Just like the tiger that so snatches at the flowing sky
Just like the bird that glides and hides into the mountain high
Just like the pup that runs and runs across the hills at night
All round the mountain sees the coming end
Winds that so tire lean into the night for longing rest
Glowing, the starlights are what rains in our heaven’s behest
Chill of the night sky waters all the world nevertheless
Longing the days, I sing a tune year-end
So flow, O love, O my dear love,
How woeful so, O my dear dove,
O the bloom, withering into what’s ours
As I count in the tears, the fallen stars
O moon, dear moon, O my blue, beautiful moon,
With silver sleeves, hold my heart in your soft tune,
Prithee, shine unto us with light divine
Prithee, once, water these dried lips of mine
O moon, my moon that will never be again
The moonlight that flows in a sea without end
Prithee, kiss these hands with songs of noon
In long, weary days, I sing this tune
With a kite that clung unto a branch in our tale
With a leaf that dances itself into the gale
Paving a road on the water dale
Longing in sorrow, drowning in wail
O moon, my moon, O my woeful moon,
Silhouettes that hide to never bloom
Bitter and cold, O the passing years,
Counting the days in my creeping fears
Let us go, way and way until the end,
Far beyond in the distant sky I tend,
Leave, O night, way and way into the dawn,
Hanging moon above is a song of gone
Moonlight flows in the sea with my croon
In my long, weary days, I still keep this tune
What I draw in the skies is a song of lune
Ever eluding my grasp, O my moonwake tune.