Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Registration


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Name: Sil Fulgur (Tokai)
Gender: Male
Race: Demi-Human (1/3-Qilin, 1/3-Dragon)
Level: 8 (EXP:6105)
Age: 16
Class: None
Money: 880.5 G
Sil is quite mellow displaying kindness and good control of himself. However, his playful and childish behaviour surfaces when he's on the battlefield and being sarcastic his enemies. He totally doesn't care to provocation towards him as he just shrugs and walks away. Sil is determined and enthusiastic to training or task that offers him new techniques and experiences even though those expressions hides under his poker face.
Once a clan member of dragonkin that is known to have diverged from thunder dragon. His village was suffered from natural disaster and later destroyed by monster hordes. He was captured by a group of bandit, they tore his wings and broke his horns apart. Before Sil was banded with a slave mark, he breaks his wooden cuff and pushes himself toward the gate.
1x Bastard swordIron sword looted from merchent
1x Buckler ShieldIron buckler shield looted from merchant
2x Iron DaggerReinforced iron daggers crafted by Adsall
3x Flintlock pistolA common type of firearm found within Spire reef area
7x Flintlock ammoAmmo for flintlock pistol
1x Lightning TomeSpecialize tome with lightning element magics brought from Scribel
1x Wooden ClubA club with a length of shortsword
2x Frankish axeAxe with a straight handle that can be thrown
1x Black powder pouchA pouch filled with flammable black powder that used in firearm
1x Copper ringNormal decoration ring
1x Pair of old bootOld leather shoes
8x RationRation for one day
Ratel Pirate tattooTattoo of the member of Ratel pirate lead by Captain Kingsley
Coin with mysterious etching'Classified' item
  • Lightning Resistance & Affinity - Small resistance against thunder and paralysis, and Affinity towards learning and handling thunder magics.
  • Sea Beast's child - When in contact with water that links to the ocean, Sil gain a significant amount of strength, speed, and agility. He can also hold breath underwater longer than human and walk above the water surface if he concentrates.
  • Slightly Heighten Sense - Enhanced hearing, smelling and sight from diluted dragon bloodline
  • Pain Tolerance - With experience from limp being ripped apart, he can endure pain from wounds.
  • Electrified - Enhance body or object with lightning element to boost physical parameters (cutting or piercing power with weapons) or give thunder enhancement to the attacks
  • Thunder Surge - Discharge electric shock, with Sil's magic affinity he can cast the magic without the help of a staff
  • Aqua Discharge - Gathers mana and releases a water torrent from the mouth or palm
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
  • LVL 18 [34200 XP]:
  • LVL 19 [34200 XP]:
These levels have the same xp requirements, is that correct?
It seems all values from level 9 onwards are wrong actually, here are the correct values: (It's on table form because copy pasting from excel automatically makes a table... >.>)

So... Those are the proper numbers~


Jun 27, 2019
Name: Zeed
Gender: Male
Race: Aeran/birdfolk (Haliaeetus leucocephalus variant)
Age: 5
Class: Hunter

Zeed is an Aeran, a humanoid bird species. Standing upright, Aerans might reach 5 feet tall, and they have long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons. His plumage is made of dark brown feathers, with a white head and tail. He has a large yellow hooked beak. He wears a leather armor and a multicolored shawl. Zeed is quite dashing by Aeran standards.

Zeed is a young Aeran who just became an adult. Because of that fact, he is more rash and less cautious than the rest of his people. Like most Aerans, he enjoy peace and solitude.

Zeed is an incredible hunter. In battle, he proves to be a dynamic and acrobatic flier, moving with remarkable speed and grace, diving to lash opponents with his talons before turning and flying away. He shoots arrows straight into the weaknesses of his preys to cripple them.

He likes to fly at unsafe speeds, using air currents to accelerate and make sharp turns. While in a melancholic mood, he often finds a high place to watch the sky and reminisce of his homeland. He can be surprisingly wise and cool headed.

He dislikes annoying/dumb/naive people, because they irritate him by not noticing the sarcasm he often uses. His favorite food is fish.

-Leather armor
-Small iron hatchet
-Obsidian knife
-Colorful shawl
-Wooden bow and arrows
-Various trinkets

-Flight: Zeed is able to fly as he is an Aeran. His wings are connected to his back so he can still use his hands while flying. He can't fly if he is holding a heavy load.
-Keen eyes: Zeed has an amazing eyesight thanks to his heritage. He can see even a small prey miles away.
-Sharp Talons: Zeed has sharp talons for feet as he is an Aeran. Robust and deadly, they are not easy to defend against.
-Bow mastery: As a hunter, Zeed is skillful with the bow. While he thinks that his wings are faster than any arrow, he still train diligently every day.

Zeed lived in the Eastern mountain range as a hunter. After his coming of age ceremony and many tearful partings, Zeed decided to leave his tribe and join the Cloud imperial army. He hoped to join the famous eagle warriors and provide his tribe with money and recognition. On his way to the capital however, a mysterious gate appeared in front of him...

