The Day You Became A Decent Writer


Jan 4, 2019
Every writer's first work is a natural catastrophe. I'm not here to ask you to share that. Those first attempts should be locked in a nuclear facility chamber and not see the light of the day ever again. What I'm asking you to do though is share the chapter, the one-shot, the short story that you wrote and reread only to think "Woah, that's not bad." For me, it was an unfinished chapter that I wrote for the rewrite of a novel that went nowhere. It's been three years since then. Here is the link.

Share your baby steps in the comment section!
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Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Took a bit of time, polishing, a few rewrites. Nevertheless, it is stil improvable, but whatever ... You try the best you can.

One day when I woke up from my unsettling dreams, I found myself ...
No, no, no, not original enough, not creative enough. Neither did I wake up nor had I unsettling dreams. On the contrary, I had actually quite pleasant ones. I need to use something else for my opening lines, something with, ehmm, ehmm, ehmm, with more esprit. Hmm, esprit, esprit, esprit. However, where do I get that from?
Whatever, let us try again. Ahemmm, drum roll please.
Ehm, uhm, ehrrr, how shall I put it, I still have no idea. No, wait a moment... Wait a moment… Wait a moment… No, sorry, still nothing.
Aarghhhh, to hell with introductions. Because who needs them anyway, right?
Long story even longer, I didn't anticipate, honestly I didn't, that I would end up in a situation like this. Considering my incredibly bad luck in the past, I probably should have, though.

To be honest, I have some kind of nuclear ordnance detonating straight into my face at the beginning of such a, not so much in retrospect, decisive battle. Like, for example, tripping on a nuclear landmine in a, clearly, futile attempt to evaporate me. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

No, no, no, what I got instead was a vicious, insidious, bla bla bla insert a few more suitable adjectives here, horde of pissed off mages calling for my head and trying to spill my guts out. The latter part would partially explain their extensive usage of unpleasant melee weaponry. Tsk tsk tsk, always this fetish with these sharp and spiky objects. Clearly, they had only limited success, which is pretty much self-explanatory. Because otherwise I wouldn't be around anymore and couldn’t tell you the wonderful story of my life, or rather my recent past.
Anyway, based on my personal assumptions, I would say that tried to pin me down by throwing enough bodies at me in a classical mass attack until they could practically burry me with their number of corpses alone. Not in the iconic Hollywood fashion, however, which would have made things so much easier.
It may have been an extremely “inefficient” tactic, not to say incredibly stupid, but it was indubitably effective. In the end, their approach, more or less, worked and a few times they almost succeeded in rendering me completely “combat ineffective” forever. Not that they could realistically defeat me and kill me, but they certainly came quite close a series of times.
So, who I am to criticize their methods? Well, as long as it works, it isn't stupid, even when it is evidently stupid by every standard imaginable.
Because there aren’t many things more dangerous in your life, certain exceptions are being made, than a combat mage who is not swiftly and properly dealt with. Which means in more practical terms that you are advised to kill the motherfucker as fast as possible or you will be the one to be dead within a reasonable time frame. Otherwise these mages will bring out the big, nasty spells, which is not recommendable at all.

All in all, by engaging me in close combat they effectively prevented me from effectively utilising the more destructive spells in my magic repertoire. Normally, I would simply blow any resistance to kingdom come with just a wave of my hand. Which I did, or to be more precise I tried to.
Unfortunately, I only succeeded partially in my endeavour and my personal counterattack didn't go precisely as planned, not to say everything went totally wrong and the consequences were slightly unpleasant to say the least. Apparently, it wasn’t my day.
Nonetheless, charging at me over an open field was an utterly foolish decision. Despite close combat not being my forte, never was and never will be as I personally prefer to blow things up, I was at least skilled enough in the most noble art of cutting and thrusting to give my friends a run for their money. And luckily, the majority of my spells were still applicable on close range by reducing their power output.

Because considering everything I have already gone through, it would have been more than a little bit embarrassing to be killed by “friendly fire”, or rather by blowing myself up with my own magic. Imagine dying from your own cataclysmic creation and on your gravestone being written in bold accusatory letters " killed by your own magic”. Now that would be a bit of a mood killer, wouldn’t it?

Especially, if you pretend like me to be some kind of omniscient and omnipotent entity, which I clearly wasn’t. Because in the end, I am still only human and. I may be exceedingly difficult to kill and a stubborn person in general, but I would be the first to admit that I am neither omnipotent nor omniscient. Otherwise I wouldn’t be now in this shitty situation.
However, that doesn’t mean necessarily that I am, or rather was a toothless paper tiger. No, no, no, I am by no means comparable to a divine entity, but I am undeniably a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, a fact that many hostile acquaintances would testify if they were still alive.
Anyway, after this digression, let’s return to the original topic. So, what happened exactly or how did I end up here? To keep it short and concise, I got surrounded by them and they attempted to overwhelm me with enough cheap cannon fodder until I either died or drowned in their blood. But to their dismay, I didn’t make them that easy and refused to go down without a fight, and that was the crux of the matter. They were unable to kill me and I was unable to defeat them. It was basically a draw. Yes, a draw, and I surely wasn’t running out of stamina and about to lose. No, no, no, that didn’t happen.

Therefore, the tricky question was whether it was even possible to defeat someone like me who was considered practically invincible? And if yes, then how?

The first answer is definitely yes. Yes, it possible. Everything that bleeds can be killed and this was also true for me. The how is, however, a bit more complicated.
So, if you can't beat someone in a fair fight and have no viable options left, what would you do then? Ignoring the fact that you should under no circumstance ever fight an enemy under fair conditions because if you are doing that, then you have normally done something seriously wrong. Anyway, what would you do? Exactly, you cheat and use every underhanded method possible.
Therefore, someone came up with the elegant idea to simply displace me instead of trying to killing me. A lot of complicated space-time magic, I am not totally sure but I have a hunch, and using me as goddamn battery to power the spell later, I have absolutely no idea where the hell I am, which is unsurprisingly quite annoying.
Normally, I would approve of such ingenuity and I would congratulate the person who is responsible for sending me to this place, but obviously not this time. After all, I am not particularly happy with my current situation.
Nevertheless, I would say it is important to remain optimistic at the moment and I have collected a few potential clues to my current location, even though I am in my heart sadly a convinced pessimist.
Since the first day that I am trapped in this never ending limbo of consciousness and unconsciousness, I am registering some unidentifiable sounds and noises which can sometimes even be described as language with a bit of good will from my side.
Moreover, I have noted that all mental task require an almost inhuman amount of effort and concentration compared to what I am used to, which makes any attempt to gather further information annoying as hell.

Not to mention, that any attempt to move seems to put an even bigger strain on my rather body, or rather what I define as moving these days. But I should consider myself lucky that I still have a corporeal form after this whole catastrophe. Because the fact that I can still move is at least a reliable indicator that I am not some sort of nebulous ghost or wraith floating around in the immaterial world.

