Writing Prompt Envy's Poem Thread


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
If today was a spark then I would set it aflame.
I would blaze through tomorrow, never the same.
But the scars of yesterdays light my heart's match again.
It singes the hairs of my skin, and I suffer the blend.

This blend of pain from the past crashes in at last.
It sleeps with me until night passes.
And the dark spares no candle for a lightless night transpired.
Plus, I cannot be set on fire, for I am vampired.


Hound of hell, lover of girls
Mar 30, 2022
And thus we are left with you, a god of bits and pieces, a walking chest filled with arms, grabbing
The loose and uprooted teeth that crawl across your living corpse, their keratin fluttering like jaws, like wings
A rotting whale fall of divinity, the only heaven you can taste as grey flesh
You welcome us to the table of your spine and fashion chairs from ligaments
It is nobody's fault for not noticing that you're still alive, still hungry
And nobody's surprised when your rib cage shuts tightly
And nobody's at fault when we start eating our way out
A divine of greed is best worshipped at the end of a fork and knife


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Imma attack ya, bite ya, fight ya
Fuck with me, I feed you to dracula
So come back at me, and try to spit
On these lyrics, and I’ll send your spirit
Straight to vampiric Hell, just for the hell of it
And down there you don’t get no sucky
You sick fucky, I said you get no sucking
You fucking suck, and now your stuck
Down in those bleedings trenches
Stayin’ dead by inches, before they send
Your soul to the fuckin’ king of the unda Hell
In the place down unda you get recycled
And re-manufactured by the truckin’ king
That’s right, I said Truckin’ King (owo truckin thing)
You get ripped from the conveyor, you’re belted
Into the next life after bein’ blood-letted
But at least then, you can bet it
That the strife ended, cuz I let it

Fuck writing a hook here
I don't wanna, so just listen
Cuz I'm gonna keep spittin'
This is for you, if you come dissin'
No bitchin', or I pop the vampy clip in
Once I top this shit in, you become bitten
Cuz the rounds are different
They're fang bullets with stoppin' powa
But you can't stop 'em wit' ya towa
You can't hope to do anything to end me
It's all cuz... bitch I'm Envy (bitch I'm Envy)


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
(Torn Asunder, Translated to Nyeko Nya~)
Torn nyasunder, divided by hatred nyonce more.
Nya blunder nyof nyour species, nyanimosity to nye core.
We look nyon to nyour loved nyonyes nyand nyour brethren,
But with such nyabhorrence, how do we reach heaven nya~?

Torn nyasunder, by nye way nyof nyinsults nyand curses.
This nyis nye result nyof nyour betters who coerce us.
Wrapped nyaround nya spindle, so we nyare led.
Flamewns nyof revolution dwindle by nye lies we nyare fed.

Torn nyasunder, we look nyon nyat nye chaos nyof nyinyaction.
Like nya nyan nyof sardinyes we nyare nyall packed nyin.
This system we call “humyanity’s nyature”.
This nyis nyall nya prelude, nyor so nyi’d wager.

Torn nyasunder, we reach nye great divide.
Nyideologies that do mewot fit, nyand so they collide.
Torn nyasunder, nyas they nyare pulled nyapart.
This nyis nye blunder nyof nye humyan heart.


【Human Savant of True Almighty God】
Aug 31, 2020
I love to use a bat.
She loves to turn into a bat.
I bought her a hat.
She likes to stay on the hut.

I fall in love on that girl.
But her answer makes her to hurl.
I confess my love on the lady.
But she only responses with a pity.

I implore for the why,
But her answer makes me cry,
She loves the handsome bad boy,
Thus, I am just nothing like a toy.

But five years have passed,
I was attending a mass,
I met the lady,
She was divorced in pity.

When I saw her like that,
I smiled at her with a bat,
Waving my hand with a tap hat,
Serves you right, Ms. Butt.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2021
The last one left bad memory.
Being ignored by the Queen of Vampies.
Will she notice this one?
Let's wait and see, this will be fun.

Actually, just screw it.
When it comes to rhyme, I know shit.
But I will try my best.
Let's end here, leave with grace~
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En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
The last one left bad memory.
Being ignored my the Queen of Vampies.
Will she notice this one?
Let's wait and see, this will be fun.

Actually, just screw it.
When it comes to rhyme, I know shit.
But I will try my best.
Let's end here, leave with grace~
I never ignored your knightness.
Instead, you can blame my shyness.
I promised after that I saw it,
And that was no joke or bit.

This queen of vampys didn't ignore you.
I promise! It's true!
I'll be honest, and you can get a clue.
I saw this poem too!


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2021
I never ignored your knightness.
Instead, you can blame my shyness.
I promised after that I saw it,
And that was no joke or bit.

This queen of vampys didn't ignore you.
I promise! It's true!
I'll be honest, and you can get a clue.
I saw this poem too!
The game is on, this will be fun,
If you dare yawn, I'll be the one,
To draw your blood and leave you dry,
I'll lift you up and send you fly,

The grudge resides from deep within,
Remember when you left me there,
Wanted to cry out in the wind,
Let me explain, make you aware,

Those canibals were a bad joke,
Against the wall, my pants were soaked,
How could you put me there with them,
I'mma be crude, this ends in flame~


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Queen of the shadows in the darkness she hides.
She wears a mask, a veil when she goes to the ball.
When she spreads her wings what's unveiled beneath?
Skin so pale, she unravels the lies of her costume.
The mask comes off, and the other dancers shriek.
They wonder, they wonder, the open mouths of them all.

