Recent content by awgcoleman

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    Free First Chapter Feedback

    Thanks for your feedback!
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    Free First Chapter Feedback

    This is actuallly what I've been looking for. Trying to see if my first chapter hooks people and pulls them in. I've worked on the first few chapters of my story multiple times trying to make sure it hooks people in and makes them want to keep reading, so any feedback on that would be helpful...
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    Yet another free feedback thread.

    Hi, I'm not a new writer, but I am looking for feedback as to whether the first few chapters of my story are engaging. Basically, I've been focused on making sure people are drawn in at the beginning and want to keep reading as opposed to getting boredor feeling overwhelmed by info. My story is...
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    Hey I have a question does Superhero stuff fall under supernatural ?

    Wouldn't it be it's own tag/genre. I always thought it was.
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    For those who use Patreon, be careful of this (obvious) loophole

    Wow, that's such an awful thing for someone to do. I mean is it such a burden to pay a few dollars, even just once to compensate you for the work they OBVIOUSLY enjoyed.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Thanks everyone, Is there a thread with these rules? I didn't see one other than this thread and the rules one and it wasn't mentioned in either.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    I can't make a new thread in the forum, only reply to existing ones. is that normal? Is there some period of time I need to wait?