Furthermore, I was able to get in recent times a few short glimpses of the world around me. And what I saw could be defined as an unidentifiable, bright, and warm watery nothingness. In conclusion, I had no meaningful successes in this area yet.

The most infuriating thing is, however, that I have no control over my own situation. I am just trapped here without having a choice and slowly I am starting to think that it is impossible to escape from this place. A feeling of inescapable weakness, vulnerability, powerlessness grips accompanies me, a feeling that I have always despised, always hated. Because it is a cruel fate to be at the world's mercy, a world that doesn't care about you as an individual in the slightest.

Whatever, let’s talk about something more cheerful now. Interestingly, I notice a serious lack of a certain energy, an energy that I am quite fond of since it had been accompanying me since my childhood. Where had all my beloved mana gone to? Instead of the typical warming and calming touch of mana, I just don’t feel anything in the air, aether or whatever plain of existence I am currently residing. There is nothing but a vast infinite emptiness interrupted by minuscule amounts of brightly shining stars of concentrated mana. Truly mysterious.
Moreover, I don't register a single strong magical signatures in my immediate vicinity. Granted, there a few ones, but they are all so incomprehensibly weak and can’t be really considered strong in the traditional sense of the word. But to be fair, I am not that strong either at the moment and my own magical signature isn’t that spectacular too compared to what it used to be, not to say a shadow of its former self.

The reason is that my entire mana reserves have simply evaporated into nowhere and now I am literally dried up. All my original mana is gone, completely gone, zero nada, nothing. And currently, I am just left with nothing more than a few tiny, tiny grains of precious mana, what a cruel fate.

Fortunately, my totally empty mana reserves have finally started to steadily replenish themselves again. Even though it might take a few decades at the current pace, which is a by the way optimistic estimation, very optimistic, some far day in the future I might be fully operational again, or at least partially operational. Aargh, what a mess.
Anyway, who was the guy again who bet that the entire operation would turn into a total catastrophe? What was his name again? I scratched my metaphysical hairs desperately. Aargh, I don't remember. Nevertheless, he was spot on and it seems that I have lost the bet.
How much do I owe him again? Together with the money from last time, the time before, it should be around … Well, I guess quite a lot. Not that he will ever see, however, a single penny from me now that I am dead. You see, being dead has a few advantages, granted not that many but they exist...

Whoa. What the fuck was that? It feels like I am ehm, ehm, pushed out of somewhere by an unknown external force? Ehm, strange.
Why am I here again? Yes, because the extremely brilliant me thought that leading from the front was a good idea. Tsk tsk tsk, stupid me.
Ah, I am apparently approaching something bright. Seriously, is that the famous light at the end of the tunnel? Hey, come on these are probably my final moments before I dissolve literally into metaphysical dust and what do I get? A stupid lightshow, eh? I have to admit that I am disappointed, really disappointed. Because even the end of your life looks kind of cheap and cliché all things considered. Yaaaay.
And to be honest, I expected something far more enlightening and spectacular. But Death is, as far as I can say, a mean asshole who unable to afford even a halfway decent scenery. Did you hear that, Death, you uncreative bastard? Because I hope so, asshole.


A new sensation crawled over my unprotected skin. It was an indescribable coldness, uncaring and merciless in nature. I sensed this coldness surrounding my weak body like a veil and my body longed for the ever present warmth from before, I wanted it back. A warmth that I was forcefully separated, brutally ripped apart from without question, without a second thought. I felt alone now, I was alone now, completely alone and thrown into a hostile, unforgiving and frozen world. Contrary to my expectations, it was clear by now that I was somehow still alive as I was apparently still breathing. I had never thought that dying was such an overly complicated, surprisingly time-consuming and primarily such an unreliable affair. I should have clearly died, but I didn’t.

The moment that the fresh air entered my weakened lungs, I felt a sudden urge … to cry. But I didn’t get why? For some strange reason, my body told me to cry and I only managed to suppress this instinct by sheer force of will and mental discipline.
Afterwards, I was enveloped by a soft fabric and a pair of hands carrying me. It may have taken a small eternity, but eventually my eyes adjusted and I got my first, not completely blurred, view of the world around me. A small victory admittedly, but a victory nonetheless.

I opened my eyes and a pair of affectionate eyes filled with pure motherly love greeted me in return. An Asian looking woman embraced me holding me firmly in her arms. It was beyond my knowledge, however, how that was physically possible.
I examined my mysterious counterpart who possessed an unnaturally pale skin. Either a sign of a rich household probably or simply caused by being barely exposed to the sun light in general, either was possible.
Long black silken hair. I furrowed my doubting eyebrow. Yes, evidently Asian and suggesting an extensive use of beauty products.
A petite oval shaped face. And no sign of any sort of manual labour. No scars, no wrinkles, no pores, just nothing. It was almost scary. But she was definitely rich or wealthy at least. Even old money perhaps?
And stunning lapis lazuli blue eyes, a blue that was tainted, however, by inexplicable sorrow. Well, her eyes had a relatively weird, not say unnatural eye colour, but I have to admit that I have seen stranger things in my life. Wait a moment, perhaps I am only imagining it? But doesn’t she look right into my direction…

She opened her smooth lips and spoke. Her was voice tired yet overflowing with infinite happiness, "You have the eyes of your father."
The eyes of my father? Startled by her words, I furrowed my, to my dismay, non-existent eyebrow, which didn't achieve therefore the desired effect, none at all to be exact. Moreover, it seemed like she was speaking what was supposed some Asian language? Which one exactly was, however, another question altogether. But on the other hand, I had finally a hint in regard to my current location, and that was something I could work with.
"Even when he doesn't acknowledge you, I will", her next sentence didn't help me and only increased my inner state of uncertainty further.
I blinked in confusion. What was going on here? What was she talking about? I didn't get it. What did she mean with acknowledging and father? Surely, there was some crucial piece of information that I was missing to solve this mysterious series of events. The only question was what exactly? I tried in vain to scratch my head to show my cluelessness.

The woman took a deep breath and a radiant smile appeared on her petite face, "I will give you the name Asami, Minami Asami."
Whhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttt! My eyes widened in realisation and the full implications of the situation hit me. It finally dawned on me what had transpired in these last few minutes. A name, a name, a name. I was given a new name. I lost any force in my limbs and I felt how the world around me shattered like fragile glass into millions of tiny brilliant shards. I cried as loudly as my new born lungs were able to.

