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Oh shit. The author who tried to shit out a new log whilst not yet shit out his overly prolonged log has ended his work prematurely.

And he is not writing the new work too.

Because he has pulmonary nodule.😿
Here is a failed heart that was left after a miraculous life-saving operation! Now a child that was bound to bed for two years and lost all hope for life will get a new chance!
The completely new and previously unheard of medical practice will help save thousand of people in the future!
30 days ish in Duolingo. I believe I'm at that point of language learning when I see their gist and grammar, so to study I really only need to read the dictionary or something
Is the time traveller's wife also a time traveller?
Yes because technically we are all travelling forward in time.
Whatever I end up writing next, IF I end up writing something after my current story, I do not want more realism. The sheer amount of research I'm doing for this story is driving me mad. Though, it'd arguably be worse if I have to make everything up and keep it consistent...
A conversation I make up in my head for self pleasurement, with me being a chad and the other conversationee a soyjak
Them: oh you believe in a god?
Me: Yes
T: Then why there is evil in world
M: Idknow
T: So ur logic is flawed
M: Yes
T: So ur wrong
M: No
The other person starts stuttering, I win, the whole room clapped, Obama was there
Reminds me I read the first chapter of Dandadan because of Sailus, and there is Obama in that manga chapter.
That comment was one of the weirder thing I've read