Dawn of a Sage latest chapters and release history...


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
The first bit of Dawn of a Sage is now ready to begin. This is book 4 (a continuation) of the Leray Series, and the pacing of the adventure will gradually change as we go in further. Here's the general synopsis (with possible spoilers) for each segment.

The opening of this story briefly touches up a bit on Leray magic's most basic principles including a small bit of history. This is a bit of an info dump, and I did my best to mitigate this issue, but if you feel it is not necessary, I implore the reader to read or skip if they wish. The ending of this chapter also contains the Map of Sprawn Valley, relisted for convenience.

Jane and her friends enter Blue Port Town for the second time, taking in the sights and preparing to help Jane find her perfect match. In order to become a Leray Master, Jane must make a standard bet of currency, challenge an opponent, and emerge from battle victorious. Blue Port might be a small place, but tough contenders can be found everywhere in this world.

Jane has her first real Leray battle with a tough customer, both exchanging a barrage of spells until the HP on either one depletes to zero. However, Jane has underestimated her readiness to her own mastery of magic, and her own endurance to tough punishment.

Jane still has a long way to go if she wants to mater the art of Leray magic. With her fortune fried in her home area, she and her friends set out for better in the nearby city of Gross. Gross is the center of all Commerce in the Gulop region, and the amount of additional opportunities for all magic wielders is staggering. Still, nothing wrong with enjoying what magic has to offer on the way there.

Jane has an opportunity to redeem her recent failure, putting herself in a fight worthy of Gross City's attention. The team also makes plans on what they will do upon reaching the nearby beach. However, as Jane prepared for combat, she becomes uncertain if this is really a good idea. Succeed or fail, there is plenty of fun to be had in the city on on the beach.

Jane gets to test her skills once more. In an epic attempt to break her recent losing-streak, Jane accepts the offer to battle on the beach, though she is wary of the curse holding her back and preventing victory. Only her defeat might convince Danny and Taylor that something far beyond simple sight is wrong with her corrupted stats.

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing in the nearby lighthouse, which serves many additional functions in Sprawn Valley's critical infrastructure.

It's time for Jane to give up on her career, at least put it all on hold until she can remove the curse holding back her stats and causing her to lose every fight. In order to achieve such a challenge, she must make haste to the Den of Purity, the one and only place outfitted with the ability to remove any and all permanent status effects, whether they be hidden, rare, or persistent. The road to get there is a long one, so Jane will need a few game-changers, including many new skills.

Jane's armored shell holds up for now, and she gets to test out her various spells. Things seem to be going well so far, but she has yet to run into Route 96's Gradyent, wielders who are elite or ex-elite warriors.

Jane's quest to cross Route 96 overnight continues. Despite her frustrations with the constant engagements, she is learning a lesson she should have kept in memory before; the reason behind Leray combat. Win or lose any fight, experience is still going to be gained, and so Leray wielders are never wasting their time in combat. With some confusion and regret, Jane tires to keep this in mind, pushing back her exhaustion and fatigue. After all, these annoying battles seem to have been making her far stronger than she ever was before, even with this curse.

Danny and Taylor might have been right the first time, but Jane knows she has no other options. She must proceed to the Den of Purity and remove this curse, no matter what it takes, no matter the cost.

Jane has finally made it to Lennith City, where the gate into the Outback boarders to her next destination. There is only one new problem. Unbeknownst to her for a few months, the massive stretch of wildlands once known as The Outback of Sprawn Valley has been converted into a highly dangerous dark zone, with the military restricting all access to what they are dubbing "The Alpha Zero." Even if Jane could sneak past the guards, doing so puts her very life in mortal danger from the unknown horrors of the Alpha Zero's area, which is the only known route towards the Den of Purity. Her curse can no longer be removed. Despite Jane's troubles and injuries from Patrissa, a local teacher takes strange interest in Jane, offering to teach Jane some unique skills. Seeing a possible opportunity to acquire a defense against the dark zone, Jane takes her chances despite lacking confidence in such a plan.

Jane enters the Lennith Training Academy of magic, learning a lot more than she bargained for. The elements of dark magic infusion, the other secrets behind Jane's "curse," and more processing differences of spells are learned. However, Jane cannot keep her secret from everyone forever. As she leans closer to the truth about her condition, so do those around her, putting everybody in a very dangerous situation, since there is much more to this "curse" than Jane has ever let on before.

Out of cocky desperation, Jane has revealed her secret to the class of Lennith Academy, the hidden mark of magic in her hand. This marking is a remnant signature of a war long extinguished, and its existence on Jane means she is in some aspects a living weapon with immense power. The very reason she must reach the Den of Purity, even at the risk of her very life against Alpha Zero, is because there stands a slim chance Mage Brightworth can remove this symbol from her body. If not removed, Jane's life is forfeit, her career an impossibility.

Despite the dangers and secrets, Claudia agrees to help Jane by testing her, though neither one of them has ever entered the dark zone before and lived to tell about it. The great unknown has more in store for those who trample is grounds than anyone realizes.