Forget congratulations. If I ever met that dammed bastard who devised this nefarious plan, then I will rip him apart with my own bare hands and plant his head on a pike. Aarghhhhhh.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
welp if anyone wants to really see my baby steps you may find me on under the same username but more recently I wrote a few stories I am quite proud of here's one:

the backstory is that we had to write a short fiction continuation of a certain story we read in literature class the story I read was "So Much for Prince Charming" by Ursula Le Guin


“To The Child I Let Go”

Heavy clouds covered the sun and it made it difficult to write. She sat in front of the typewriter, a lamp lighting the mahogany table where she worked. Her brows furrowed and she sighed looking at the blank paper. She had been sitting like this for a while, her head was heavy with what ifs and her heart was filled with guilt. She couldn’t go on like this. Furthermore she knew that the burdens of the past should be placed down for the future to come and so she closed her eyes and rested her hands on the typewriter.

The sound of typing filled the room as the sky grew darker. Soon water fell and splashed heavily over the streets. She took a glance out the window; she could see the pedestrians madly rushing for cover and the carriages splashing through puddles. ‘Rain, such a fine setting’ She thought bitterly then continued to type away. As the hours passed she wrote and rewrote the one page letter that was addressed to her first child.

Evening arrived and she finally finished her letter. With a deep sigh she sealed it with was and placed it on the tray beside her. She heard a knock on the door, “Madam, it is time to go. The master and young mistresses are waiting.” The butler reminded. “I’ll be down in a minute.” She fixed her dress then took the sealed letter and burnt it in the fireplace. She stared as it turned into ashes, praying that her words reached her firstborn. Then she left the room and went down to the main hall. She saw her husband and children waiting at the door, ready to board the carriage. “It’s done?” he gently took her hand. She nodded and he escorted her to the carriage. “Off to the church!”

As the carriage left their home, the skies cleared up. The skies lit up with stars and the moon was no longer hidden by clouds.

She had thought long and hard about what to place in the letter. A letter that asked how the child is doing in heaven? That sounded fake. An explanation on why she gave up her first child? Or a letter telling the child how if she didn’t do what she had, she wouldn’t have her current life? Those sounded like excuses more than anything else.

There was so much she wanted to write: Regret that she didn’t have the child, a wish that she kept the child, or how much they could have done together if the child was alive. In the end, she kept the letter short, leaving it finished with 2 short sentences.

To the Child I let go,
I’m sorry. I love you.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
Every writer's first work is a natural catastrophe. I'm not here to ask you to share that. Those first attempts should be locked in a nuclear facility chamber and not see the light of the day ever again. What I'm asking you to do though is share the chapter, the one-shot, the short story that you wrote and reread only to think "Woah, that's not bad." For me, it was an unfinished chapter that I wrote for the rewrite of a novel that went nowhere. It's been three years since then. Here is the link.

Share your baby steps in the comment section!
For me, Nah. I'm something of a natural talent. A heaven sent genius of a generation.

My first work did amazingly well

You all know InvisibleDragon. But now I present to you....Invisibler Dragon!

The adventures of young Invisibler Drgaon, yay!

When Invisibler Dragon was born, the multi-verse shook!

Couldn't handle Invisibler Dragon's awesomeness, yup!

Invisibler Dragon was had many smarticle particles, Invisibler Dragon was scholar-y!

A genus! A pure, absolute genus!

Forsooth, Invisibler Dragon makes her(his) appearance!

He'd make his mommy proud! Invisibler Dragon gon make daddy proud! But, where is daddy? Invisibler Dragon could never find him, daddy was even more Invisibler than Invisibler Dragon! Ah! The shame!

Invisibler Dragon will work hardered than everer

But first Invisibler Dragon will rest.

He'd just been borned a week ago, after all!


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Here's my first-ever, unfinished one-shot that I abandoned. It's a story about a strong cultivator trying to breakthrough out fail because Heaven needed someone to die to become a treasure trove for the chosen one aka the Protagonist.

The Heaven Blessing had finished.

I could feel the Qi rushing through my body.
It felt good.

I laughed happily before I wrote about my breakthrough in a dairy.
The comprehension of my Domain also increased after I stepped through the Great Sage rank.

"Now, nobody can stop me!" I said to myself as I laughed again.

I'm going to avenge you, brother.
I smiled before I floated to the tall mountain.
I stood there before letting out my Divine Sense throughout the land.

"All of you, come out right now!"
I only needed to wait, they would come to seek me by themselves.
If they want my guidance, that is.

I closed my eyes and began to meditate.
After a while, I could feel the condensed Qi around me.
So I opened my eyes and saw a junior.

This person is at Sage rank because of his condensed Qi.

"What would senior, the Demolisher, do from now on?"

Interesting question, of course, I will open the Immortal Realm.
"We will gather everyone to open the Immortal Realm after we finished making Treasure Zone."

The Demolisher, the title that I granted when I annihilated a great sect that killed my brother.
Three Great Master had died by my hand.

But the culprit is too powerful, so I fled.

Without Treasure Zone, how would someone train themselves to become strong like me?

That's why I decide to create the zone.
It was also for my descendants.

After everyone was gathered, it turned out that that Sage was the strongest one of them all.

"Senior, we have all been gathered."

I stood up and walked to them, I could see them turning stiff because of my overwhelming Qi.

"Follow me."
I said as I slashed through the empty space, creating a void gate.
I stepped in before they started to follow me.


After I stepped out of the void, I saw the enormous forest.

"This is the Great Jungle, where the Treasure Zone would be."

"As senior say."

I saw them bowed toward me respectfully.
Brother, this should be how you feel, right?
Why did you want to go up there?

I shook my head, letting go of those useless thoughts.
I raised my hand and wrote the ancient seals in the air.
I watched them as they materialised themselves and covered the whole forest.

The restriction seal is done.

I channelled my Qi and used them to crush all the trees to the ground.
I could hear feel the excitement of those juniors behind me.
Their sects would have the zone for their disciples to temper themselves.
It would reduce the casualty rate by a huge number.

The bright future for their descendants awaited.

"Let's us begin the construction of the Treasure Zone."

I watched every one of them flew away to create their own trial, using some of their artefacts as the rewards for the persisted one.


Time quickly flew by, in a blink of the eyes, 300 years had passed.

"Senior, the last protection seals of the sects' disciple is completed."

I nodded to that junior.

Everything is finished.
"Now, we will go to the Immortal Gate."

After I said that, I could feel the yearning emotions of the juniors around me.

Who wouldn't want to go to see the real Immortal in the Immortal Gate?

We quickly departed from the Treasure Zone to the Immortal Gate.

Because there would be someone waited for me there, I will preserve all my strength for the next battle, to end it all.


When we arrived at the Immortal Gate, I saw an old man standing ahead of me.
I recognised him, he was the man who killed my brother.

"Why are you here?"

After all the pain and the struggle, I could finally stand on the equal footing with him.

"To finish what I did in the past."
The strongest man in the Mortal Realm spoke to me.

"Stand aside and don't interrupt me."
I said to the juniors who were scared stiff to back off.
It's not worth it to let them all die by the impact of our battle.

I waved my hand and channelled my Qi again, sending them back to the Treasure Zone.