Their agape bemusement at the Queen, so pretty.
She was among them the whole time at the masquerade.
They felt no sorrow, no sorry, nor envy.
The woman simply held their gaze, and they waited.
They waited and waited as their hearts pounded a frenzy.
They waited and waited for their Queen of Envy.

She took to dancing across the floor so elegantly.
The watchers waited for more of her beautiful dance.
She was like a ballerina, attracting gazes of romance.
The blood pumped throughout their bodies so queerly.
It was all for this queen, The Queen they loved dearly.
They held their breaths as she twirled so nearly.

The "Ooh's and awe's" of the crowd would not abate.
Many of them, centuries, centuries they did wait.
They finally made it to the party after so much time.
Time that they spent watching her, knocked away the grime.
They waited and waited as she finished her dance quickly.
They waited and waited for their Queen of Envy.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
They hid on the icy mountaintop.
Locked away in a cave, they sat.
Blood splattered the walls,
And from the ceiling, dropped.
Their bodies have ridges and fat.
On all fours, across the floor, they crawl.

They growl and groan,
Crunching on Human flesh and bone.
They are monstrous beasts, so furry.
So fluffy they are, but hard to see in a flurry.
The blizzard comes, and they take their toll.
Climbers, beware of the Icy Mountain Troll.


Dream over. New year, new villain?
Sep 25, 2023
Chant for the spell Rhapsody of Flames

Glory, glory perpetual, echo through the night,
in this dawn of victory, we face the coming light.
The wisdom of the kings, a legacy untamed,
Lightened by a mystic flame, forever unashamed.
I will search the Emerald Sword, in realms both near and far,
you will burn hordes of hell, beneath the evening star.
In the deadly raging flames of revenge, our foes shall know our names,
Rhapsody of flames, our power uncontained.


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Here’s a poem I made chat gpt write about how James Earl Ray didn’t kill Mlk
In the shadows of history, a tale untold,
A mystery veiled, a truth yet to unfold.
James Earl Ray, a name etched in time,
But did he commit such a heinous crime?

The echoes of doubt whisper in the air,
A narrative challenged, a burden to bear.
In the labyrinth of conspiracy, we tread,
Seeking the truth, the words left unsaid.

A single shot echoed on that fateful day,
Martin Luther King Jr., taken away.
Yet questions linger, a lingering doubt,
A puzzle unsolved, a secret to tout.

Did Ray act alone, or was he a pawn,
In a web of deceit, a plot foregone?
A skeptic's gaze, a skeptical heart,
Unraveling tales, a quest to restart.

The courtroom drama, a stage of doubt,
Evidence weighed, shadows about.
Conspiracy theories dance in the night,
A challenge to accept, a truth to invite.

For justice is blind, but truth has its eyes,
Peering through veils, dispelling the lies.
In the corridors of doubt, the whispers persist,
A narrative questioned, a case not dismissed.

So let the truth emerge from the haze,
In the pages of history, a different phrase.
James Earl Ray, in shadows concealed,
A story untold, a mystery revealed.


Was Divided By Zero: Found Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
Gone from this place I have been

If I would return permanently I don't know when

Now I crawl back into slumber, to escape from poverty's cold grasp

I hope return better soon, at long last.


Foxy, the fluffy butt-stabber!
Nov 17, 2020
Give me a drink,
And I'll piss in your sink.
Give me some food,
And I'll fire up the wood.

But give me some time
To make this verse rhyme,
And you'll get a surprise:
An unexpected sunrise.

Deleted member 133647

(I said I wouldn't make another poem thread, but this idea entered my head. Write a four verse or longer poem. They can be about anything. That is all. Haikus are acceptable as well.)
Enter and let it free.
Come and sing your poetry.
Enter into my thread.
Come and unleash your lead.

Don’t worry, there is no score.
Just write four verses or more.
Just have a good time.
Don’t worry, there is no need to rhyme.
Tiddies good.
Tiddies are great.
But do you know?
That thighs take the cake.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Envy's enpire enspired envious vampires
Bloodsuckers brought about by sheer rage
For them fuckers, Enby lit the fires
Them writers are too scared to strike the page
They won't even strike the match and have a battle
They can't be fighters and challenge the words I'm breathin'
They're more like cattle, a flock that's just seethin'
Yea, seeth with rage from what I'm speakin'
Because these words will end you bleedin'
You fuckin' heathens, all up on my creed
Tryin' to copy me and the shit I say I do
Well, guess what? You'll be dead too when I come for you
A sucked-off corpse as your body becomes wrinkled
If any of this hurts you, that's why they are sprinkled
All over the page for your weak ass self, like a pringle
In the can, you become chipped
Tell me how it feels to be eaten when your ego gets clipped


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2022
The Apple
Likes to Prattle

Foolish it may be
It should've stayed by the tree
Then it wouldn't be distracted
And its writing wouldn't impacted.

There are many lies to be found
They really just compound
Cause not a single truth here has been told
These lines are be written uncontrolled
No truth, reason, plan, or thought
But even with that fact can it be say this effort was for Naught?