novels shouldn't coddle you


Filth Wizard
Mar 23, 2022
bit of junkfood now and then never hurt anyone. When I'm tired and I only have 30 mins to read, I want the trash that I don't have to think about.

I do thoroughly enjoy morally grey (and occasionally downright nasty) MCs. I'm writing them. I also love to write about the basically decent character backed into a corner and forced into despicable acts - because then if I can pull off a redemption arc and keep the reader in love with them, then I'm satisfied.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
I'm just venting here

There's no problem on coddling novels.
The novel itself only does it job as it advertised.
The problem is that most people only read those novel for their enjoyment and ignore the challenging novels that shake their mind and belief.

Do you know why people read those wish-pfullfilling novels in first place ?

Because most people use novel and stories as "Stress Relief".

Most people is already stressed and tired by daily life and don't want to bother with another stressful novel that apparently broke your mind, shake your beliefs, and other bothersome stuff.

They want a frickin novel with enjoyable stories that actually heartwarming, fun to read and that not suddenly goes to hurt their mind with your tragedy and mind-blowing stuff.

If they want actual mind blowing stuff, might as well ask scientist or some rocket science bullshit.

That's why a lot of mainstream novel or stories were actually high quality story with mind blowing content that were "toned down" and filled with wish fulfilling content for those normal people enjoyments.

That's why complex animes like "A Certain Index" or "A Certain Railgun" is filled with harem comedy and fanservice despite the high quality story and narrative. Those stories sound like lame harem shit, but it actually contain some politic and other complex stuff happening around.

Those Shounen Manga is not as simple as you may think. Those were high quality script with great concept that were toned down and adapted for 12-15 year olds. they just can't show tragedy to those 15yo without good reason, or they suffer negative backlash due to bad receptions.

Not everyone can just make tragic and dark story like Berserk (manga) and be success. Some has to rely on relatable loser protagonist that were unrealistically getting harems, sexy characters, and other wish fulfilling stuff for the story to reach the audiences.

While the other create equally unrealistic normal teenage girl with handsome dudes with perfect six packs and perfect romantic maturity and personality and understanding personality to reach girls audience.

The good novels that has great profound content and hard to understand would remain unpopular. And the mainstream popular that were filled with bullshit that were easy to understand and don't force them to think too hard.

That's how it's been for the last thousand years and that's not going to change anytime soon.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2021
Opposite for me lol I came from reading only literary fiction and published genre fiction to now reading what snobs regard as trash.
Oh, and manga. Lots of it.