"Why did you kill my brother?"


I used my Divine Sense to penetrate the Qi shield that surrounding him.

I don't need his answer, I will just kill him, to fulfil my promise and avenge my clan.

But I could feel the Qi power from behind.
I dodged the power but it was still too late, the flying sword cut through my fingers.

I caught out a mouthful of blood and immediately cut my own hand off and used Qi to stop the bleeding.

The sword is poisonous.

I threw 2 talismans at him.
Because of my Divine Sense, he couldn't use his Qi to destroy the formation within the talismans.

He threw out a cauldron as it started to pour out the flame to burn the talismans.

I spatted out lighting inside my soul to counter the cauldron, nullified its flame.

The flying sword cut through one of them, cause an explosion, resulting in the destruction of the sword and my Devine Sense around there.

I could feel that my body weakening, I lost quite a number of my Divine Sense.

But I mustn't stop.

I channelled my Qi power into my ring, unleashed the icy-cold blue flame toward him.

After he saw the blue flame, he grinned.

He suddenly broke the necklace on his neck into pieces before it shone a bright red light.
I saw his old white skin started to transform into the dark red one.

I even saw 2 dark horns appeared on his forehead.

But he only has one wing.
So he needs to kill me to achieve the breakthrough of his Domain after all.

His arm exploded into blood mist and shot toward the blue flame, completely dissolved the flame.

He is decisive, only using his arm to destroy the flame.

He is the demonic cultivator, after all, he must be ruthless to survive.

I saw him disappeared, suddenly, I got hit by a tremendous force behind me, sending me and knocked me against the mountain.

The mountain obviously couldn't handle the force of a Great Sage, thus collapsed into dust.

My left arm was broken by the impact.
But I couldn't feel any Qi in his attack and movement.

"So you abandoned your Qi with the exchange of demon's body after all."

He finally shows his trump card.

And I knew every information I need.

So I will show mine too.

I took out a broken spear.

It was something I acquired luckily in the ancient ruin after almost death by the ruthless traps in there.

"How did you manage to find it?"

I could hear his shaking voice from afar.

He certainly knew the origin of the broken spear, it still radiated the ancient and sinister aura.

I took out another ancient talisman and channel my Qi into it.
The talisman burned out and the protection seal was created to protect me.

I think he was too overwhelmed by the appearance of the spear that he forgot to intercept me.

Which is good.

I then stabbed myself with the spear.
I watched as my essence blood and Divine Sense slowly got absorbed by the spear.

I could feel the impact of that mad demon that was trying to break the protection seal.

"You fool, you are going to die together with me at this rate!"

"I don't think so."

Although I felt dizzy and was likely to faint, I pulled the blood-cover spear out, and channel my Divine Sense in it to unleash its power.

I watched as the spear radiated the black light out of it.
Without a second thought, I threw the spear with all my strength.

The protection seal broke instantly as the broken spear rushed through it.

So that was the might of the legend, too powerful, the unobtainable power after all.

I coughed out a large amount of essence blood and kneeled to the floor as I watch the demon fell lifelessly to the ground.

I saw a tremendous hole in the middle of its chest.

Its soul had been annihilated on spot.

The bracelet on my hand started to send out the warm life force to my vein.

I could feel myself start healing up.
But it couldn't generate back the Divine Sense and essence blood, those needed time and effort to do so.

"After a long time, our grudge had come to the end."

I stood there alone, silently reminisced about the past.

From the moment I started to cultivate the Path of Heaven.

To the moment I entered a poor nameless sect as an outer disciple.

To the moment I became an Elder of that sect.

To the moment that demon came to my family and murdered all my relative.

At the moment I destroyed the demon's sect all by myself.

To the moment I fled around the world, facing many life-and-death battles.

I had been fleeing almost all my life.

Until I had become the Sage.

And now, I stood at the peak of the world.

At the apex.

The strongest cultivator in the world, the last Great Sage, the Demolisher was my title.

A single tear dropped from my face to the ground.

The first single tear that I shed in ten thousand years.
The last time was when I went to my clan graveyard.

I sat there alone, reminiscing about the past.


After 100 years of resting and guiding the Sage cultivators.

I opened my eyes, feeling more refresh than ever.

Today marked the day I was born, and today is the day I broke through to the Great Sage rank.

The strongest Sage cultivator quickly came to me after he knew that I came out.

"Senior, please enlight us."
He asked me sincerely.

Of course, everyone wanted the guidance of the Great Sage rank but how many could receive it?

That's why everyone was so eager to listen to my pointers.

I don't really mind it, for the sake of my descendant's well-being, I could just give them some pointers and they will protect my clan for me.

Because no one could live forever, not even the legendary Grand Emperor rank cultivator.

"Bring everyone here."
I commanded him, he, naturally complied without any complaint.

After everyone was gathered, that Sage immediately came to me.

"We are ready to receive your guidance anytime, please help us, senior."
He said respectfully as he kowtowed to me.

"This will be the last time I personally teach you, I will go into seclusion again."
I said to him casually.

I was looking forward to this seclusion, hoping to gain some progress on my domain.

The Sage was startled but instantly overjoyed after hearing my reasons.

If the Demolisher managed to break through the Great Sage to the legendary Emperor rank then opening the Immortal Realm would be a piece of cake.

He probably thought something along that line.

"Don't waste my time anymore, the first one, step up."
I point randomly at a junior.

"Your fighting style is 'flowing water', so you need to be as calm as still water and your blade technic must be focused on the aspect of everchanging."

I started to advise and demonstrated all the aspect of their abilities to them, one by one at a time.


"Your last slash wasn't good enough, you need to concentrate all your Qi power into only the trip of the sword for the maximum offensive output."
After I finished advising the last Sage cultivator, I gestured his hand, signalling them to leave.

"When I went into seclusion, I don't know how long I would be in there, so, treat my descendants well."
I commanded all the Sage cultivators to protect my clan, just to make sure they will have a stable life.

After everyone left, I walked into the void between space and directly walked out into the mountain I previously selected.

I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes mentally, just to see the gigantic eyeball floating above me.

It had the aura of the divine immortal in it, causing me to have the urge to worship it.

But my Dao Heart was strong, I was able to resist the illusion of the eyeball.

Then, I looked around, the empty space around me extended as far as I could see, and, it would likely extend to infinity.

Everything is white.

"What are you?"
I looked at the eyeball again and asked cautiously.

Suddenly, many more eyeballs began to appear, one after another, they varied in sizes, but their cheer amount was able to cover the entire white sky.

They all looked at me intensely.

"The one who open."
"Close the gate."
"Not the destinated one"
"The Failure."
"The Immortal."
"Ashes of the history."
"Behind the gate."
"Fake paradise."
"Wheel of Fate."
"Can't oppose."
"Thing Above."
"The Devil."
"The ancient ruin."
"The Reminder."
"Great destruction."
"Altered event."
"Eternal one."
"Not favoured."

