Writing Prompt "Huh. That definitely wasn't here last night."


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
A character wakes up and finds that things seem to be wrong. How wrong is up to the writer's discretion.


Angery Doggo >ᴗ<
Mar 23, 2019
The demon crawled over to the end of the bed and let her legs dangle over the edge. Her head tilted in confusion, and her pointed ears were all but twitching as she took in the strange silence. Strangely, no one came to serve her like they should have. The deathly stillness returned to the room as the demon waited fruitlessly.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
I don't remember placing my Minecraft bed next to a Gamer Girl, ever.


I'm a Lazy Writer, So What?
Dec 23, 2018
A young rich man who bumped into this guy, began to beat him up due to flexing his riches. Thinking all the good things he had in just a day, he thought that he was due to his actions that his luck soared.

One day in particular, he woke up as a ghost as he heard a child's cry and saw a baby who was pulled out from his mother's womb. He didn't know why he was there and only continue to watch as time passes quickly.

He saw the child's life right though his eyes as he grew. The life where he was bullied by his siblings, his tears after spending time with a girl he had built a relationship with when he was along but ended up dead due to her father's abuse, the life of solitude, the lost of his mother on his birthday.....he experience that child's life.

'Why....' He thought when the world was against this poor child.

'Why....' He thought when he live a life of solitude and pain.

'Why....' He thought as to why he continues to live despite the sufferings he had.

Then, he saw himself and the child who was now an adult, bumped into each other and him beating that person up. How he laugh at his lifestyle, his clothing....his life.

'WHY!!' He yelled as even the world is unfair to him....

"Why are you still smiling?!"

He saw how despite the odds, he continue to smile while the world hates him and curses his life.

How he was kind to people despite not recieving any rewards and even having to face persecution.

How he was isolated yet still sociable.

How he faces all troubles with a smile and kindness.

He then woke up and felt the wet sensation of his face as he realized and remembered after he did to the guy. As he left and saw the guy get run over by a truck as he left with fear on his face.

He decided to ask for forgiveness and repay the new self he would embark as he decided to help those who are just like him....


"Huh. That definitely wasn't here last night."

I, Arcadia Blade woke up on the hospital bed as i saw a stack of money lie beside me as there was a letter next to it.

[I will come back and continue what i started.]

Cold sweat began to seep throughout my body as i remembered last time and saw the stack of money beside me.

'M-my god. Not only is he trying to give me hush money, he's gonna come back and beat me till my bloodline dies. Why did i do to deserve meeting people like this?!'

I could only recall countless people who i met once and now they constantly try to cause me trouble everyday...