Level: 1 (EXP: 0)
Money: 25 G


Jan 4, 2019
Name: Vor Saknave
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Age: 4
Class: Mage

Vor is an elf, a race that finds pride in its pursuit of magic. Since the youngest of age, Vor was taught the ways of mana manipulation. By the end of four, he was finally able to conjure flames.


Since before he could remember, Vor was taught to hate dragons. They, who reigned over the mighty elvish race and enslaved them, deserved the most horrific torture. Raised with these ideals, Vor became a spiteful young man whose sole purpose is to grow stronger. Grow stronger so that he can lead the elvish race, grow stronger so that he can decimate the hateful dragons. He never knew love or friendship. As such, his heart was cold, devoid of light.


Chain Vest.
Magic Staff.
Steel knives.

Fireball: Conjure a small ball of flame and throws it on a certain direction. The path of fireball cannot be changed after it is thrown.
Gust wind: creates a strong gust of wind.
Magical eyes: Eyes that can discern the concentration of magic and its type.

Level: 2(210 exp)
Money: 12.25 G

Edit: Updating Gold and Level.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019
Quest Report:
Character: Cassel (Level 1) (EXP 0) (Money 5)
Quest: Night Watch
Honestly when he first went into the guild he was worried. Since he never really bothered learning how read he thought there might be a few issues. But, luckily he found two quests he could do without much risking too much thanks to the receptionist there. The two were A) taking a night shift or B) doing manual labor for the city.

Since there wasn't a difference in the pay between the two. He chose to take the night watch. Watching over the spot assigned to him by one of guards. He blankly stared out the frontier with only the sound of some bugs greeting him and nothing to be seen beyond the light from his post.

Sighing, he idly took out the artifact he stole from the group. Looking over it, he just didn't know why such a thing would cause them to flock towards him like rats did to rotting meat. Seriously people steal a few coins from their wallets they act like they could care less but as soon as he steals one of their group's jacket all of sudden they act like he killed their mother or something. It about the same thing just a little more gets stolen.

After his grumbling he managed to somehow finish his shift without falling asleep and switched off with one of guards. Who seemed a little too happy to grab a morning shift. Then again he'd probably agree that after the night shift actually being able to see more than two inches from the nearest light source during the day was a very good benefit.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
Name: Ryzen of Malphas
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 17
Class: Enchanter/Rune Mage

Ryzen has hazelnut brown eyes and short brown hair that is usually messy and unkempt since he never combs his hair. He is 5'9" tall and is usually seen wearing a simple dark brown shirt and dirty white leggings. But whenever he uses his runes in public, he dons a black cloak that covers his body, completely hiding his identity to others. He was skinnier than most people but could still do the same amount of labor like a healthy grown man.

Ryzen considers himself reserved and quite anti-social when in fact he himself is shown to be very cocky and cynical at times. It's as if he keeps on denying that he is an outgoing person and only shows to people that he was a silent-type of person.

  • Cloak of Concealment - a magical cloak crafted by a powerful artificer. Once worn, it has the ability to hide the user's presence and block any [Scan] or [Search]-type abilities.
  • Tome of Runes - a very ancient book that had no author. It contained the knowledge of a long-forgotten practice of the arcane arts which utilized the power of World Runes to manipulate the physical world. Somehow it has the soul of the creator binded to it and the owner of the tome is the only one capable of communicating with it.
  • Water-wading Boots - a pair of boots enchanted by Ryzen. It allows the user to walk on water. Duration depends on the amount of mana used.
  • Iron shortsword(Fire) - a normal sword Ryzen bought in Scribel from a blacksmith. It has the [Fire] rune inscribed on it which, when activated, heats up the entire sword to a glowing hot red.

  • Chore Magic: The basic level of magic. It lets Ryzen use simple spells to do daily things like lighting up a fire, cleaning himself and his surroundings. etc.
  • Runes: With the knowledge from the tome, Ryze can create characters imbued with worldly essence that could enhance or debilitate anything. (Ex. Slap a Tier 1 Fire Rune on a sword and it'll create a flaming sword.)
  • High Comprehension: With every session of reading the tome, Ryzen's comprehension skills improve which greatly enhances his concentration and can shorten the process of creating a World Rune.

He's not really willing to divulge his traumatizing past but all you need to know is that he was left alone at the age of 15, left behind his village and had no plans of returning in a short amount of time. During his travels, after a series of unfortunate events, he got himself stuck in the deepest part of a mountain and managed to stumble upon an old corridor. At the end was a room that had a dusty book with a black cloak covering a skeleton. There was a note on the book saying that whoever finds the book will be his successor, yet there was no name attached to the book so he had trouble addressing the owner. In the end, he took the dead man's inheritance and became the successor of something he didn't know entirely about...

