[Game of Idleness] - Kingdom Royale (Sign Up Thread)


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Noooooo, I was to late, @AliceShiki I want to spectate
Sure! I'll add you to the spectators! ^^)/

And I was also happily surprised by how quickly the slots were filled this time! Let's hope future games fill up like this! \(^^)/

Maybe it might be doable to host a TK game next, I was a bit worried that it wouldn't be feasible to try getting 12 players, but... Well, we'll see~
I don't like the way I said this,

I wanted to ask if i can spectate, because most of the interesting things happen during the night phase
*pat pat* No worries~


『⛰Ping-Pong Cat❄️』『⚡️New member⚡️』
Dec 23, 2018
Kingdom royale -classic
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Anyone interested in playing a game of KR? I sorta want to run a game with the new classic rules (doubless) that Alice recently implemented.
It's pretty simple game where you get to stab others and make alliances and betrayals.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Kingdom royale -classic
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Anyone interested in playing a game of KR? I sorta want to run a game with the new classic rules (doubless) that Alice recently implemented.
It's pretty simple game where you get to stab others and make alliances and betrayals.
Me me, I can play~!
Can I stab myself?
Play with me! *hugs*

Kingdom royale -classic
  1. @AliceShiki
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Her Highness
Jan 9, 2021
Not (yet) interested in becoming a strangulated corpse.


New member
Jun 2, 2022
A Failing Kingdom
And its people with their self interest


Hi hi everyone, this a Mafia-like game I'm importing from NUF, it was made by A5G_Reaper and DCLXVI and maintained for the most of its lifetime by Acarnina, so all credit goes to them... Well, almost all credit. I also need to credit the author of Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria as the gameplay of this game is based on the volumes 3 and 4 of this novel. (Don't worry, you don't need to read the novel to play it... Rather, I never read it myself! xD)

Anyways, it's a fun game, so I figured I'd port it over. Let's have some fun~

  1. Each game has 1 main moderator and perhaps a second for backup. The moderators word is absolute, so don't disobey the moderator. If you feel they made a mistake please use your role pm to talk to them about it.
  2. Sign up in this thread. Each game will be hosted on a different game thread. Individual moderators will post when they are opening a new game, and this OP will be changed accordingly.
  3. No private messages between participants about the game (meta-gaming). Private messages for other purposes (say, webnovels, like this site is supposed to be about) are allowed.
  4. While I appreciate that RL takes precedence, please inform your moderator if you're going to disappear for a while. We are usually happy to accommodate any absences.
  5. Global forum rules apply.
  6. While a bit of friendly banter is acceptable, please try to stay somewhat on topic in the Kingdom Royale threads.
Gameplay Overview (Resumed Version)

