Related Series: Supplementary Material


What would a combination of ZUN and Nasu be like?
Dec 5, 2019
Probably not going to be added, but I just think having supplementary material (Stuff dedicated to recording information for others to see, for more world building or as a manual and that sort of thing) put in as an option in related series would be pretty nice, help with showing people materials for them to see and all that if they’re interested.

Though I get it that not a lot of people would probably use it, like how not a lot of people use the glossary, so I understand that it might not be added because it‘s probably not worth the effort.


What would a combination of ZUN and Nasu be like?
Dec 5, 2019
Well it's really not that complicated of a feature. There's this related series function when creating a novel in scribblehub, and there's a few options to choose from to signify how it's related to another story you've made (Sequel, prequel, spin-off, shared universe, etc.).
I proposed that one more option should be added to said related series function, supplementary materials aka organized series/book of information, lore, and some meta-stuff of one story or canon made into a comprehensive series worth checking out on its own. I know some like to put their details into a chapter than the glossary (oof) and it disrupts the flow of reading somewhat (and word counts which I'll admit maybe it's only me who is very self-conscious about it), with this extra option they can make a dedicated series of materials of it for said series (so to say, try taking that out of context) and able to link it with whatever series they made it for and allow the readers to know well where they can check the facts or learning a bit more. I know one story have their supplementary materials listed as 'shared-universe' in their related series section and while it's correct it an't right.