Level: 1 (EXP: 195)
Money: 418 G
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Name: Nene
Gender: Female
Race: Kitsune
Age: 28
Class: Miko
Personality: Very Polite and Religious.
Level: 1 (0/200)
A few Talismans
An Olive Branch
Some Spare Clothes
The majority of Nene's skills revolve around using Talismans in some shape or form. Though she also does some things by dancing, praying or brewing concoctions.

Here is a handy list of what she's currently able to do:

Purifying Locations.
Healing Magic.
Cleansing Afflictions, Curses and Sicknesses.
Helping Spirits of the Dead pass to the afterlife.
Nene was a priestess of the Fox Goddess, Kurama, back in her original world.

As the human civilization prospered however, they started making their worship of the God of Light, Luminous, stronger and stronger. While there have been religious wars before, this time it was different... Fiercer, much more dangerous than before... They were going to eliminate all other religions one by one, to make the whole world belong to believers of Luminous.

When they attacked the temple that Nene served under, the head priestess erected a barrier and told the other priests to run... Nene wanted to stay and help protect their goddess' temple, but she knew how little she could do against such a heavy number difference, especially when all she could do was to buy time against them... Just like the head priestess was doing.

She fled, fled without any destination in particular, she just kept running... After some time, more attackers appeared, again, again and again. And with each time it happened, another priest would fall, to stay back and buy time to let the others survive... Until Nene was the only one left.

Out of options, and desperate for a way to live, she hid herself in the middle of a big city that would hopefully be too crowded to let her pursuers find her... She could not stay there forever though, for she had no way of making money if not by offering the services of her goddess. Which would be tantamount to suicide.

That was when she heard that the city had a portal to another world... A place so so far away that her pursuers would never be able to chase after her... The price to get there was steep however, it took most of her life's savings, and all the money that had been accumulated in the temple that she was able to salvage when they were attacked... She had no way of ever gathering this much money again... It would be a one-way trip.

It was scary, she did not even know if her goddess was venerated in the place she went to, she did not know what she'd do if she could no longer use her powers to help the people out there... However, it was better than slowly waiting for death in the place where she was. So she took the trip to a new world, and arrived at Scribble.

It was... A confusing experience. In there, she could still feel the goddess' presence, it seems even a new world is still within her domain... However, she was unable to properly use the spells she had learned anymore, as if something was wrong, or as if her goddess was there, but could not reach her.

The following weeks had a lot of experimentation, training, feeling as if she was an apprentice again, though this time there was nobody to teach her, she had to learn by herself... Eventually, she was able to re-learn the basics to at least do her priestess functions normally... There was much to improve, but it was a start at least.

However, there was no temple of her goddess in the city for her to join, nor did the people within it seem to have ever heard of her... Yet she still needed to find a way to make a living, though she could not join the local temple to venerate a deity that was not her own, she would not forsake her faith after fleeing for so long due to wishing to keep worshiping the goddess that has been a key part of her since the very beginning of her life.

And so, she joined the Adventurer's Guild. It did not seem fitting for a priestess, but it would have to do for now... Maybe in due time she could make a new temple for believers, but for now, she needed to earn money to eat at least.

((I'm reaaaaaaaaaally not sure if I'll be able to be very active or whatever, but... At least for now, here is a character! ^^)/))


Active member
Jan 13, 2019
Character Sheet - AlphaBBQ
Sentient Kitchen
1 (0/200)
30 G
Compact Kitchen.jpg
It is constantly on the search for new ingredients to make new foods.
Put nicely, a gourmand.
Bluntly speaking, a glutton.​

Foodies rejoice! This sentient kitchen is on the quest to
make all kinds of food from all kinds of ingredients
from all kinds of places!
Don't ask how it eats.​
SinkA source of water.
Stove/OvenA source of fire.
FridgeFood preservation/storage.
TelekinesisAllows the usage of tools without limbs.
CookingThe ability to make food!
LevitateLets it move around.
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Jun 27, 2019
Character Sheet - AlphaBBQ
Sentient Kitchen
1 (0/100)
30 G
It is constantly on the search for new ingredients to make new foods.
Put nicely, a gourmand.
Bluntly speaking, a glutton.​

Foodies rejoice! This sentient kitchen is on the quest to
make all kinds of food from all kinds of ingredients
from all kinds of places!
Don't ask how it eats.​
SinkA source of water.
Stove/OvenA source of fire.
FridgeFood preservation/storage.
TelekinesisAllows the usage of tools without limbs.
CookingThe ability to make food!
LevitateLets it move around.
I can't stop laughing. This is the most original and bizarre character ever! Hat's off to you! :blob_joy::blob_joy:


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
Character Sheet - AlphaBBQ
Sentient Kitchen
1 (0/100)
30 G
It is constantly on the search for new ingredients to make new foods.
Put nicely, a gourmand.
Bluntly speaking, a glutton.​

Foodies rejoice! This sentient kitchen is on the quest to
make all kinds of food from all kinds of ingredients
from all kinds of places!
Don't ask how it eats.​
SinkA source of water.
Stove/OvenA source of fire.
FridgeFood preservation/storage.
TelekinesisAllows the usage of tools without limbs.
CookingThe ability to make food!
LevitateLets it move around.