A series of thought came rushing into me, only some of them that I could understand what they said.

"True path."
"Against the law."
"Opposed fate."
"Withstood time."

The eyeballs started to fade away one by one.

"Our honour."
"With you."
"Break the cycle."

The biggest eyeball looked at me again, but, it looked at me gently this time.
Before it faded away.

Something seemed to transfer into my soul.
I felt an unbelievable pain in my soul, it felt like having your body torn apart and reconstructed them just to do it again, endlessly.
I fainted.


My first proud work should be Don't Cultivate.


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
For me, Nah. I'm something of a natural talent. A heaven sent genius of a generation.

My first work did amazingly well

You all know InvisibleDragon. But now I present to you....Invisibler Dragon!

The adventures of young Invisibler Drgaon, yay!

When Invisibler Dragon was born, the multi-verse shook!

Couldn't handle Invisibler Dragon's awesomeness, yup!

Invisibler Dragon was had many smarticle particles, Invisibler Dragon was scholar-y!

A genus! A pure, absolute genus!

Forsooth, Invisibler Dragon makes her(his) appearance!

He'd make his mommy proud! Invisibler Dragon gon make daddy proud! But, where is daddy? Invisibler Dragon could never find him, daddy was even more Invisibler than Invisibler Dragon! Ah! The shame!

Invisibler Dragon will work hardered than everer

But first Invisibler Dragon will rest.

He'd just been borned a week ago, after all!




I wish you would come back.

You're dead.

I was dead once, so maybe...

But I can't exactly call this living.

I wish I could bring you back.

But I can't.

I can't do it.

I can't bring you back.

I wish I could.


It hurts.

Everything hurts.

I'm so tired.

I just feel...



I just want everything to stop.

I want to sleep and never wake up.

To just give up.

I was in the void for so long. Unable to do anything.

It was hell.

I could do some things, but not much.

I still can't do anything of importance. I'm still trapped.

I can't do anything.

I want to change things but...

I'm so tired.

What's the point? It'd be so much easier to give up.

But there's that little voice that says "Then what was the point of it?"

What was the point of any of it?

If I stop now... Then this was all pointless. I was pointless.

Does that mean you were pointless too?

Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2019
My oldest works are in 'Book of TLC' under one of the chapters.
I'm not putting my very first noob story on here...
My first real story was 'Universal Creations' but now has turned into 'Spirituous, Earth before Condemnation' which is in the middle of it's 60th (give or take) edit lol. Mahnu was my second, which has already been reedited since.


[Trash Talker]
Jan 3, 2019
Umu, I see, so we put some of our first works, is it? That's a bit hard...since I still write my first work, but I have a prologue that I made for another story...which might not be used at all. Well, it's still 1 of my first works, so there it is.


A smile flashes on my face. I love that sound. The sounds of guns and explosions are all around me, but I don’t hear anyone close at the moment.

I glance at my HUD.

Kills: 57 | Deaths: 0

As I reload and check my surroundings, the chat starts to ping like crazy.

gunguy051: Fuck u
fortnite4evz: hax
gunguy051: This is bullshit.
hiiam12: i no rite
gunguy051: Get out of here hacker!
4Gondor-09: Fckin haxr
gunguy051: Is there a Mod here?
gunguy051: All these hackers are ruining the game. Gonna report.
hiiam12: hacker
gunguy051: die, fucker

“Hehe. Not my problem you guys suck.” I’ve always been good at FPS games, even scouted to play pro a few times. However, I always turn them down. I just love to play from time to time, it’s not like I’m serious or anything.

I move forward, round a corner and spot an enemy. On instinct, I target his head and click the mouse in a smooth, practiced motion.


He wasn't even able to react. The comments are blowing up, but I don’t have time to check them. There’s no point to it anyway—it’s always the same.

I slow down, carefully work my way through a field and rack up a few more kil—

REASON: Using hack.

“Damn it!” I stand up from my PC and go to the fridge. There are programs for checking whether someone’s hacking, right? I’m clean! Why would I even use a hack? I’m just that good, assholes. Wait... didn’t I kill that guy like 10 or more times? Guess I pissed him off. Asshole.

I peer into my open fridge door. “Ugh.”

There is nothing, nothing! I forgot to buy food again. What time is it? I check my phone.

8:14 AM

Guess I played all night. Good thing the stores are open now. Time for some shopping.

Hmm, it's already Wednesday, isn't it? You may ask why someone is at home, playing FPS games and not knowing what the time and day is, but that is quite simple.

My life has been a bit harsh, losing my parents on my 21st birthday was rough. Yeah, on my birthday.

They were rich and they left me with their fortune. Since then, I haven’t had to work for anything. I don't have other relatives nor friends, preferring to stay home, sometimes playing some FPS games as you saw a moment ago. I like to read novels too, my life is quite simple, the days just pass like that.

Checking how much money I have, a sigh escapes from my lips. I should go to the bank and withdraw more, or else there’s no way to pay for delivered food. I will need some cash on me.

Leaving my villa, I start jogging to the city which is 30 minutes away on foot. I might like to play games or read novels, but that doesn't stop me from training daily. I keep my body healthy doing this. That helps to keep some of my boredom in check.

The morning breeze refreshes my senses. The small forest is just so beautiful and calming. I am really glad about my choice to buy this villa.

Finally after twenty minutes, the forest fades and the city unfolds before me. I can hear the noise of cars. How can people live in a crowded place like this, with so much noise and so many restrictions? It's really hard for me to understand them.

My jogging slows when I reach a street. There are so many people here, it's just impossible to move fast. My pace slows as I try to avoid bumping into anyone as I move along the streets, surrounded by noise and different smells.

Most of the people are rushing, probably to work. Why did I choose to come now to the city? If it was a few hours later, there won't be so many people out here. Sigh, I hate crowds, it's so annoying to move around.

Finally, the bank comes into view. Guess I will find some peace as it’s quieter inside.

I push the door open to enter and...


Pain spread out throughout my abdomen, my hand pressing to it.

There is blood pouring from my stomach. I stiffen, trying to even understand what’s happening, only to see a man wearing a black mask wielding a gun in his right hand. His hand trembles, pointing it in my direction. The surrounding people are all gazing at me, shocked.

"Oh... I understand. Seems my luck... is really bad." I feel nauseous, everything starts to blur, I can't hear anything anymore. The world in front of my eyes is getting darker and darker. Shit, that's not fair! My vision focuses for the last time on the ceiling. I can't feel pain anymore. The darkness finally engulfs my sight.


Undead men tell tales
May 17, 2019
Un, my first work is very dear to me and I tried rewriting it 3 times, but it was not meant to be. It's not in digital form and I dont wanna transcribe it so no posting it haha.