This is where I'd usually go over the detailed mechanics of the game and what not, but uhn... They're kinda long, and my personal experience says people get very confused about them at first, so here is a super quick resume:
  1. This is a Free For All game, there are no teams, though you can make temporary alliances and it's totally possible for more than 1 person to win the game.
    • The game's objective is to kill all your enemies.
  2. Gameplay is split into two phases. (Day and Night) Each phase lasts 24h. (No, you do not need to spend all 24h online... Just try to stay logged-in for roughly 30 mins each day at the very least.)
    • Expect each game to last roughly one week btw.
  3. During the day, you can stab people, talk to people in the main thread, and choose someone to chat with during the night. (This does not need the other person's consent.)
    • If you feel like the day phase is being too dead or whatever... Don't worry, it's normal. Most of the gameplay happens during the night.
    • Stabs are weaker during the day btw, due to the defend mechanic that I'll explain in the full version of the gameplay overview.
  4. During the night, you can stab someone you're chatting with, use your role's superpowers against anyone (Activate them by telling the moderator in your role PM), and speak to the person you chose to talk with privately.
  5. When the new day starts, if you used your knife in the last day/night cycle, you get a new knife to stab people with.
  6. Game ends when everyone alive fulfilled their win conditions.
And since I'm at it, might as well give a quick resume of what each role can do.
  1. King: Sends a Murder order to the Sorcerer. (Or the Knight if the Sorcerer is dead) The Sorcerer may accept (or reject) the order and kill someone that the King chose.
  2. Double: If the King dies, the Double becomes able to send Murder.
  3. Sorcerer: When the Sorcerer receives a Murder order, they may accept (or reject) it. If the Sorcerer accepts it, he will use Sorcery on the target chosen by the King. Whoever is targeted by Sorcery dies at the end of the Night.
  4. Prince: If both King and Double die, the Prince becomes able to send Murder. Also, the Prince is immune to Sorcery.
  5. Knight: Has 2 extra HP. Also, if the Sorcerer is dead, the Knight is the one to receive Murder orders instead. If the Knight accepts it, he will use Deathblow on the target chosen by the King. Whoever is targeted by Deathblow dies at the end of the Night.
  6. Revolutionary: Can kill someone at the end of each Night.
Gameplay Overview (Full Version)
  1. Day and night cycle take twenty-four (24) hours each, counting from the start of the phase.
  2. Before the [Day Phase] end, each player may select another player to form a private chatroom for the night. This does not need the consent of the other player. Both players will then be transported into the private room, where they can talk, deal, scheme, or attempt to murder each other without anyone knowing.
    • If a player fail to specify a person, it will default to "no chat" option.
    • Skills unique to roles do not need the player to be on a night chatroom with their targets to be activated.
      • A skill may be activated by telling the moderator in your role chat PM. Most skills can only be used during the [Night Phase].
    • The moderator is the one that creates the private chatrooms. Don't go PMing other players on your own.
  3. Each role has a different victory conditions. The game ends when all surviving players have met their victory condition.
  4. All players start with 6 HP.
  5. All players will recover 1 HP at the beginning of [Day Phase].
  6. All players are given a knife, which can be used to [Stab] the other players regardless of roles.
    • [Stab] may be done once per cycle, either day or night.
    • The knife will disappear once it has been used it to stab someone.
    • A new knife will be given to each player who has lost it on the next day.
  7. Each [Stab] will reduce the remaining HP of the target by 3.
  8. Attacking with the [Stab] action during daytime will be announced to everyone.
    • Attacking at night will only be announced to the target (in the night chatrooms). However it can only be done to the attacker's conversation partner.
  9. Defend Mechanic:
    • If you still hold a knife (refer to point 6) and you're stabbed at the [Day Phase], you can 'defend' against stabs, and the damage received will be reduced to 2 HP.
      • Defending does not remove the knife of the stabbed person.
    • If a player set up stab, and is set up to be stabbed, at the same time through scheduling, I shall deem defend to not happen. All attacks are received in full.
      • For example, if A scheduled to stab B at end if day and B scheduled to stab C at the same time, the scheduled stab to B shall be received in full.
    • At the [Night Phase], the defend mechanic does not apply.
  10. You can schedule your [Stab] actions with a conditional order.
    • Here are some examples of possible stab schedules:
      • [Stab] @ by the end of the [X Phase].
      • [Stab] @ at the beginning of the [X Phase].
      • [Stab] @ if @ using [Stab] on @.
  11. Roles will NOT be announced upon death. Nor will players be informed of their remaining HP.
  12. If THREE cycles (day and night) have passed OR three players have been eliminated, sudden death will occur. During the sudden death, no HP will be regenerated.
    • Sudden Death triggers only at the change of phases. (As in, Start of [Day Phase] and Start of [Night Phase])
  13. If THREE cycles (day and night) have passed AND three players have been eliminated, double death will occur. During the double death, the [defend mechanic] is nullified, i.e. just hurry and die.
  14. If amazingly the game goes on for SIX cycles (day and night), the Mummy end is triggered.

The game has 6 roles, each role is randomly assigned to each player. The roles define what are your super powers, who are your enemies and what is your win condition.

He is the king who has ascended to the throne by assassinating the previous ruler and has carried out many invasions. Having a distrustful personality, he's scheming murder of the ones that threaten his throne. He does not notice that his distrust makes others lose their loyalty for him.
He can request his subordinates to commit [murder], but he cannot force them because he fears their animosity could become directed at him.
A land ruled by a man that cannot trust others is unlikely to have a bright future.
  • During the [Night Phase], the [King] may activate [Murder].
  • The [King] can select a player he wants to kill and request the [Sorcerer] to execute this action. If the [Sorcerer] is dead, the order will go to the [Knight] instead.
  • Both the [Sorcerer] and the [Knight] are allowed to reject the [Murder] order if they so decide.
  • The target of [Murder] is killed by the end of the [Night Phase].
    • If killed by the [Sorcerer], the target will be turned into a charred corpse.
    • If killed by the [Knight], the target will be beheaded.
  • During the [Day Phase], the [King] may activate [Substitution].
  • The [King] will switch places with the [Double] during the next [Night Phase].
    • When [Substitution] is active, the [King] is unable to send [Murder] orders, but the [Double] becomes able to.
    • If the [Revolutionary] targets the [King] with [Assassination], the [Double] will die instead.
To protect his throne: Death of [Prince], [Revolutionary] and [Knight].