Ryzen would like to be friends with you hahaha.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Character Sheet - GM (pronounced "gem")
Bighorn Sheep Faun
Extremely short with a pair of cute curly horns and long ears.
Despite his small size, do not underestimate his age!​

Constantly overworked, yet contradictorily also somewhat lazy.
Known to have multiple personality disorder — rumor has it that he has multiple souls?
Depending on the day, you might be talking to someone different!​

Eh? This section is classified?
Is that even allowed???
What could an innocent little faun possibly be hiding?​
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2019
Character Sheet - Logar Lightcrown

Lvl: 1 (90/200)Money: 4G

Logar is a dog beastman with the head of a dog and the body of a human male. Like humans, Logar is furless below his neck - he's tall, standing at 6'2, and with a bulky and muscular, chiseled build earned from years of physical labor. His arms and shoulders are tattooed with images of canine-headed people of myth slaying beasts and forging legendary weapons.

His head?
Embodying many of the personality traits that dog beastmen pride themselves in, Logar is steadfast, bold, and unfalteringly loyal to companions he trust. Wants to prove himself.

Do not pet.
Logars family served the lord of the fief where he was born for generations, as monster-slayers, guards and enactors of justice, but it wasn't the path for Logar, as no matter what he did or what he achieved, people kept looking at him and, at best, tried not to laugh. Both he and his pack were adamantly against him serving under - and risking his life for - those who had ridiculued him for his outward appearance; their pride as Lightcrowns absolutely prohibited such a thing! With his packs blessing, Logar set out to forge his own fortune, and perhaps - eventually - make those who laughed at him lament their missed opportunity.
Hand-me-down armorOld leather armor
Old swordThis needs to be replaced soon....
Shield... this one, too...
Taunting roarA roar of challenge that attracts the aggro of enemy creatures
Lesser healA beginner healing spell
Language: common canineA language commonly spoken by canine beasts, animals and beastmen
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Character Sheet - Mirth
Relatively short, maybe ~4.5ft (~1.4 meters) tall.
Plain blond hair, main standout feature being unusually red eyes.
Prefers loose fitting light clothing.​
Very Happy​

Things weren't very happy, but then she realized that as long as she
enjoys whatever she's doing she'll be happy! So, she decided to
enjoy everything she does. Now life is very fun!​
ArmguardsMetal armguards.
KnucklesVery spiky. Good for punching!
ClothesThey are worn.
CQCHand to hand, close distance combat.
AdrenalineAs combat continues, Mirth becomes faster/stronger.
ToughnessMirth is a bit tougher than most people, capable of taking some blows.
???Not Happy.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Felicia El Freliti
Find somewhere to put: Friendship of BigGreen 10/100
Character Sheet - Felicia El Freliti (Adopted from an old roleplay)
Quests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18(E),19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36.5, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Party Quests: 1(w/ Vor(@Yorth )), 2(w/ Vor&Vicious(@Yorth @Bochi )), 3(w/ Ellania(@Bochi )), 3.5(w/ Ellania(@Bochi )),
Evaluations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-13, 14, 15
Fel, Cia
The Frostfire Princess
Bearer of the Frozen Flame
10G (Spire Reef)
= 10G
Magic Swordswoman
12 (13,720/15,600)
Rank D
1665.2 G
+100G from Slime Raid
+50G fromPQ3.5
-10G from Living Expenses
Felicia El Freliti AG.png

(See my crappy drawing on the left, you can click it to see it better.)​

Felicia's personality can be rather unpredictable, most likely due to the conflicting elements within her. She can occasionally be hot-tempered and snappy, but can also be calm and apathetic. She has a fierce sense of loyalty and an icy attitude towards those who do not. She usually looks at situations with an unbiased eye and firm opinions, but when it comes to people/emotional matters she can be fierce and stubborn. She values courage and loyalty above all else. Her personality is similar to a wild beast, fierce, wary, stubborn, brave and protective.
TL;DR: Unpredictable, loyal, fierce, wary, protective, brave but nowdays she is far more respectful of the people around her, having long adjusted to the life of a commoner.​

Fel comes from a typical medieval high fantasy world named Saphyll with all kinds of mythical races and creatures roaming about. Magic is common and hereditary, with offspring usually inheriting one of their parents' powers.

There were once two clans with powerful hereditary abilities, one wielding fire and the other brandishing ice. One day, these two clans came together in a harmonious marriage between a flame princess and a frost prince, uniting the two clans into one complete kingdom. Felicia is the only child of this couple, and miraculously inherited both of her parents' powers. She was a spoilt and pampered child as the only princess, more so with everyone in awe of her abilities all the time.