Jane faces the perils of Alpha Zero on her own, relying on the skills that Claudia taught her, and the dangerous symbol seared into her right hand. The monsters of this Dark Zone are more dangerous than the Army has classified, and there appears to be human-made defense systems on the unofficial road to the Den of Purity. Whoever generated this massive Dark Zone wanted to keep as many people away from this location as possible. Even for Jane, on false move could be her last.
Welcome to hell.

After passing out from her encounter with the turret system, Jane has decided that her mission is a failure, and turns around before something else kills her. However, Jane is soon taken by the gravity of her dark situation. With this curse on her hand, there is little use for any element of her future, and thus little use for living...
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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
*Brief announcement*

I have restored all broken media links for the Leray Series in all chapters. All images/E-Scopes should now display properly.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
The Part 2 of Dawn of a Sage continues...

Jane has an important reunion and also an important revelation about the total situation in Sprawn Valley. It is going to take much more than the power in herself to destroy Alpha Zero, but some familiar faces returns a bit of lost hope. Taylor and Danny revisit what really went on during the day of the Tilsit Port Lighthouse invasion.

Jane realizes that she must take quite some time to physically recover from her injuries. It is during this time that she plots on how to eliminate Alpha Zero's Dark Zone from the equation, but Jane must also bare the guilt and shame for the many additional mistakes she made on her journey here. Luckily, very few people know she is marked.

In order to remove Alpha Zero's dark field from existence, Jane understands that she will need all the help she can possibly get. What better source than from the champion of magic himself, and his loyal General Army of highly armored soldiers? Jane now aims for the top of the chain, hoping to drill her way through Route 787 and make an appeal to the champion for military support on Alpha Zero's pending invasion. Jane may even have to fight against the champion and his elites just for the chance to make this appeal, but with her symbol as support, Jane might be able to pull this off. Either way, Route 787 is going to be full of powerful Leray wielders.

Jane and her friends plow through Route 787, using the many challengers on the way as spell practice for the upcoming big fight against the Eldora championship. However, the trio run into to dangerous trouble along the way. An old foe, an ex-elite Gradyent, and the one and only Scarlet Cult all make their debut.

Jane, Danny, and Taylor enter the city together, gathering courage and knowledge about Jane's upcoming fight against the champion of magic. There is a complex process one must face in order to challenge the Leray champion, and Jane prepares to learn it all tomorrow, which will include personal training time with many of her additional spells. The upcoming battles will not be as easy as she once thought.

The battle for the championships is underway! Watch Jane deliver cunning tactics against the strongest elite wielders in all of Sprawn Valley. Despite the thrill of expert combat, there is only one goal in mind. She must make way to the champion of magic, and convince the man to reallocate military forces to Alpha Zero. However, the elites are going to put up a very brave fight.

Jane has finally made it all the way to the top of the chain of elites, up to the champion of magic himself. Here stands Brash Danton, champion in chief for more than 10 long years. A battle may not even be necessary. With the chance to speak to the standing champion, Jane can convince him to send the appropriate allocation of forces to shut down Alpha Zero once and for all. However, there is a chance the man will not listen to reason; Alpha Zero should have been shut down already anyway. Should he fail to listen to reason, Jane is prepared to legally face Danton in an epic battle of combat, all to take over the General Army for her own control. The thing is, champions do not make such battles easy...

Danton must make a choice now: Trust that this marked wielder with the power to destroy a world is really trying to remove Alpha Zero, or lock her up and take no chances that this could all be some elaborate trap to weaken the tower's defense system. Either choice poses great risk, but everyone has already reacted too slowly to the threat of Alpha Zero. Now, a full army invasion into the forbidden zone may be the only means to correct this mistake. If Jane returns to Alpha Zero too, she will also be in grave danger, though she intends on using her greatest abilities to maximum advantage.

Gieger, the mage responsible for Jane's persistent symbol has been found. The very purpose and reason the the symbol and the chaos behind Jane's fall for being marked can be answered by this lone ex-scientist. However, the Scarlets are hot on the trail, and they want the prototype back. Meanwhile, operations to storm Alpha Zero and breach the Den of Purity are being planned in Lennith City. Jane's sister, Iona Venn also makes an appearance.

JDT teams up with the General Army and Danton's hand-picked special forces, making a direct invasion to Alpha Zero. Deep inside this visible hell, mutations of monstrosities spawn from the magic dimension, and threaten to thwart and kill all who come near. The final barrier to Brightworth must be removed, but the defensive nature of this evil veil will prove difficult to oppose.
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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
Victory over Alpha Zero is achieved, and Brightworth's residence is put into lockdown by the army. Shutting down Alpha Zero once and for all is now possible, but the damages to the land will take time to heal. There are many unanswered questions as well, such as the main reason for why Brightworth committed all of these crimes. Geiger is also still missing, with no new clues to find out where the Scarlets took him. Finally, there is the threat of the Scarlet Syndicate itself, an entity which has proven far more dangerous than previously assumed. Danton must come to terms with his dark past and recognize the new threat in front of him. This fight is hardly over. Amidst the infinite misconceptions of magic in this world, bad actors are gearing up for a much bigger plan.
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