Agent of Consent with different races


New member
Feb 21, 2021
More or less what the title says. Age of consent is, as per the content guidelines, +18. However, does that also apply to different and less human races? Like, say, goblins, orcs, etc? Or can I assume that the age of consent is the respective adult age of each race?

On that note, what about reincarnation stories? If the a character was, who knows, 20 years old, then got reincarnated with his/her memories. Would it be considered against the rules if he/she had sex as a minor (in this case, I don't really know what is considered real age, as stated on the content guidelines)?


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Of course that depends on each race. In the story I'm writing, the age of consent for elves is that 80 is marriageable age, but it is socially unacceptable for anyone over 100 to get together with someone between 80 and 100. Meanwhile, they are absolutely horrified at humans who consider their own species equivalent of age 40 to be an acceptable marriageable age.

(For the record, a 40 year old elf looks like a human 12 year old. An 80 year old elf is about matching a human 18 year old, and 100 is about equivalent to the human age 21.)

So, I largely take both culture and time-setting into account. IRL, back in medieval days, there was no such thing as an age of consent. In 1920, an age of consent of 12 was put into place in most nations around the world in order to put a stop to child prostitution. It later rose to 16 in most nations in the 50s and 60s as part of the feminist movement in order to put more emphasis on girls staying in school to be educated, and a significant minority rose it further to 18 each for their own reasons. (In the United States, whether the age of consent is 16 or 18 actually varies from state to state.)

That minority that rose the age of consent to 18 is significant enough that the internet regards 18 as the age of consent for all intents and purposes even though it is 16 for over 50% of the world, and around 20% of the world makes it 14, 20% makes it 18, and the remaining 10% have an age of consent that is equal to or lower than 12, assuming they have one at all. It's kinda shocking if you've grown up thinking the age of consent as 18 is the standard when in reality it's actually a minority that happens to be large enough to make the internet conform to the highest common benchmark in order to make everyone happy.

EDIT: (Oh, right, there's also this one odd country in Africa that makes the age of consent 21. Not exactly sure what the story is behind them being such an odd man out on this issue, especially when the rest of Africa represents some of the lower ages of consent.)

Anyway, knowing this is the history, I wasn't really brave enough to state there was no age of consent in human cities in my world but decided to go ahead and go with 12 for it because that's still shocking enough to accomplish my goal of solidifying the medieval mindset of the humans and somewhat sympathize with why the elves call the humans of this world barbaric. Meanwhile, elves frequently kidnap human children and use them as slaves. (Actually, they're regarded more as pets and given to elven children. Not certain which is more degrading.)

Basically, one of the themes of my story is that both sides do things that the reader would regard as horrific and you can sympathies with as well as denounce the practices of both sides just as easily. It's meant to be an ugly world, largely reflecting things from IRL history. Things as simple as these are really the minimum to include if you're going for this sort of theme and feel.
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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
I've always wondered about that? physical appearance age with beings that live hundreds of years would not be the same as their mentality or do they not mentally age the same speed as a human? as creepy as it may sound I'd always assumed that a long lived race would look past physical development and focus more on the mental that being said if a elf physically fully developed in the first 20 years but marriageable age is 80 that probably has less to do with propriety and more to do with the simple fact that you don't need to worry about getting married in your "prime" and having children before they lose the looks and ability after all a humans prime lasts what 20 years? A elf depending on the life span could be in their "prime" for hundreds of years why the rush in that case?


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2020
Of course that depends on each race. In the story I'm writing, the age of consent for elves is that 80 is marriageable age, but it is socially unacceptable for anyone over 100 to get together with someone between 80 and 100. Meanwhile, they are absolutely horrified at humans who consider their own species equivalent of age 40 to be an acceptable marriageable age.

(For the record, a 40 year old elf looks like a human 12 year old. An 80 year old elf is about matching a human 18 year old, and 100 is about equivalent to the human age 21.)

So, I largely take both culture and time-setting into account. IRL, back in medieval days, there was no such thing as an age of consent. In 1920, an age of consent of 12 was put into place in most nations around the world in order to put a stop to child prostitution. It later rose to 16 in most nations in the 50s and 60s as part of the feminist movement in order to put more emphasis on girls staying in school to be educated, and a significant minority rose it further to 18 each for their own reasons. (In the United States, whether the age of consent is 16 or 18 actually varies from state to state.)

That minority that rose the age of consent to 18 is significant enough that the internet regards 18 as the age of consent for all intents and purposes even though it is 16 for over 50% of the world, and around 20% of the world makes it 14, 20% makes it 18, and the remaining 10% have an age of consent that is equal to or lower than 12, assuming they have one at all. It's kinda shocking if you've grown up thinking the age of consent as 18 is the standard when in reality it's actually a minority that happens to be large enough to make the internet conform to the highest common benchmark in order to make everyone happy.

EDIT: (Oh, right, there's also this one odd country in Africa that makes the age of consent 21. Not exactly sure what the story is behind them being such an odd man out on this issue, especially when the rest of Africa represents some of the lower ages of consent.)

Anyway, knowing this is the history, I wasn't really brave enough to state there was no age of consent in human cities in my world but decided to go ahead and go with 12 for it because that's still shocking enough to accomplish my goal of solidifying the medieval mindset of the humans and somewhat sympathize with why the elves call the humans of this world barbaric. Meanwhile, elves frequently kidnap human children and use them as slaves. (Actually, they're regarded more as pets and given to elven children. Not certain which is more degrading.)

