Unconventional Rewrite of Uploaded Fairy,


Active member
Sep 26, 2019
When I had started work on Uploaded Fairy almost a decade ago, the topic around political issues was in a different place, although I kept writing it after certain political events had not actually come to pass.

If the Jumbar ( historical divergence ) is large enough, should one just go ahead ad call it alternate history? My dystopian future operates on the assumption of a Marine La Pen political victory as a launching off point.

As it gets older, my fear is it will become like Man In The High Castle, but obviously nowhere near as good.

Like the very specific neo-colonial war between France and Japan for American dominance wouldn't happen, possibly, if Marine La Pen did or does not become president of France, spawning a five decade path of turning the US into a French colony. With Japan having a similar status as Portugal in South America.

Hafestra ( also a French dialect that became its own language ) has a very similar meaning to Mestizo and Meti. Except it's this case it's North Americans that are half-Japanese, half-French. ( The way I've imagined it, long term, is Japanese controlled territories would speak Japanese, and French controlled territories parlez-Francaise. )

But it's making rewriting / editing weirdly charllenging.

Edit: So I was wondering, is there a way to make this process easier? Other than some arbrutrary, like the advice I used to get on Tapas: stop writing characters wearing wooden shoes.
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Active member
Sep 26, 2019
I know it is fiction, but still, French- Japanese world dominance? Compared to that, Hitler´s chances to conquer the world were actually pretty decent. :blob_cookie:

What I'm looking for is feedback about story structure, not thoughts about my conlanguage. I'm already confident where that's going, thanks.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2019
What kind of advice are you asking for?

I doubt the readers would care or even notice if characters talking in the constructed language were grammatically sound as these languages often break grammatical rules. If most of the characters talk in that language, I would imagine it would be a nightmare to read the dialogue. If only a few do, then you can probably stick to a set of phrases with minor variations (e.g. one verb and tense, but describing a different subject). Unless it is integral to the plot, constructed languages are typically used to show the depth of your world building. Only a fraction of words are ever used in everyday conversations, so only a fraction needs to be shown to the reader to make it believable. I don't think this will be helpful to you as I assume the constructed language is fully developed, but it could help with editing as only a few set phrases need to be remembered. Could possibly make for a better reading experience.

For story structuring I don't really have much to say. Wouldn't it be developed like any fictional story? For this kind of plot I would find the major points of divergence from real world and the story and structure the narrative around that (assuming that it isn't a character driven story and that the major points of the story have been plotted). If it is a character driven story then the major arcs of the story need to be based on the characters and how they change, the world perhaps mattering less than the characters.

I don't think any of this is actually helpful, but then again is ScribbleHub the best place to ask?


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
What I'm looking for is feedback about story structure, not thoughts about my conlanguage. I'm already confident where that's going, thanks.

Oh, no, I am not complaining about the conlang, which is fine do what you want. What I want to say is that the scenario seems a bit stretched even with fiction. I didn't read your story, but I can't imagine any realistic scenario where a French Japanese victory seems likely. :blob_evil_two: