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Youtube recommended me this after I choked on water a few hours ago
Guys&gals, what does this mean? Am I cooked? :blob_blank:
Why don't anyone share traditional art here?? Mummaa 😭
I'm inconsistent with my chapter writing time. The process can be completed quickly, but usually it does lean towards the longer end though. The recently mental pains has been writing a chapter fast. I got a chapter done in 2hours. Outside my initial happiness, it's been sad, a kind of "Seriously? Why can't I reach this speed more often". It's just been frustrating in a stupid way of course.
Also, cutting down these comments to fit the word limit is annoying sometimes. I think I wrote about 600 characters, and reducing that to 420 was funnnn.
Can you Change my Username @Tony
I finished Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone and started the next. But, why can't I seem to hate Malfoy or the Vernon family? It's not like I like them. But I don't hate them either.
Also, I didn't watch the movies and started from the books first. So, I don't have any idea about the movies.
Don't worry. I know that you know. >_o
It was just a bonus redundant info with the "malfoy/voldemort isnt truly evil" logic

Also yeah good idea. The original is (near) always the best thing. Just like Novel>Manga>Anime (most of the times)
Yeah, most of the times. And thanks for all those informations you "googled". lol.