I have to admit, I was talking about my own country, across the big pond.
Truly, I am aware that the world, nations and communities of any kind, are like a bird that has its ups and downs and that conflict is a fact of life.
But even if you are aware, do not ignore the possibility of death. America is not the first power, nor will it be the last.
Over the years I have witnessed the butchering of languages. The decay of values and utter decadence. Even if this may not be the case today, I do not wish to leave descendants that only inherit my blood.
Even I, the secondborn hypocrite that I am, have asked myself:'' Did people since antiquity ever witness such debauchery?'' My society is only held together by the ''wonders'' of modern medicine, by staunch fundamentalists, whose beliefs have been nursed since childhood and deception. It has not always been like this.
The rot is real. Like any infection, if left untreated it may lead to the death of everything I hold dear.
Is the death of that you love not a valid concern?
The future can certainly rhyme; however, it has not been written in stone. History past, future and present only happened because people and their actions made it happen.
Yeah. Yer in for a bit of a rough patch, but if history has show us anything, you guys usually lag behind us by a few years. I think the real problem you have is the same problem most countries are having. They misunderstand Capitalism/Socialism.
Capitalism isn't good and Socialism isn't bad. But the reverse is also true. The problem is how it's applied.
Two people exchange goods and services. Capitalism.
Two people meet and one helps the other one out just to be nice. Socialism
On a small scale, Socialism works better than capitalism. If you look at any family, internally, is it socialism or capitalism? Did your parents hand you a bill when you turned 18? No. A family, internally, is socialistic. Socialism works GREAT, under the Dunbar empathy limit. The problem is, the larger the group, the more actors in the socialistic collective, the more strain you put on the system until it cracks.
For socialism to work on a grand scale, empathy doesn't cut it. You need something else. An ideology. A CAUSE to rally around. The problem is, socialism hates competition. All other forms of socialism are bad to anyone who follows the ONE TRUE SOCIALISM.
You know... like families?
That's why you have the attack on family values. Families are forms of socialism that compete with the current "Main Stream Socialism". The attack on "the old" to make way for "the new".
Nothing new under the sun. They have no new ideas. It's all been tried before. That said...
Capitalism sucks on a small scale.
Look at Modern Media or the oil industry, or any industry that is crapping the bed right now. Why? Because you have a handful of actors and not enough competition. Every company, INTERNALLY, is socialistic. From each department by their ability, and to each department by its need. One department doesn't charge another department for services. The Janitorial department doesn't bill the HR department for emptying trashcans. Sales doesn't get a bill from HR for hiring new sales reps.
Same thing applies to the government.
Individual Government agencies are all socialistic, INTERNALLY, by nature. The internal exchange of funding and resources is by need and ability.
SO... how to fix it?
Rather simple, actually.
Keep any individual government agency to under 150 employees. If you need MORE than 250 employees to do something for the country, then you divide it up into smaller, competing agencies.
Keeping it to 150 people will keep the agency at or below the Dunbar empathy limit, and people, well... they will still be corrupt, but the corruption/damage will be CONTAINED and people actually know each other's names and being familiar with one another, well... studies show that people are less likely to steal office supplies in a company under 150 people then over it. SIGNIFICANTLY. Now, that might not mean much, stealing pencils and using the printer for personal use isn't a big deal, but it's a symptom.
How does this happen?
The money runs out.
It'll suck, but the money is running out, as we speak. Bad times coming up, but as things get lean, buisnesses and government agencies shrink is size, and with smaller size comes less corruption.
It's basic math, really.
People like to think we're all special, but the fact is, we are all 46 coin flips. That's VERY RANDOM. On top of that, is the random chance your parents met. Each human is SO UNIQUE, that we are basically... random.
Random things fall under the rules of statistics. Large enough groups of people form a bell curve and with the appearance of any bell curve in a system, certain outcomes can be predicted, within a given margin of error.
1% will produce 50% of the results.
20% will produce 80% of the results.
Because humanity in a large enough group is a bell curve and the Peruto effect takes over.
Yes, it's bad. It will get worse, but then it will get better.
This has happened before.
It will happen again.
It is happening now.
Trust the laws of probability. You can't nail down specifically what is going to happen, but overall, the outcome will be predictable and in hindsight, obvious. The people trying to buck the system, trying to CHEAT statistics, the ones who think you can game the numbers and FORCE change THEY WANT, are the ones who are only causing the process to speed up into the inevitable fail state where everything resets.
You cannot social engineer humanity. It doesn't work. Complex Autonomous Systems do their thing. A CAS will do what a CAS does. You can't change the outcome, you can't even slow it down. You can either leave it alone and let it take its course, or try to change it, and in the process, speed things up until it reaches a new low entropy state.
Overall, everything will be fine.
A bit bumpy, but fine.