An ex-farmer who is loyal to the [King] and looks exactly the same as him. He is not really ambitious, but he can absolutely not allow the [Prince] to become the king since he was always made a fool by him.
If he, with no ideals, becomes the king, this land is likely to fall into ruin in no time.
  • If the [King] dies, or [Substitution] was executed, he becomes able to use [Murder].
Elimination of those that wish for his demise: Death of [Prince] and [Revolutionary].

A subordinate of the [King]. He is the teacher of the [Prince] in magic and also gets on well with the [Prince]. He is satisfied as long he can pursue his studies in magic and has no interest in the king's throne whatsoever.
No matter how much he can raise his magic skills, nobody will value a person that secludes himself in his shell.
  • [Sorcery] may only be activated during the [Night Phase].
  • The Sorcerer can choose whether to effectively kill the character that was selected by [Murder].
  • [Sorcery] is ineffective against the [Prince].
  • The targeted player will become a charred corpse by the end of the [Night Phase].

An ambitious person. He was originally only at the third place in the inheritance order of the king's rank. But taking advantage of the king's mistrust, he made him murder the other princes and moved up to the first place. He acquired anti-magic to guard himself against this mistrust.
If he comes to the throne, this land is likely to turn into a worse dictatorship than it was before.
[Throne Succession]
  • The Prince becomes able to use [Murder] once both the [King] and [Double] die.
  • The Prince cannot be killed by [Sorcery]. In addition, he will be informed that he was targeted by [Sorcery] if it is used on him.
To become the king and secure his throne: Death of [King], [Double], [Revolutionary] and [Knight].

A subordinate of the [King]. While being a subordinate, he is plotting revenge on the royal family for they have ruined his homeland. He believes firmly that he can only attain happiness by exterminating the royal family.
As a matter of course, a man that has drowned in his own feelings of loss will only fall into the darkness of misfortune.
  • Starts the game with 2 extra HP.
  • [Deathblow] may only be activated during the [Night Phase].
  • If the Sorcerer is dead, the Knight will receive [Murder] orders in their instead.
  • The Knight can choose whether to effectively kill the character that was selected by [Murder].
  • The targeted character will become a beheaded corpse by the end of the [Night Phase].
To take revenge: Death of [King] and [Prince].

He is the right arm of the [King]. Because of his competence, he realized that this land is going to fall into ruin if it goes on like this. Hence, he prepared himself to take over the land.
A ruler that has accumulated feelings of bitterness due to assassinations is incapable of leading a kingdom. At most he will be assassinated himself.
  • During the [Night Phase], the [Revolutionary] may activate [Assassination].
  • The Revolutionary may select a player to assassinate.
  • The targeted player will become a strangulated corpse at the beginning of the [Day Phase].
To become the king: Death of [King], [Prince] and [Double].
Order of Operations

Some things end up happening at the "same" time due to the way the game mechanics work. The intent of this section is to clarify the order at which some interactions happen.

End of Day Phase:
  1. Stabs scheduled at the end of the Day Phase trigger simultaneously.
  2. Sudden Death triggers, if applicable.
  3. Night Chatrooms are set up.
  4. Stabs scheduled at the start of the Night Phase trigger simultaneously.
  5. Double or Prince are notified that they can use Murder, if applicable.
End of Night Phase:
  1. Night Chatrooms are locked.
  2. Stabs scheduled at the end of the Night Phase trigger simultaneously.
  3. Sorcery or Deathblow trigger.
  4. Assassination triggers.
  5. All living players recover 1 HP. (Unless Sudden Death was triggered at a prior moment)
  6. Sudden Death triggers, if applicable.
  7. Players that spent their knives in the last Day/Night Cycle receive a new knife.
  8. Stabs scheduled at the start of the Day Phase trigger simultaneously.
  9. Prince is notified that they were targeted by Sorcery, if applicable.
Basic Advice

