New profile posts

I'm quite overwhelmed trying to look into DnDBeyond
Done my character creation, know how to roleplay, know how to use stuff (kinda)
But now what.....................
Weird to see the concept of "Emperor" in every level once again outside of Unsheathed.

To put it bluntly, all level has ranking. From Soldier to Baron and all the way to King and finally Emperor. And apparenlty one must train and fight until they can achieve the title of "The Strongest" in their respective level. Which then will the title of "Emperor" be granted.
When the current Emperor levels up, the space is once again open up.
Oh shit. The author who tried to shit out a new log whilst not yet shit out his overly prolonged log has ended his work prematurely.

And he is not writing the new work too.

Because he has pulmonary nodule.😿
Here is a failed heart that was left after a miraculous life-saving operation! Now a child that was bound to bed for two years and lost all hope for life will get a new chance!
The completely new and previously unheard of medical practice will help save thousand of people in the future!
30 days ish in Duolingo. I believe I'm at that point of language learning when I see their gist and grammar, so to study I really only need to read the dictionary or something
Is the time traveller's wife also a time traveller?
Yes because technically we are all travelling forward in time.
Seeing my novel got #1 trending is nice, it surely brighten my day.
Whatever I end up writing next, IF I end up writing something after my current story, I do not want more realism. The sheer amount of research I'm doing for this story is driving me mad. Though, it'd arguably be worse if I have to make everything up and keep it consistent...