Due to this, she did not take her studies or training seriously until it was too late, and her kingdom began to decline under her parents neglectful ruling. Before long, the taxes were high, the people were unhappy, and riots began to sprout across the land. Although Fel had realized the terrible situation by now, trying to come up with solutions at this point was too difficult for someone who had not studied such things. Making use of this chaos, a neighbouring kingdom invaded and eradicated the entire royal family. It turns out there had been spied buried deep in the palace, who had sold her family out.

Filled with regrets, sorrow and fury at her peoples' betrayal, Felicia fled through the newly-opened magical gate to the foreign world of Tonia, spending the last of her riches to do so. She vowed to one day return and take revenge whilst redeeming herself, even if it took her an eternity.
TL;DR: Born from a flame princess and frost prince from two warring clans, was a spoilt brat, parents were poor rulers, the people rioted, kingdom was invaded, Felicia fled through gate to Tonia.​
Pirate King Tattoo​
A dark tattoo proof of being a member of the "Black Fog" Pirate King's Armada(officer).​
Slave Tattoo​
A brand mark proof of (once) being enslaved in Spire Reef's slave markets. Located on her mid-back.​
Pirate Tattoo​
A tattoo proof of (once) being a member of the Red Serpent Pirate Crew. Located on her left shoulder.​
Hidden Mark​
Main Clothing​
A torn light-blue royal's dress remodelled for casual use, grey trousers, leather shoes.​
Twin Hair Ornaments​
The last pair of magic jewellery she owns from her old world, which is made of gems with a high affinity for fire/ice.​
Pirate Clothing​
A white linen shirt, black waistcoat, simple brown trousers and dark leather boots. Plus a red scarf that can be tied around her hair/waist.​
Royal Sword​
A silver sword with a dark purple sheath,
enchanted with sharpness, weightlessness and the ability to frostburn enemies.
(Enchanted by Ryzen(@kilnareth ))​
Pirate Sabre​
A pirate sabre that is a bit blunt from a lack of sharpening.​
Iron Dagger​
A sharp iron dagger with a leather sheath.​
Wooden Bow​
A simple wooden bow with 18 arrows in its quiver.​
Leather Armour​
A full suit of leather armour.​
Mana Robes​
Dark blue robes that reduce mana consumption with its enchantments.​
City Guard Certificate​
Proof of having passed the city guard exam
and being an official city guard (Scribel)!​
Rank E
Proof of having passed the
Rank E promotion exam in Scribel!​
Rank D Certificate​
Proof of having passed the
Rank D promotion exam in Spire Reef!​
Rations (3x)​
Foods that are easily preserved
and can store for a long time.
One ration is one day's worth of food.​
Jerky (5x)​
Dried and preserved
bear meat strips.​
An IOI signed by Freja Haljissen.​
Slumber Queen Jelly
(1x Bottle)​
Jelly derived from a Slumber Bee Queen
found in the honeycomb of a Slumber
Bee Hive. Has potent regenerative capabilities.​
The Black Witch's Approval
(1x Potion)​
Random buff! The Black Witch appreciates your assistance, even if she might not show it.​
Holy Magic Scroll
Summons a field of sensory distortion in a storm of light. Potentially used to escape from/distract an opponent.​
Magic+ Potion
A potion that temporarily slightly increases the effects of magical abilities.​
Weaker Health Potion
Gives the effect: lesser health regeneration temporarily.​
Invitation Letter​
A dark purple invitation letter with a black rose crest, inviting Ari to meet with the Pirate King in Spire Reef Region.​
A Ruler's Upbringing​
She has been trained since birth to do all sorts
of things, even if she didn't take them seriously.
She has knowledge of different forms of dancing,
etiquette, painting, music, numeracy, literature, horse riding, basic royal swordsmanship, basic archery etc.​
(Lvl 11)
Able to summon, wield and manipulate the
elements of ice and fire through the usage of mana well.
(Atm, can create moderate ice walls and flame pillars with ease.)​
(Lvl 11)
Able to handle and wield a sword well with confidence. Has a stable foundation and agile footwork.
She is forming her own style of swordsmanship, focusing on agility and decisive, yet gracefully noble strikes.​
(Lvl 9)
Significant knowledge and skill of how to remain as silent as possible when moving or hiding.​
(Lvl 8)
First Aid​
Able to deal with injuries on the spot with good skill,
so that they can survive for a while till healers arrive.​
(Lvl 7)
Able to notch, draw back and fire a bow with good skill.
Can fire accurately from a great distance away.​
(Lvl 3)
Basic knowledge of how to control and handle a ship at sea.​
(Lvl 3)
Able to sew and mend clothing/fabrics basically.​
(Lvl 2)
A Phoenix's Blessing​
The ability to access a square meter sized interspatial realm by reaching through natural fire. Cannot sustain living organisms.​
Allows the user to manually create their own appearance. Can only be activated once every 24 hours at night. Has no time limits, and the transformation lasts until the skill is cancelled. Consequently turns one's personality far more vicious, cruel, sadistic and cold whilst transformed.​
Hidden Inventory (Within Phoenix Realm)
Eye Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.
Hair Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.
Parasitic Body Altering Potion
Allows the user to modify their body lightly. Changes their size, height, skin texture and colour. The potion effect itself has an invisible property, making it difficult to detect.
Anti-Parasite Tablets
Cancels/repels parasitic effects within the user's body.
Voice Larva
A cute little parasitic worm that feeds on whatever the user ingests. After swallowing it whole and letting it attach onto the user's Vocal Line, it can modify one's voice with flawless flexibility. Its lifespan is around 5 years, and can be recalled using a magic chant.
Sable is a near-mature yellow and white feathered bird, with darker feathers on the ends of her tail and wings. Her underbelly is covered in a layer of white fluffy feathers.
She is now around the height of a tall room(much taller than a human).
She has beady crystal-blue eyes, a sharp beak and two tall legs with sharp talons. Sable hatched from the large glossy black egg Felicia retrieved from her Rank E promotion exam.​
Sable can consciously zap those around her within a meter distance by sending out a thin thunderbolt.​
Electric Feathers​
Sable can send a current of electricity which wraps around her body through her feathers, zapping those that touch her.​
Sable can flap her large wings in such a way that creates a minor storm of wind to form in a small location.​
Original(Not Updated) Character Sheet - Felicia El Freliti (Adopted from an old roleplay)
Fel, Cia
The Frostfire Princess
Bearer of the Frozen Flame
Fire&Ice Mage
1 (0/200)
50 G
(See my crappy drawing on the left, you can click it to see it better.)​

