Recent content by Basiun

  1. B

    Annoying reviews.

    Yeah, that's the type of review I'm totally on-board with, and makes total sense: "This novel starts out badly, has bad grammar blabla don't read" What I hate is when the reviews are made for the exact opposite reason. "This novel is soo unique, it does everything right and all the characters...
  2. B

    Unpopular opinion on harems

    This is like 6-month late reply but... Those types of stories TYPICALLY reach a point where they just die. Death in terms of "Zzzzlow plot progression*massive harem" You're balancing so many extra "important" characters that all need to be relevant in their own way. On top of this, you need to...
  3. B

    Annoying reviews.

    Hey! For some reason, I just got annoyed enough by "Awful reviews" to make a comment about them. What is an annoying review? It's a review that should've been a silent "rating" at most. New novels on their 10th chapter with 5-6 reviews rating them as "5-star, best I've read" explaining how...
  4. B

    Why do Most Readers Not Comment?

    Uhh, there are many reasons, but in general I'd say that you can correlate it to something like a youtube video. A youtube video with 1m views usually has roughly 100k likes/dislikes (go confirm), (not accurate on music videos due to playlist reasons). It's quite accurate to say that only 10% of...
  5. B

    Level up "experience" problems // Xianxia "Devour" mechanics

    A funny thing. Inconsistencies or outright ridiculous requirements to level up in RPG novels ("Devouring" or "refining" in xianxia). Let's say that an MC kills "5242" mobs around his/her level to go from level 325 to 326 - Doesn't that mean that for a thousand people to do the same, 5 million...