Xenforo Add-on Suggestion: Private Threads


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018

So I was browsing xenforo add-ons and there was one that I thought would be really nice for SHF.

Private threads 2.0.4
Private threads allows users to create threads that can't be viewed by members unless they have been invited to view the thread.

  • Prepend/Append text to thread titles
  • Change existing threads to private threads
  • Change private threads to public threads
  • Alert members when they are included in a private thread
  • Add/Remove members after the thread is created
NOTE: For security reasons admins can view all private threads. Moderators can not. Only the original thread starter can make a thread private/public.

So there are a few reasons why I was attracted to the feature, specifically for SHF:
  • When I write, sometimes I like to do plotting/planning/brainstorming on scrap paper. Would be nice to use SHF for this.
  • Useful to collaborate with editors, etc. (would have been great for translation groups) (also would have been great for NUF mafia games)
  • I miss blogs from NUF :c
  • I like to write private notes to myself in general.

The extension costs $25, but I would be willing to help pay for it if @Tony (and others) thought it was a good idea.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
This seems like a really good extension tbh, I could definitely see an use for this~

... Though PMs do roughly the same thing, don't they? I mean, I used to draft things in NUF just by making PMs with one of my clones... For Scribbly I just do all the drafting in MSword though.