Felicia's personality can be rather unpredictable, most likely due to the conflicting elements within her. She can occasionally be hot-tempered and snappy, but can also be calm and apathetic. She has a fierce sense of loyalty and an icy attitude towards those who do not. She usually looks at situations with an unbiased eye and firm opinions, but when it comes to people/emotional matters she can be fierce and stubborn. She values courage and loyalty above all else. Her personality is similar to a wild beast, fierce, wary, stubborn, brave and protective.
TL;DR: Unpredictable, loyal, fierce, wary, protective, brave​

Fel comes from a typical medieval high fantasy world named Saphyll with all kinds of mythical races and creatures roaming about. Magic is common and hereditary, with offspring usually inheriting one of their parents powers.

There were once two clans with powerful hereditary abilities, one wielding fire and the other brandishing ice. One day, these two clans came together in a harmonious marriage between a flame princess and a frost prince, uniting the two clans into one complete kingdom. Felicia is the only child of this couple, and miraculously inherited both of her parents' powers. She was a spoilt and pampered child as the only princess, more so with everyone in awe of her abilities all the time.

Due to this, she did not take her studies or training seriously until it was too late, and her kingdom began to decline under her parents neglectful ruling. Before long, the taxes were high, the people were unhappy, and riots began to sprout across the land. Although Fel had realized the terrible situation by now, trying to come up with solutions at this point was too difficult for someone who had not studied such things. Making use of this chaos, a neighbouring kingdom invaded and eradicated the entire royal family. It turns out there had been spied buried deep in the palace, who had sold her family out.

Filled with regrets, sorrow and fury at her peoples' betrayal, Felicia fled through the newly-opened magical gate to the foreign world of Tonia, spending the last of her riches to do so. She vowed to one day return and take revenge whilst redeeming herself, even if it took her an eternity.
TL;DR: Born from a flame princess and frost prince from two warring clans, was a spoilt brat, parents were poor rulers, the people rioted, kingdom was invaded, Felicia fled through gate to Tonia.​
Royal Sword​
A light silver sword
with a dark purple sheath​
Able to summon, wield and manipulate the
elements of ice and fire through the usage of mana.
(Atm, can only create small ice shards and fireballs)​
Basic knowledge on how to handle and wield a generic sword.​
Disguised Character Sheet - Ari Fiel
Disguise Quest | Potion One | Potion Two | Disguised(Quests 40-53)