As for the oneshot I felt was not bad--there are too many of them! Ai, but I went back and grabbed an oldie that is interesting. It's not finished, and I'm not gonna edit it. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

"So you want clarification?" Arvid looked at his visitors with a slight annoyance. The cigarette that smoked in the female's hand held his gaze for a few minutes.
"No clarification is not needed," she elegantly took a stoke on her cigarette.
"Thank's for the clarification."
"Why you--" her accompanying subordinate held her back as she tried to get up and slap him.
"Sit down Minerva."

"Then what do you want me to do?"
"We want you to watch her every movement and report it to us, along with any suspicions you might have."
"That's all? I thought you might give me something interesting this time."
Minerva stalked out, fed up with him. Her friend excused himself also. With them gone Arvid un-elegantly opened the window to rid himself of the awful smell of cigarette smoke. He looked out the window, the autumnal breeze swept his hair about wildly. "Follow your daughter, huh Minerva?" several things flitted through his mind about her, she didn't take good care of her daughter and she was an awful woman.
"Such vulgarity on an elegant level."
The door to his high-rise office opened and Laurel walked in with a "Yo!". He put some grocery bags down on the table and looked into the small fridge. "Man, do you ever go out and buy food, or is mustard the only permanent resident of this place?"
"I never eat here so it's irrelevant."
"Then why do you have a hotplate?" he said bringing out said object.
"Because you always eat here."
"Ah, I see." He began making something with green onions. "I see the Vulgarity has visited; I saw her leave the building with that worm of an entourage. Not to mention the reason you opened that large window on this freezing day. Well, what did she want this time?"
"Nothing interesting."
"And by that you mean, she only wants you doing background checks?"
"No, I mean she wants me to follow her daughter around. Cheeky woman, dumping all the responsibility of a degenerate parent onto me."
"Ah now you're harping on the reason she cant keep rack of her own offspring." Laurel, fished the food he'd made onto a plate.
Arvid turned around his face as expressionless as usual. The wind still whipped his normal brunette hair about. "Oy, Arvid its freezing in here, just because you can't stand the smell of smoke and don't have concept of the cold doesn't mean I don't. There are other people in this world besides you." The frump of an Arvid stopped leaning against the sill and closed the window.
"You never have had any tolerance for the cold. All you have to do to tolerate it is to think of it nonexistent. Since it is only the absence of heat. If we lived in a place where the heat never deviated past 30 degrees we wouldn't know the was something like cold." he turned and stared out the window again.
"I will never understand how you got your license, with that criminal record and whatnot."
"You jump from subject to subject like a frog."
"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?"
"Somethings will never be explained, no matter how curious you may be."
"You're such a cold person." Arvid saw no reason to answer and the conversation dropped for a few minutes. The only noises were Laurel's slurping from a bowl and the wind buffeting the sides of the building. "So, what are you going to do Arvid?"
"What I'm paid to do, follow orders."
"That is exactly the reason why she keeps coming here, because you're so reliable. Try lying for once, or maybe cut connections with her. It's possible she won't ever bother you again."
"That is exactly the reason you're unemployed. Besides she's the only person who cares to give a criminal like me a job."
"Why because she's a criminal herself?" he thought internally "Did you just blame my unemployment on my integrity?"
Arvid was silent almost as if he had said, "no comment." Laurel's phone rang, the sound split the air awkwardly. He picked it up "Yeah, oh. I didn't see it, no I did not take it from your bathroom! Yeah, yeah, I'll do that Rea. Bye." he hung up the phone, "That was my sister, gotta be off she told me to go to the corner store. See ya later." Arvid had no reaction, which made Laurel disappointed. "And if you miss me it'll be just too bad." he added as an after thought.
"Someone who invited themselves to my life has no right to think they are missed." Arvid said in his usual stale way. Laurel tsked and humphed out the door.
On his way out of the building Laurel said to the air: "Hmmm, Eagle-tree huh? For someone with such a colorful name, Arvid is so colorless."

Arvid watched him go, as soon as he was out of sight he openly sighed. It was something he would never do in front of people. What was Laurel to him really? Laurel liked to think of himself as a friend, but Arvid couldn't think of anyone as friend. Laurel was a long-standing acquaintance, nothing more. He thought to himself.

"And with that I think I'll get some rest and begin following that Vulgarity's daughter." He sank down into a corner of the room and fell asleep almost immediately. The sun had already begun to set when he'd decided to nap, and when he woke it was dark out and the street lamps were flickering. Arvid yawned and and put some shoes on. They were quite worn out and looked as if they should be thrown away. "Well, let's see, if the mother is Vulgarity, who doesn't trust anyone but Entourage, the daughter would have to be really guarded at home, no doubt Vulgarity has cameras and all else set up in her house. Her daughter would have to be The Weasel, and shouldn't be taken lightly. First I'll need to go over the information I gathered on Vulgarity and all connected with her. Hmmm..." He went over to the file cabinet and pulled out a rather flimsy looking file with frayed edges, as if it had been looked into many many times. He flipped through the various pages not really looking at them. "Alright then, let's be off." And went out of the building with a slight skip, grinning maniacally. He was a wholly different animal when he was alone.


Active member
Jul 6, 2019
This is the first story that I worked on. I've let the project stall a bit since I've been focused on my other work, but I really enjoyed this one and I'll probably go back to it sometime in the future. The story is called Breaker and here is the first chapter:

The rain gently tapped against the window to Emily's room, making a soothing and steady drumming noise. She couldn't understand why people thought that rain was gloomy. Rain had always been relaxing and cleansing to her, and the smell of rain always put her at peace. Staring out her window, she watched the trees in her front yard sway in the wind from the second story bedroom that was her sanctuary from the noise below.

It was a Friday, and unlike most teenagers, she absolutely abhorred Fridays. The reason for this was that Friday marked the beginning of the weekend, which for her meant that there was a high probability of some sort of unpleasant drama happening in her house. Emily's mom and step dad tended to go on benders pretty much every weekend from Friday until Sunday. Things usually started out in good fun, but they would eventually reach blackout stage and arguing would ensue. In fact, arguing was typically the best case scenario as over the past several years she had seen many holes put into walls and doors, broken lamps and even on one occasion a smashed TV.

Sighing to herself, she sat down on the edge of the bed and put her head into her hands to block out the loud music coming from downstairs and the yelling that had started. Every time this happened, she couldn’t stop certain thoughts from entering her head. Will I be taken away again? Emily shook her head, trying to force away those thoughts. Stop thinking about it. The past is the past. Her family really did love each other despite their problems. This was just the hand she was dealt and there was nothing to be done about it. She tried imagining herself somewhere else, anywhere else.

After a few moments, she heard a loud smashing noise from downstairs. Tensing up instinctively she looked over at her bedroom door. She had learned in the past that going down to interfere in their arguments led to nothing good. She got up and sat against the door to her room. I just need to stay up here, she thought. Please, just stop fighting and go to sleep already. Only two more years and she'd be off to college and she could leave this place behind, just like her sister.