This is some very basic gameplay advice for newbies that don't quite know what to do and stuff. It's nothing really in-depth, but it might help you out.
  • Use your knives.
    • You have one knife for each cycle, you should almost always use them.
    • Think like this: You don't really have allies in the game, and the quicker people die, the quicker the game ends. And the quicker the game ends, the less chances there are for someone to kill you.
    • Also, The King and the Revolutionary have a massive advantage over everyone else if you don't use your knives. Killing roles have complete control over other people's lives and death... If you don't stab them, the game will be decided entirely by them.
  • Schedule your Stabs.
    • If you don't want to use your knife right now, you can always schedule it for later use, like... Stabbing at the end of the Night Phase is a really common way to go about it.
    • And like, if you're really unsure on how to use your knife, you can always schedule "Stab whoever stabs me", at least you'll be sure to get back at someone that dares stabbing you.
  • Be active.
    • I said in the quick resume that you need at least roughly 30 minutes each day to play, right? Well, that's the minimum... Ideally you'd log-in multiple times per day.
    • Basically, your best way of doing well in this game is by talking to other players in the night chat and scheming with them... But for that to happen, both players need to be online at the same time to talk and stuff, so... If you can log-in a few times during the day, it would be very helpful.
  • Exchange information.
    • You can refrain from doing that in the Day Phase if you want, but you really should try obtaining some information from your night chat partners during the Night Phase. And the best way to do that, is to offer some information yourself.
    • If you dunno what information to trade, the easiest thing you can do is talk about your own role. I personally like saying 2 roles that I am not and request for the same info from the other party, but you can also just straight up say what your role is... Or you can lie, I mean, nothing stops you from doing so.
  • For the King, Double and Prince.
    • Send your Murder orders early. Like, really, send them early... Let me explain why.
    • To send a Murder Order, you need to say it to the moderator in your role chat that you wish to send it... Then the moderator needs to send the order to the Sorcerer or Knight, and then the Sorcerer or Knight need to Accept/Reject the order... What does this mean? It means there are 3 people involved with any Murder.
    • Why does it matter if there are 3 people involved? It means that if the moderator is sleeping, your order won't be sent. And if by the time the moderator isn't sleeping, the Sorcerer/Knight is sleeping, then they won't be able to reply to your order... And if they don't reply to it, your order will be rejected.
    • So uhn... Don't expect to send an order 30 minutes before the end of the phase and have it accepted, chances are, it won't. Send it early on to give time for both the game's moderator and the Sorcerer/Knight to see your order and decide rather or not they'll accept or reject it.
  • Have a question? Ask the GM.
    • Like, don't just keep the question for yourself and keep worrying about it, and you don't need to try discussing and trying to understand how the ruling work by asking other players too... Just ask the GM, the GM is there to help you and the GM will never lie. When in doubt, just ask the GM and you'll get the answer you need.
GM Help

You wanna host a game? That's so nice of you! Hooray for less work for me! \(^^)/
This section is dedicated just for you, it is there to help you with some clarifications on how to handle interactions between roles, powers and what not... I hope I made most of it intuitive, but here are some things you might not be sure of:

Q: The king died or used Substitution, how do I notify the Double/Prince of that?
A: At the start of the Night Phase (and only at the start of the Night Phase), tell the Double/Prince (whichever is applicable) that "[Murder] is now available." Don't tell them anything else.

Q: What if the King died by stabs in the middle of the Day or Night Phase?
A: Don't tell anything to the Double/Prince. Say it only when the Night Phase starts.

Q: The Prince was targeted by Sorcery, what do I tell him? And what do I tell the Sorcerer?
A: At the start of the Day Phase, tell the Prince that he was targeted by Sorcery, don't tell him anything else.
To the Sorcerer, don't say anything.

Q: The King/Double/Prince sent a Murder Order, but they changed their mind and want to change it, what do I do?
A: Murder Orders are final, they cannot change it once the order was sent.