(per RL day)
Age24ClassFirst Mate
(Red Serpents)
Level1Money0 G
Ari has round dark brown eyes, with minuscule flecks of orange in her left eye and blue in her right eye. Her hair is an unassuming brown colour, tinted a slightly red-purple shade, crudely styled and cut relatively short. She stands quite tall for a female, able to pass off as a shorter male. Her breasts are vague and slight, easily overlooked, particularly if she layers herself in clothing. Her skin is rough and poorly maintained, with an unhealthy colour.​
Obedient, mysterious, kind-hearted​
Ari is a simple peasant from Scribel City, who came to Spire Reef to look for Folke, a little boy she is friends with. She managed to catch a ride on a traveller's caravan most of the way here, hence how she was able to reach Spire Reef relatively unharmed.​
Slave Tattoo​
A brand mark proof of (once) being enslaved in Spire Reef's slave markets. Located on her mid-back.​
Pirate Tattoo​
A tattoo proof of (once) being a member of the Red Serpent Pirate Crew. Located on her left shoulder.​
Pirate Clothing​
Ari is wearing a white linen shirt, black waistcoat, simple brown trousers and dark leather boots. A red scarf is tied around her grown hair and waist, giving her a very fitting image of a pirate.​
Pirate Sabre​
A pirate sabre that is a bit blunt from a lack of sharpening.​
Invitation Letter​
A dark purple invitation letter with a black rose crest, inviting Ari to meet with the Pirate King in Spire Reef Region.​
(Lvl 7)
High knowledge of how to remain as silent as possible when moving or hiding.​
(Lvl 3)
First Aid​
Crudely able to deal with injuries on the spot
so that they can survive for a while till healers arrive.​
(Lvl 2)
Able to sew and mend clothing/fabrics.​
(Lvl 9)
Able to handle and wield a sword with confidence. Has a stable foundation and agile footwork.
She is slowly forming her own style of swordsmanship, focusing on agility and decisive strikes.​
(Lvl 2)
Crude knowledge of how to control and handle a ship at sea.​
Hidden Inventory (Within Phoenix Realm)
Eye Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.​
Hair Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.​
Parasitic Body Altering Potion
Allows the user to modify their body lightly. Changes their size, height, skin texture and colour. The potion effect itself has an invisible property, making it difficult to detect.​
Anti-Parasite Tablets
Cancels/repels parasitic effects within the user's body.​
Voice Larva
A cute little parasitic worm that feeds on whatever the user ingests. After swallowing it whole and letting it attach onto the user's Vocal Line, it can modify one's voice with flawless flexibility. Its lifespan is around 5 years, and can be recalled using a magic chant.​
Original Disguised Character Sheet - Ari Fiel
Disguise Quest | Potion One | Potion Two

(per RL day)
Level1Money0 G
Ari has round dark brown eyes, with minuscule flecks of orange in her left eye and blue in her right eye. Her hair is an unassuming brown colour, tinted a slightly red-purple shade, crudely styled and cut like a boy's. She stands quite tall for a female, able to pass off as a shorter male. Her breasts are vague and slight, easily overlooked, particularly if she layers herself in clothing. Her skin is rough and poorly maintained, with an unhealthy colour.​
Docile, obedient, ordinary​
Ari is a simple peasant from Scribel City, who came to Spire Reef to look for Folke, a little boy she is friends with. She managed to catch a ride on a traveller's caravan most of the way here, hence how she was able to reach Spire Reef relatively unharmed.​
Iron Dagger​
A sharp iron dagger with a leather sheath.​
Foods that are easily preserved
and can store for a long time.
One ration is one day's worth of food.​
(Lvl 1)
Crude knowledge of how to remain as silent as possible when moving or hiding.​
(Lvl 1)
First Aid​
Crudely able to deal with injuries on the spot so that they can survive for a while till healers arrive.​
Hidden Inventory (Within Phoenix Realm)
Eye Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.
Hair Colour Changing Potion
Allows the user to manipulate the natural elements using mana to change one's eye colour. Undetectable via normal magic. Can simply manipulate one's mana to cancel the effects.
Parasitic Body Altering Potion
Allows the user to modify their body lightly. Changes their size, height, skin texture and colour. The potion effect itself has an invisible property, making it difficult to detect.
Anti-Parasite Tablets
Cancels/repels parasitic effects within the user's body.
Voice Larva
A cute little parasitic worm that feeds on whatever the user ingests. After swallowing it whole and letting it attach onto the user's Vocal Line, it can modify one's voice with flawless flexibility. Its lifespan is around 5 years, and can be recalled using a magic chant.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2019
  1. NAME: Nusdloc
  2. GENDER: Male
  3. RACE: Beastman/ Ratman
  4. AGE: 88
  5. CLASS: Alchemist