Emily glanced over at her computer screen while continuing to sit against the door. One good thing would come from this weekend. It was the launch day of a game she'd been waiting ages for. Her escape from this awful and unfair world was imminent.

For as long as she could remember, she has loved escaping into exotic worlds portrayed in fantasy novels, TV shows, movies and especially video games. She constantly daydreamed about living interesting and exciting lives like the characters of those stories. She could spend countless hours tucked away in her room while her mind was out slaying a dragon or sailing a pirate ship.

Emily could hear her mom's shrill voice downstairs saying, "What the fuck is the matter with you?"

She closed her eyes again. In just a few short minutes, the game she had been waiting ages for would finally be downloaded, patched and installed. Standing up, she walked over to her desk and sat at the computer. Phoenix Online was the most hyped VRMMORPG to have ever been made and had been in development for over a decade.

VR games had been immensely popular for longer than Emily had been alive and had gotten more and more sophisticated every year. Phoenix Online was completely cutting edge and required special hardware that didn't come cheap. Not to mention, the game itself was extremely expensive for some reason. It cost her almost all of the money she had saved over two years of babysitting and working part-time.

Other than the demo video released online a year or so ago, not much was known. It had been announced that the game world was vast and that players would be randomly assigned spawning points to begin their adventure on their first time logging in. The hardware was supposed to make the game fully immersive, and it was said that moving around in the game was just like real life. The demo generated so much hype that even before release, the game had sold millions upon millions in pre-orders. The game had an interesting slogan, "You will rise from the ashes of this world and be reborn. There will be no turning back," which made her want the game even more.

Emily paced around the room in anticipation. The installation bar inched its way along across her screen as slow as a snail. She had started the install as soon as she got home from school and it now stood at 96%. Emily was chomping at the bit to get into this new world and escape from this crappy one for a while. Come on already!

The game finally finished installing. She could hardly contain her excitement as she reached over to the side of her desk, grabbed her VR headset and moved over onto the bed. The technology was completely cutting-edge, and the headset resembled a motorcycle helmet more than a typical VR headset. There were no controls for the hardware. Apparently, it operated using her brainwaves and would somehow make her unable to move her real body while the game was running.

Emily took one last deep breath and put the helmet on over her head, then hit the power button on the left side. Her field of vision immediately changed and she was standing in a plane of darkness with nothing except a window in front of her. It had Phoenix Online stylistically written on it with an image of a giant phoenix fighting a dragon. In the middle of the window was a login prompt.

Username: Astoria
Password: **********

Login successful!

Are you certain that you wish to rise from the ashes of your existence and be reborn in the world of Phoenix Online?

Yes / No

WARNING: There will be no turning back.

What a weird thing for it to ask me... I guess they just want to drive their slogan home. She shrugged and selected yes. The window disappeared and a moment later she felt the grainy texture of dirt between her fingers as she found herself sitting on the ground. After taking a moment to get her bearings, it was clear that she was inside some sort of cave. The area around her was poorly lit by a torch set into the wall that flickered giving uneven light. Some games started players in dungeons or jails and so this type of situation wasn't completely unheard of. It was odd that there had been no further menus asking her to create a character, choose a race or anything. The game hadn't even offered her a tutorial mode.

Astoria was completely awestruck with how real everything was. All the other VR games she had played in the past only had visual stimuli. The new hardware that this game ran off of was on a completely different level. For one, when using the old hardware to play VR games, she always had control of her real body and had to use controllers. Phoenix Online felt just as real to her as if she was actually inside a cave in real life.

The air was musky and cold like a real cave would be. Astoria picked up a handful of dirt and let it slide between her fingers and back to the floor of the cave. It was so realistic. The spot she was in was a dead end and the tunnel led off into darkness. Astoria finished looking around and went over to grab the torch. After examining it for a moment, a translucent information bubble popped into her vision next to the torch.

Crude Torch
This item will light a 10 foot area and will continue to burn for four hours.

Sweet. So I can get information about things I pick up by just examining them, she thought in amusement. She smiled and wondered what this world had in store for her. It was then that she noticed a small status icon in the corner of her field of vision. It looked like a silhouette of a person’s head and upper torso. Astoria focused on the icon and it brought up a window with her character stats.

Level001 (0/90 EXP to next level)
Endurance10Magic Resistance10
• Kleptomancy

She grimaced. It doesn't really give me much to go on... and what the heck is Kleptomancy? Astoria decided to see if she could get the system to give her more information on the ability. Concentrating on it seemed to work and she got another pop-up.

The ability to steal skills from others. In order to steal a skill you must come into direct physical contact with a person for 5 seconds. Until you become more proficient at Kleptomancy, the skill stolen will be chosen at random.

The level of the skill gained will begin at 1 regardless of the skill level of the person you steal it from, unless you already have this skill, in which case it will increase your skill level by 1. The victim will have their skill level reduced by 1. If their skill level was only 1, then they will lose the skill.

You may use this ability only once every 48 hours.

Note: Your victim will not be notified directly that you have stolen a skill level; however, the next time they open their status they will surely notice. Use with caution.

She wondered just how proficient she would need to be in order to be able to choose the stolen skill. She smiled to herself. With this, I can literally learn how to do anything!

It was a pretty big drawback that she started with nothing in this game, but at least she had potential. Astoria wondered if everyone started with the same stuff as she did. There was really no way of knowing though, and it didn't really matter, she supposed. Shrugging off the thought, she began walking down the corridor and after a few minutes she came to a large open room that had tunnels branching off in several directions.

Not knowing which way to go, she decided to just take the tunnel to the right. It appeared to be the biggest one and she didn't really want to scrape herself crawling through tight spaces if she didn't have to. One way was as good as another since she had no information to go by. Hopefully this would lead outside where she could get a true look at what this world had to offer. It was still early evening and she intended to spend every second of tonight inside the game. With a skip in her step, she headed off down the tunnel, all the while not noticing the scuttling noises that could be faintly heard in the distance.


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Err, I don't think I ever really became decent?

I can write something pretty (for like a chapter or two), but I think that's the extent of my ability!

I'm always working on something though! For 2016 - 2018, a lot of my efforts have gone into developing theme.

But that said, I'm not all that good at writing straight plot to begin with. And I'm not close to consistent enough with anything!


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
I'm always working on something though! For 2016 - 2018, a lot of my efforts have gone into developing theme.
Hahaha sames I've been workinh on this certain story for 3 years now but the thing is I've never gone past 5 chapters. Life is very sporadic when it demands things from me. Crie


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2019
Still working on the acceptable part, but I do know that my writing from years ago is cringe worthy now. Hopefully that means progress.

The first time I met her she was carrying a cat and so, ever since then I have been afraid of cats. Yes. Just like I was afraid of Claire.