Basically, one of the themes of my story is that both sides do things that the reader would regard as horrific and you can sympathies with as well as denounce the practices of both sides just as easily. It's meant to be an ugly world, largely reflecting things from IRL history. Things as simple as these are really the minimum to include if you're going for this sort of theme and feel.
Great reply, bookmarked.

From a legal point, each character must have reached the age of consent (of which state depends on who is suing who).
As laws are made for us normal humans, elves that are 18+ are technically (and generally) "safe". How that may be received in your world is, however, your choice.

This is my humble and completely uneducated opinion, based on the discaimers at the start/end of H mangas. Still, internet is a hard field from a legal prospective.
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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Great reply, bookmarked.

From a legal point, each character must have reached the age of consent (of which state depends on who is suing who).
As laws are made for us normal humans, elves that are 18+ are technically (and generally) "safe". How that may be received in your world is, however, your choice.

This is my humble and completely uneducated opinion, based on the discaimers at the start/end of H mangas. Still, internet is a hard field from a legal prospective.
That mostly applies to erotica and writing/imagery in which the activities are shown "on scene." (As in, prominently placed in the reader's face and the graphic details given.)

It is a different standard when it is off-screen or referenced, particularly when it is taken in a negative light. This is how it was perfectly legal for Law and Order SVU to have child victims in several episodes. It was off-screen (nowhere even near the viewer's awareness as the actual act was occurring) and the viewer was only given the aftermath. What's more, such activities with children was always presented in a very negative light. If these standards are used, then for the sake of establishing a villain or difficult moral situation (especially if it's presented in a tasteful and well thought out manner and not just a quick use of sexual violence to justify the sleezy villain wipe-out) then the only real limitation on how young you can go is whether or not it works in the context of your writing.

An example of what I mean by tastefully presented would be Tristina Purplehorse from Mushuko Tensei. Her backstory is that she was kidnapped at age 8 to become a noble's sex slave, and then sold to a bandit group after things became difficult for that noble and he had to dispose of his liabilities. Other than hearing about that background and getting her revenge for it being an important part of the plot for that arc, she otherwise presents as an incredibly capable woman who is very knowledgeable about the underworld as a result of her history. Her tragic past caused her to become tough, and a vital asset to the party as a result of her underworld connections. The revenge against that noble was also not a quick power-fantasy beatdown either. It required a lot of complex political maneuvering and it was a huge part of the plot for that story arc.

This scenario meets exactly on the intersection between tasteful presentation with plot relevance and completely off screen status during the period where "those activities" were going on. By the time Tristina Purplehorse appears on scene, she is 16 and those events are so far in the past that the reader's only contact with them is the relaying of the fact that it happened. No graphic details are given, there is no kind of recounting of exact events that happened. It only establishes that this noble has some incredibly sick hobbies and that this girl is powerful leverage against him as she is able to hold him accountable for his crimes, loosing him standing in noble society.

Of course, if you got much closer to the "distasteful events" than the way it was presented above, that's where you can start getting in trouble. The case I just outlined is very safely on the legal side of the line. However, it's easy to change just a few details and start going into questionable territory so fast it will make your head spin.

EDIT: BTW, for those of you screaming about spoilers, the way Tristina Purplehorse is presented in Mushuko Tensei is in such a way that what I said is really not something you would consider a spoiler. I held back exactly the key details such that what I said here shouldn't ruin your experience a single bit. Telling you WHY the way I presented it is perfectly Ok though actually WOULD be a rather major spoiler, so this is as far as I will speak on the subject. Suffice it to say, once you get there you will know and you will agree that I really didn't spoil a single thing of consequence.
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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2020
Great reply, bookmarked.

From a legal point, each character must have reached the age of consent (of which state depends on who is suing who).
As laws are made for us normal humans, elves that are 18+ are technically (and generally) "safe". How that may be received in your world is, however, your choice.

This is my humble and completely uneducated opinion, based on the discaimers at the start/end of H mangas. Still, internet is a hard field from a legal prospective.
Idk about that, I personally disagree with Jemini.

If you have two humans transform into wolves and fuck each other, you'll still be getting sued/breaking the law for beastiality. The argument of "they are mentally +18 but look like 12" doesn't really hold up, but I don't think any famous light novel/web novel author has been sued for it.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2020
Idk about that, I personally disagree with Jemini.

If you have two humans transform into wolves and fuck each other, you'll still be getting sued/breaking the law for beastiality. The argument of "they are mentally +18 but look like 12" doesn't really hold up, but I don't think any famous light novel/web novel author has been sued for it.
Bestiality is a different thing than age of consent.
The point is the characters aren't mentally 18+ but are 18 while looking different. It's sophistry but hey, that's how laws works.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Age of consent issues according to SH rules and non-human races? That's a good question.

You might have to consult @Tony on that one as it's quite the peccadillo.

I suppose as long as they look 18 and you arent clear about what their human-equivalent age would be, that would be a way to work things. It's a bit of sophistry but... it's the best i can figure. i.e an elf that looks 18 would be fine but an elf that looks like a loli wouldnt.