  1. APPEARANCE: The old Alchemist has the head the torso of a rat but limbs akin to that of a human. Nusdloc is always seen with this white lab coat and black trousers that no one seems to remember seeing him wearing anything else. With his thin rimmed glasses and only one eyebrow, Nusdloc has quite a recognisable face.
  2. PERSONALITY: A reticent man quite quick to anger. The old Ratman likes to blame it on his age, but anyone that knew him from his earlier days will tell you that Nusdloc had been the same all his life. All he cares about is alchemy and will go to great lengths to find the most exotic of resources for his recipies.
  3. INVENTORY: Alchemical set, common steel dagger, a small glass ball. Laboratory coatz trousers, 15 gold
  4. SKILLS: Alchmy (Lv.1), Herbology (Lv.1), Foraging (Lv.1)
  5. Backstory: Born in the sewers in the holy city of Sadiya, Nusdloc was taken in as a lab rat and mutated. Seeing his learning capabilities, he was taken in by the scientist as his student. On the scientists death, Nusdloc took over the old scientists Identity and continued the trade in secret. He was living his life peacefully when he suddenly found himself teleported to this new place -Scribel City.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2019
  • Name: Oobleck
  • Gender: Fluid
  • Race: Shapeshifter
  • Age: 21
  • Class: Martial Copy Arts
  • Appearance: Bark Like skin, mossy hair and clothes, and a leaf mask for the face.
  • Personality: mischevious
  • Inventory: portable plant food and much water as well as a dirt bedding
  • Skills: Copy the body of an individual who is touched and attuned with for some time, a week, and gain their muscle memory and martial arts while taking their form.
  • Backstory: Oobleck spouted from the ground amidst a swarm of ditto in a forest and lived among them as a child, then Oobleck got picked up by some kitsuneh curious about the one who didn't belong, until the then teenage Oobleck ran off to apprentice under the tutelage of a Monk and a Druid who eloped and traveled together. Oobleck has an interesting perception of humanoid society.
  • Like
Reactions: GM


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2019
  • Name: Oobleck
  • Gender: Fluid
  • Race: Shapeshifter
  • Age: 21
  • Class: Martial Copy Arts
  • Appearance: Bark Like skin, mossy hair and clothes, and a leaf mask for the face.
  • Personality: mischevious
  • Inventory: portable plant food and much water as well as a dirt bedding
  • Skills: Copy the body of an individual who is touched and attuned with for some time, a week, and gain their muscle memory and martial arts while taking their form.
  • Backstory: Oobleck spouted from the ground amidst a swarm of ditto in a forest and lived among them as a child, then Oobleck got picked up by some kitsuneh curious about the one who didn't belong, until the then teenage Oobleck ran off to apprentice under the tutelage of a Monk and a Druid who eloped and traveled together. Oobleck has an interesting perception of humanoid society.
Let me redo this with a computer sometime...


✧ An Attempted Murder ✧
Jan 1, 2019
Character Sheet - Omni​
Level: 2
Experience: 210 / 600
Rank: No Rank (Average civilian )

The one thing that Omni likes to do, is to wear a lot of jewellery. Other than that it is hard to say what Omni looks like, it looks like a man or a woman or something in between, it is not unappealing but at the same time not overly attractive, in short, plainly and pleasantly innocuous.

Although, Omni’s looks do not really matter since no one could be certain what Omni looks like. At times, some people with a good memory would say with certainty they know what Omni looks like, but only to later realize they were remembering someone else, like a trick of the memory.

When you met Omni, try not to think too hard about it because the more you look at its face the more Omni look like someone you already know…. But not quite.
Male / Female / Both / None​
Anywhere between 7 months to 1,000,000 years​
Omni was a mimic. And for an unknown amount of time he simply waited in a dungeon, some would open Omni and it will present them with illusions of glittering silver or powerful artefacts.

And just when they let their guard down. Chomp!! Omni would gobble them up. One day, as it was digesting another human, he wondered, why do humans keep getting eaten. Then a mysterious force expelled it from the dungeon!

Finding itself no longer a treasure chest but in the shape of a human! Gasp! The Horror!! Just then it heard the voice of its god, “Go be human!”

So it hopped slowly into town.
Omni is at times polite and pleasant, sometimes flexible and accommodating, at times stubborn and obstinant. It’s jammed packed with different ideas about what it is or what it's supposed to be like. Afterall, Omni is made up of the fifteen to twenty adventurers that he ate when he was still a mimic. So in a way it is made of all those personalities chucked into a blender.

But since it is made of the people it ate, Omni inherited all their, rashness, stupidity and most of all greed. In other words, Omni is full of negative qualities that would get an adventurer killed.
Skill / Traits​
Unmemorable Unobservable Appearance​
Permanent Uninterrutable Passive/Curse, Omni only looks like what people think it looks like. In reality, it does not really look like anything, just a vaguely human shape.
Inherent Stupidity​
Having inherited all the dumbness of all the people it ate, Omni learns things a lot slower than everyone else and often makes the wrong choices.
Magical Transmutation Affinity​
Being a mimic Omni is very good at turning things from one thing to another. It doesn’t really consider different things, different things. Rather Omni thinks of everything to be the same thing just with different names. So that makes the pursuit of magics in Illusions, alteration, and transmutation very easy for it.
Omni's body can mimic the appearance of things, but does not take on qualities of objects
Gluttonous Mouths​
Monsterous mouths of any size can appear anywhere on Omni’s body. The mouths seem to connect to a different dimension, but none the less anything consumed is absorbed by Omni... eventually.
Leather Tunic​
A plain iron dagger​
A plain leather backpack​
The sleeve is missing looks like was bitten off​
Best handling Certification​
Made by School of Totally Legit Beastmasters (cost:10G)​
90 G​
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