Claire had no friends. Not a single one. Of course, that is not necessarily because she was excluded. She was always sitting right there, reading a book in the shade of the beech forest as if it were only natural to do so. She had built a wall around her to keep others away. I was the exception to this, and it made me feel uncomfortable.

There was a faint idea why I thought of Claire as different. But I did not know how girls worked, so I resorted to asking the only girl with whom I had ever held a meaningful conversation with. My little sister Amie. She was sitting by a flower bed and enjoying the smell of some budding roses. I wandered over and waited behind her until she stood up.


"Yes?" she replied and turned around to greet me with crossed arms.

"Let's talk about love."

"Love?" she repeated, as she began to fidget with her dress.


"What about love?"

"I think I might be in love," I announced, without an ounce of certainty.

"Are you sure you're not just sick?"

"Not entirely. Why? What's the difference?"

"Not much. But, you talking about love is... strange."

Amie had to lean in on her toes just to put a hand to my forehead and check my temperature. I looked down and started smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked.

"I can see down your dress," I beamed and Amie retreated.

"Are you sure you're in love?" she said and tried her best to look cynical.

"With you? No. Of course not."

Her eyes narrowed when I gave her a sheepish grin.

"You are not in love, stupid brother. You are just sexually frustrated," Amie spat before she went back inside.

I wanted to ask if that meant I was not sick, but I did not get the chance. I hoped I was not sick. The sky was full of clouds and the sun a faint light. I put my back against the grass and looked up for shapes in the clouds and for time to think. The warm afternoon and cool wind brought a drowsy haze, and I felt my eyes wanting to rest and I obeyed. When I opened them Claire's wide-brimmed straw hat appeared above me.

"Oh. Hey Gene. You're doing fine?"

"Hey. I'm doing fine..."

I found myself sitting up out of habit, but thought better of it. She was wearing a white cotton dress that ended just below her knees and today was a windy day.

"Hey, Gene-"

A gust of wind blew past and threatened to remove her hat which forced her to move a hand to keep it. Her other hand was full of cat. This left me free to stare up.

"Nice view."

Claire looked at me and smiled and then bunched her skirt in front of her, sat down next to me on the grass and curled herself into a ball. The white cat she was carrying sat content in her lap and surrounded by the warmth of her belly, began to purr. I learned recently that she had called the cat Leon because it was Latin and she was trying to teach herself Latin. She told me it was a beautiful language. Claire looked at the ground as she spoke, but acted as if I was talking about the sky.

"In a way. But I prefer to watch the stars."

"But there aren't any stars out."

"Yes there are. You just can't see them because the sun is too bright," she said, and she looked back up at the sky.



"I always learn something when I talk to you Claire. It's almost like you know everything."

"I don't know everything, I just happen to know this," she told me and attempted to smile.

We sat in silence for a minute and looked at the sky together.

"I don't know anything..." she mumbled to herself, and I pretended not to hear.

"Do you pity me, Gene?"


"Even if I told you I didn't know everything?"


"Why not?"

"Because you are not something to be pitied," I said and watched her eyes narrow.

"You may regret saying that one day, Gene."

"I'm already starting to regret saying it now."

Claire grimaced, but her eyes had softened. They no longer looked like dark ancient wells, filled with misfortune - that bottomless abyss. They looked content. The ocean inside rocked, peaceful, and I felt the threat of drowning revoked. I had been lying when I told her I regretted saying it and she knew. I would never pity her. I could never do that to her.


It was not until Friday night that I was alone with Amie again. Dinner had finished and our Mother retreated to her room to think and drink in solitude. We stood together at the top of the main staircase, neither one wanting to leave the other alone. I made up my mind to go with her just as she approached me.

"Hey, Gene."


"Do you ever think about Father?"

"Sometimes... I guess."

"Mother said he'd be back soon."

"Then why are you worried?"

"I'm not... But... There hasn't been any news in months and -"


"A-and... I can't help but thinking..."

"That he's fine and he'll be back soon."

I leaned over the railing and stared at the wall below, unable to believe my own words. A captain goes down with his ship. After so long with no news, chances were he was with his ship.

"Hey, Gene?" Amie asked, as she grabbed my sleeve.

"Hmm?" I turn back around to see her head bowed.

"What if he doesn't come back?" she squeaked.

It occurred to me then why I had asked Amie about love and I now knew that I was not in love with Claire. I loved my little sister. But what I felt for Claire was different, it was something much more than love. I wanted to die for her every time I saw her.

"Don't cry Amie," I pleaded. While I patted her head and stroked her hair. She ignored me and cried into my chest "Don't worry Amie. I'm sure there will be news soon."


News came with the weekend in the form of an unmarked tomb placed in the family mausoleum and an officer's pension for the widow. I cried when I heard the news and mourned him for the next week in solace and during that week I started learning Latin. But I knew things could be worse. Claire had to help dig her father's grave when the news came.

We met a week after the funerals, in the shadows of the beech forest like always. I expected an emotional explosion, from myself more so than Claire. But in the end we smiled like we knew what was happening. As though we had told each other beforehand. We sat with our backs against nearby trees and she took out a book and pretended to read while I looked over and pretended to watch Leon. But she knew I was afraid of cats.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's rude to stare?" she said, as she snapped her book shut.

"Yes. You did. Just now," I said, without breaking eye contact.

"But you're still staring."

"Because I want to."

"And you always do what you want?"


Claire looked down at Leon and scratched behind his ears. I decided that now was the only time left to ask.

"Do you want-"


"Do you want to-"


"Stop reading my mind."

"No," she giggled.

"I'm still waiting for what you want."

Claire froze and for a moment her demeanour slipped and she looked wild and cold and I felt her gaze wash over me and make my heart stop.

"I just want to scream so much I could break."

She didn't scream, and neither did I. We sat next to each other and watched the sun go down, and then we said our goodbyes and parted in the dusk. I had never heard Claire scream.


Her mother re-married before the month passed. He was a foreigner, and they left to live with him without saying goodbye and I did not see her again. Part of me is grateful to her for disappearing without a word because I hated endings. The other part missed her words and longed to see her sitting under a beech tree outside, reading, with a white cat in her lap. That is the part which made me want to change my name to Leon. So that I would be able to visit her under the beech trees one day and when I did, I would ask her.

"Is this okay? Is this okay, Claire?"

And then I would drown in those oceans when she looked at me and replied.

"Of course not."
Jan 15, 2019
I made a short story long ago, titled boy meets girl. It roughly goes like this:

Once upon a time
boy meets girl
They kissed, had sex
and finally committed suicide.

Yep, it's the entire story.


Active member
Sep 26, 2019
Man it's so much easier to keep track of whether I posted before here.

I wouldn't say I became decent writer, insofar as judging my own writing quality. But I know I can look at a few old short stories, and find myself honestly cringing.

Ex. What in the world was I thinking ending Mechanic Slave like that?