Can't say I'm Christian. I'd be labeled a Pagan in need of "conversion" by Christians. But I can agree with pretty much everything said here. I remember when they just said they wanted "tolerance." Well, they are tolerated. Hell, they are "protected" with kid gloves now.
Ex-christian here
and i feel like act more christian than a christian sometimes. Despite no longer believing in god.
Christianity in education, despite failing most of the times, i could see its good points, like "kindness" and other moral lessons.
But no clue wtf happened to today that no one seems to remember "dont do to others what you dont want others to do to you"
Also yes, anything sooner or later, is abused. Laws for minor being the most old classic thing known.
Goes against human nature, free will, and free speech. So they don't want anything less than forced acceptance and power to influence society. Considering they are a fringe group, a minority of the total population anywhere they exist.....I fail to see why they deserve anything more than the "tolerance" they insisted was all they wanted originally.
Like feminism.
Vote for women. But then they felt they deserved more.
Stfu, i am fine cooking a sandwich (or cooking/educating children in industrial revolution era), in the kitchen. Also what is the point of "voting" when its a waste of time with all politicians being shit ?
EVEN scientificially proved, males are higher muscle density.
Unlikes this madwomen, i know that i would prefer stay behind cooking or stitching the parachutes for paratroopers COMPARED TO DEATH IN WAR. In WW2 or possible WW3.
But tldr : its greed
its human nature, but sadly "women" (and self analyze) are MORE PRONE to higher emotions, hence more "greed" (i am very greedy too but my IQ know its bad and my education [+christianism] help control it a little)
considering the way they have seemingly weaponized their "virtue-signalling" bullshit in politics and media
In china
its called "morale high ground"
or "ying yang" style (sarcasm)
or "reversing black and white"
(often seen in urban chinese novels, showcasing their internet side and socials/livestreams)
YEARS ago i seen the bs in CNs, i laughed its very dumbassery.
Now karma boomerang. It happens to the west.
I am not in america, luckily. But gosh, the repercussions in gaming, and movies, SUCK A TON. Thanos was right btw. But should have aimed the correct targets, enough bad people to fit quota AND MORE.
I can still remember the way they practically destroyed the areas they "marched through" during their parades in NYC back when I still lived in that cesspool called Brooklyn. It's filthy. The city needed nearly a week to fully clean the mess they left behind.
Not surprised.
But sure feel bad about it.
*pat shoulder*
The awful things they do in front of children, and then try and get the children to join them as if it's some kind of funny game or something.
I dont want to share but did you see the Twitter account that mock woke stuff by drawing comics ?
There is this transvertitude man, IN THE CLASS OF PRESCHOOLERS.
Like what the heck !
Also yeah, w-t-heck too about "parents" forcing genders on children.
I wasnt forced and became like that of liking girls, but that doesnt mean ITS OKAY.
Sure before it was bad (especially long ago on Sankaku website, an old news story of jp woman adult novelist dating a highschool girl platonically, but was judged guilty in court)
but current life, feel like some "monkey paw" realized the wish to have better acceptance of it.
Too much IS TOO MUCH.
Worse of all, is : Why the heck does they feel as if they do nothing wrong ????? What kind of parenting they received to BE LIKE THAT?????
It reminds me of china patriarchy (in CNs) where the (brainwashed) woman want a SON too, BUT ITS WESTERN STYLE REVERSE UNO.
He is full-on gay....and even he is repulsed at what the modern day movement for these people has become.
I give my respect to him.
He is a great dad.
And educated you right.
I'm also sick of seeing their "Be an ally" commercials too.
Saw someone weeks ago, do a compilation of "black-white commercials" it was very funny-unfunny. Because of the big number of them, and how long the video is, with a "comedy style" music.
Like someone said : People not knowing would think that majority of couples are interracial, WHICH IS NOT
In fact, even black people are disliking it. Same for some black people disliking new Assassin Creed. THEY KNOW that doing this, will do the reverse effect and annoy people. But peoples in charge are dum-dumb.
So as far as I'm concerned, he is my father and I introduce him as such to anyone I meet.
Reminds me of this wholesome meme i saw days ago (not fitting but close)
"I am not the step dad, i am the dad that stepped up"
(made me smile from the heart)
Or this recent video on wholesome memes reddit, where dad cry while reading, bc his young step daughter, gave him a book/letter about how she wish for him to adopt her and happy he is there for her.
But I get called bigot on public transportation because I told some delusional moron that no matter what his feelings say, he'll never be the woman he wants to pretend he is. It's hilarious. It's pathetic. It's disgusting.
Now this shitty people learned this tactic of "reversing black and white" and "reporting first"
In china there is this saying : If you are shameless enough you are invincible
And its saddening to see this morons are using this tactic so well.
Now biggot/racist/nazi, is like a BADGE OF HONOR nowadays. Especially twitter (i dont use it luckily or any social).
Myself was called a nazi, (a REAL existing nazi commander name, under the "nazi leader") dictator, bc i simply asked someone on discord to move their image to correct channel. ANd heck, i was very kind, even begging tone (i was mod for 1day + my personality). Nail on coffin, it wasnt even the person asked that raged (they werent offended), but a random old-user passerby witnessing the scene. Server creator said when asked "they had a situation at home". WELP i sure didnt know that having situation at home, allow others to call others DICTATORS and/or NAZI.
With how often this villains call others, all kind of derogative terms,
sometimes make me wish to do like this trope of betrayed heroes, the "YOU KEEP CALLING ME A VILLAIN !? FINE I WILL BECOME ONE !"
or wish that everyone do it. Because there are lot of people agreeing now about "Thanos logic" or complaining about WW2 soldiers sacrificing themselves for today world.
Worse of all, which piss me off very much,
is that the people target the wrong people.
People calling biggot the nonbiggot
People calling patriarchy to correct views
People calling racism to normal people
Also hidden truth : ITS ALL PROJECTION
Like this buzzing female woke journalist. She says others are doxxing her or want to exterminate. But herself exposed herself to doxxing and wanting extermination.
OR anti-pedo exposed as pedo.
Feminists attacking this random male hiker tiktoker that didnt understand the bearXman debate, and simply exposed the content of his bag.
But like HUNDREDS COMMENTS of cyberbullying he is "red flag" and stuff. And THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS of likes to them.
To be honest.
What is happening.
Is what happened to china a few years ago (especially the current toxic livestream that DO CRIMES LIVE for MONEY/POPULARITY)
And it makes me sad,
bc not sure if like them it will become better, or if yes, how long it will takes so everyone band together against this BS.
Also China sure did a "evil W" move by sharing their Douyin-Tiktok to the west. They won both $ and just like their gen being cooked, they cooked the gen of the WEST.
Graphics in games aren't significant. Plot, gameplay and artstyle are more important for the enjoyment of the game than ultra turbo realistic graphics.
CoD next game, meme
(uncompressed graphic files)
is mostly graphism too, lack of contentgameplay
Diablo4 is mostly graphism too (and evil W scam move of Bobby before retiring)