Q: What if I was sleeping when they sent the Murder Order, and by the time I logged in, they already expressed that they wanted to send a new one, targeting a different player, which one do I accept?
A: Up to you, I would accept the first order they said they wanted to send.

Q: Someone changed their mind about [Anything that is not Murder], can they change it?
A: Sure, they can change whatever they want. The only thing that is final are the Murder Orders.
And in case this isn't clear, the Sorcerer/Knight can also change their mind about accepting/rejecting an order.

Q: Someone scheduled a stab, for how long does the schedule last?
A: That depends on the schedule's nature... If they say "Stab Player A at the end of the Night Phase", that's only for the next Night Phase. If on the other hand they say "Stab whoever stabs me", I assume this lasts until the end of the game.
When in doubt though, ask the player. They should know how long they want their schedule to last.

Q: Who should I tell about the stabs?
A: If the stab was done in the Day Phase, say it in the thread.
If the stab was done during the Night Phase, say it on the Night Chatroom PM between the stabber and the stabbed person. Don't tell anyone else.

Q: Someone wants to make a stab schedule like... "If [Player A] stabs [Player B], I'll stab [Player B]", is this allowed?
A: During the Day Phase? Sure.
During the Night Phase? No. Schedules can only be done with information that the player has available to themselves. And at the Night Phase, they have no way of telling if [Player A] stabbed [Player B].

Q: Someone died in the middle of the Night Phase by stabs? What do I do?
A: First of all, go to the Night Chat that the stabbed occurred and say "[Player A] stabbed [Player B] to death." Then, lock the conversation immediately.
Then, lock all other Night Chats that [Player B] had by saying "Your Night Chat Partner has died."
Lastly, head to [Player's B] role chat and say "You died."

Q: Someone asked me a clarification about a ruling, what do I do?
A: If they asked in the thread, answer in the thread. If they asked in a night chat, answer in the night chat. If they asked in their role PM, answer in the role PM.

Q: Someone got a ruling wrong, what do I do?
A: If they're a newbie, I recommend clarifying it publicly. If the person saying it is a veteran, I recommend either doing nothing or clarifying it on the person's role PM.
I do not recommend offering public clarification because they may be lying about the rule on purpose to get an advantage during the game... Which at least for me, is fair game.
Though make sure to give the correct answer to ruling questions if someone asks you directly.

Q: I'm unsure about a given ruling.
A: PM me. If you need the answer urgently and I'm offline, @Blitz might be able to answer.

Q: I want to change a ruling or a way to handle the rulings when hosting a game.
A: Go ahead, I'm not your mom. Just make sure to make the ruling change explicit in the first post of the thread you're hosting. I also recommend telling the players about the change in the 2nd post because most people will skip the first post entirely.

Q: I made a mistake, what do I do?
A: That really depends on the mistake... I'd say that you usually should clarify the mistake and make it right from now on... But in case the mistake is too big, just roll with it and then run it properly in the next game.

Q: This game has too much information going on at all times? How do I keep track of it?
A: Make a notepad. And if you think there isn't too much info to keep track, you should also make a notepad about it, because there is a 90% chance you'll do something wrong if you don't make a notepad.
What exact info is available in your notepad is up to you, here is what I put in mine:
King - [Player Name]
Status: 6Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: Prince, Revolutionary, Knight.
Power Usage:

Prince - [Player Name]
Status: 6Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: King, Double, Revolutionary, Knight.
Power Usage:

Double - [Player Name]
Status: 6Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: Prince, Revolutionary.
Power Usage:

Sorcerer - [Player Name]
Status: 6Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: Yes.
Power Usage:

Knight - [Player Name]
Status: 8Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: King, Prince.
Power Usage:

Revolutionary - [Player Name]
Status: 6Hp, alive , has knife.
Night chat:
Win Condition: King, Prince, Double.
Power Usage:

