Infinite Misconception (Latest Chapters and Release History)


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
Chapter Releases for:

Jane and her two besties are visiting New York on vacation with excitement for their new adventure to the world outside of magic. Nyar is more than thrilled to leave the insane continent behind, but dread still fills the space around them. Danny and Taylor have become so enveloped into magical usage that their 'normal' perception of the world seems more warped than it ever was before, according to Nyar at least. Anywhere in the world that isn't Sprawn Valley has no magical veil, which means people cannot tap into magical powers; thus, even a bustling city like New York is as ordinary as ever.

With 3 mouths to feed, Nyar reveals that his ability to fend for Jane, Danny, and Taylor is highly limited. His plan to extend the duration of their vacation relies on the three of them getting part-time jobs, but fun and thrills exclusively occupy their young minds. Jane in particular will have it worse, since she is more used to magic wielding as a career than Danny and Taylor are. Luckily, the breakthrough of the local internet has made things a bit easier. Despite how much the world hates magic, its very existence has inspired expedited development of technological wonders for the public.

Ten years ago, Brash Danton set out on his journey to become stronger, and ran into the Trujima gang. An epic battle of skill will now determine which of the five of them are the strongest of nearby Leray wielders, and the Trujima leader is not going down without a tough fight!

After being pulverized in a fight, Danton sets out to accelerate his training to the top, and decides to do so by challenging Gradyent Fade Belzer to a fight. Leray Gradyents are no easy foes to defeat; they are on the same skill level as an elite.

Kite does not share Danton's passionate method of rapid training through improvement, but must submit to a minimal rivalry, less Danton become stronger than him. Belzer has proven too tough to defeat with skill alone, though Danton still believes he can take the win by storm with enough hard work. In order to succeed, Danton must learn the best of talents from Trujima.
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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
Chapters which were supposed to be released monday will be released today.
Apologies in advance for the late release