
  • Good elemental magic abilities
  • Good proficiency in tracking and hunting
  • Please do not kill off this character without talking to @Feathers95 but otherwise, feel free to create lore for her without changing the base of her character. Please tag me when you interact with her!
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Stalsen Axon (Stal)
Age23ClassRank E Adventurer/RogueLocationGelderholm

A relatively-ordinary looking fellow with brown hair and eyes, if you ignore the dark red scar on his right eye. He often has an easy smile on his face.
✦Stalsen is, despite how he appears, a descendant of a noble family in Scribel City. Unfortunately, however, during his younger years, his family abruptly fell into ruin, leading him to a life of crime amongst the peasants of society.
✦He wields daggers and shortswords interchangeably and acts as an adaptable rogue.
✦He was Felicia El Freliti's assigned teammate for the city guard training exam, and Nora's partner.
✦Alongside Xin and Nora, he is one of Felicia's closest friends here in Tonia. They frequently meet up as a group to have a good meal with drinks.
✦He has been lovingly dating Nora for a few months now, after liking her for many months beforehand.
Strongest personality traits:
  • Tolerant, friendly, talkative, adaptable, good at improvising
Weakest personality traits:
  • Dishonest and finds it hard to be patient
Mannerisms and gestures:
  • His eyes sparkle when he hears money
Interests and hobbies:
  • Enjoys finding clothes for his friends to wear
  • Tricking/playing with others
  • Pickpocketing whilst taking a walk
Things that they hate:
  • Fish
  • Talking about his family
Ambitions and goals:
  • Wants to create a happy family
  • Wants to become super-wealthy again
Living situation:
  • Lives in the adventurer's guild branch tavern in Gelderholm, he steals as much as he spends(particularly on Nora), hence he's pretty poor and often asks others to lend him money
Life philosophy:
  • Take nothing for granted.
Biggest obstacle:
  • Seducing and romancing Nora
Future plans:
  • Wants to continue adventuring with his friends for a long time
  • Become a Rank D adventurer
  • Wants to reunite with Felicia and excitedly talk to her about how cute Nora is and how no one can understand that and so on...
Talents and AbilitiesNotes
  • Moderate proficiency of swordsmanship (particularly shortswords)
  • Very agile, nimble and flexible
  • Stable and quick footwork
  • Low proficiency in shadow magic
  • Low proficiency in illusion magic
  • Good physical strength
  • Quick on his feet
  • Good at throwing daggers
  • Moderate proficiency in deception, lies and trickery
  • Please do not kill off this character without talking to @Feathers95 but otherwise, feel free to create lore for him without changing the base of his character. Please tag me when you interact with him!
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