Action Log:
[*]The first [Day Phase]:
[*]The first [Night Phase]:
[*]The second [Day Phase]:
[*]The second [Night Phase]:
Here's how I use it:
  • The Player Name part obviously should just be substituted by whichever is the name of the player that has this role.
  • HP I change as people are stabbed and recover HP.
  • The "Alive" part I change to "Dead" once someone dies... Pretty straight forward.
  • The "has Knife" part I change to "Used Knife" once they use a stab.
  • Night Chat I list the player they chose for their night chat for the following night.
  • Win Condition I use to list who are the roles that still need to die in order to fulfill it.
    • Once one of those roles die, I erase that part from the Win Condition.
    • Once there are no more roles listed in someone's Win Condition, I change it to "Yes".
    • When someone dies, I change their Win Condition to Dead.
    • Once everyone's Win Condition is either "Yes" or "Dead", I end the game.
  • Power Usage I list what they targeted with their power, and if they accepted Murder and what not.
  • Schedules I use to list stab schedules exclusively.
  • The Action Log is completely optional. I use it to keep track of what everyone did in the entire game in regards to powers and stabs. I like making it public for everyone to give them a clearer view of what happened in the game... But you don't really need to do it.
Change Log:
  • V1.0:
    • Game was ported over from NUF.
    • Life total changed from 8 to 6, stab dmg changed appropriately.
    • End Phase early rulings were removed.
    • Sudden Death now triggers only at the start of phases.
    • Inheritance and Throne Succession now trigger only at the start of the Night Phase.
    • Murder orders are now final.
  • V1.1:
    • Changed the wording and added some clarification to a few skills. (No change in the functionality of them)
    • Twin Kingdoms Variant was ported over from NUF.
    • Gameplay Overview of TK is now shared with the Standard Variant.
    • Added lots of clarifications to how skills worked.
    • Changed the Fluff.
    • Guardian is now able to choose between Guard and Deathblow in case they receive both orders. (But can't choose to use both)
    • Guardian is now able to use Deathblow without an order, but only if the royals of their kingdom are dead.
    • Guardian now has a secondary win condition that allows them to win the game by killing everyone. (Self included)
  • V1.2:
    • Unification War Variant was ported over from NUF.
    • Gameplay Overview of UW is now shared with the Standard Variant.
    • UW now allows you to choose two people as your night partners.
    • Added lots of clarifications to how skills worked.
    • Changed the Fluff.
    • Guardian now works basically the same as the new TK, with the following exceptions:
      • They're still able to refuse Murder Orders.
      • They still need to Survive on the Primary Wincon.
    • Warlock was heavily buffed, the changes are the following:
      • Warlock now has Anti-Magic.
      • Warlock now starts with 2 extra HP. (Flavored as Arcane Armor)
      • Warlock no longer needs to kill the Guardian to win.
      • Spell Shield now notifies the target that they were targeted by Spell Shield.
      • Spell Shield also notifies the target if they were targeted by Sorcery.
  • V1.3:
    • Succession War Variant was ported over from NUF.
    • Gameplay Overview of SW is now shared with the Standard Variant.
    • Added lots of clarifications to how skills worked.
    • Changed the Fluff.
    • Did a Major Rebalance of Dark Sorcerer, Poison Prince, Trap Prince and Delinquent Prince. The changes were as follows:
    • Dark Sorcerer:
      • Does not need to kill the Queen anymore.
      • Now learns to use Sorcery if the Sorcerer dies.
      • Now knows Divination (Ported over from the UW Warlock), though it cannot be used in the same night as Sorcery.
    • Poison Prince:
      • Poison deals 2 dmg per Day Phase instead of 1.
      • Becomes able to use Murder if the Queen dies. Though they can't use Spy in the same night they use Murder.
      • Is no longer limited to only one ability per Night Phase.
    • Trap Prince:
      • Trap now triggers at any moment that there are only 2 royalty members alive, as opposed to choosing one player to trigger it against, and only working when they are the last 2 players in the game.
    • Delinquent Prince:
      • Ambush is now activated during the Day Phase to stop Night Phase abilities.
      • Can use Ambush every day instead of once per game.
      • Ambush can't target the same player twice in a row.
      • Is no longer limited to only one ability per Night Phase.
  • V1.4:
    • Unification War had changes in HP and Stab Damage:
      • Starting HP is now 5.
      • Normal Stab Damage is now 2.
      • Defended Stab Damage is now 1.
    • Succession War had some changes:
      • The Wording of Spy is now clearer.
      • Poison now deals 1 damage per Day Phase instead of 1.
      • Ambush now notifies the target, though only at the end of the Night Phase.

So, let the blood flow
In this failing kingdom
well how do I join this??


Oct 8, 2020
Oh, we are having this too now?

*pat pats*
Good luck