Recent content by bokhi

  1. bokhi

    Coping With Poor Reviews

    Honestly? 1. Assume all publicity is good publicity. This is the ultimate silver lining. Further, this person felt strongly enough about your work to review it rather than just walk away. That's winning, in a way: better than total apathy! 2. It's some rando on the internet. Take whatever is...
  2. bokhi

    Novels on Scribble Hub you can’t read.

    If you are referring to the scenario I outlined, which is that an author finds they are successful and thus decides to monetize, there is nothing dishonest about informing fans they have changed their minds about something being all free. The only way this is dishonest is if the author had...
  3. bokhi

    Tipping culture

    Ah. Well, I'm not American, so I have no idea! Heard it's kinda nuts over there, though! 🤷‍♀️
  4. bokhi

    Tipping culture

    Which tipping culture? The answer will vary based on the region so you will have to be more specific.
  5. bokhi

    Do you think Scribblehub should ban ai generated novels?

    Really? Colour me surprised. I had AI generate a chapter continuation of my work out of curiosity, and it was hilariously bad. Like, it was so, so bad that it couldn't be counted as good. Do people actually read the material, or are the followers bots too? I know that r/freelanceWriters have...
  6. bokhi

    Novels on Scribble Hub you can’t read.

    Agreed about having a tag. I actually didn't know that SH didn't do this already, tbh, so I'm a bit surprised. I don't think SH would lose traffic if SH authors start using (or are already using) the RR model. The majority of works available are free, and usually authors will announce on their...
  7. bokhi

    Novels on Scribble Hub you can’t read.

    Is there a "stub" tag that the authors can use? I believe RR uses something like this, where a work that's been taken to Amazon should have the STUB tag to indicate it is not a complete work.
  8. bokhi

    Writing Romance

    Like many of the posters have already said, it really depends. I second the posts about the type of characters, but I will also add that the cultural context matters. If the cultural norm in your setting is similar to that of modern Western, English-speaking countries, the expectation will...
  9. bokhi

    Killing My Character

    If you really, really can't choose, assign each scenario a number then roll a die. Or ask a magic eight ball.
  10. bokhi

    Writing Types of Characters You Like Writing About.

    Unrepentant mean girls, bwahahaha!
  11. bokhi

    How do I start a website?

    What kind of website do you need? If you need something fast but slightly more complicated than a profile or landing page, Google Sites is a good free option (though the URL can be a bear). It's literally just click and drag, for the most part. Super easy. Another option for something simple is...
  12. bokhi

    Reading Novels Aren't Fun Anymore

    Which doesn't preclude the possibility of finding a good one if you were so inclined. Oh well! 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, good luck with your project.
  13. bokhi

    How often do you stalk your readers

    In general? I don't. If they leave a comment or review, or otherwise indicate they also have fiction on this site, I usually do check their profiles out. I noticed that SH has some kind of "lounge" and a little list for "profile wall posts" like social media. There seems to be some very...
  14. bokhi

    How did your fantasy world abolish slavery ?

    Lol, beat me to it. Funnily enough, my M!Lead is (spoilers for end of Act II of TSC)