Recent content by ButteredRiceball

  1. ButteredRiceball

    What are you listening to?

    It kinda depends really. Recently I got into Wars by T-moe because of Mortal Kombat. I can't really listen to music when writing because I would focus on the lyrics instead.
  2. ButteredRiceball

    Introducing Your Works

    Jesus...Are you a god or something? How do you write so many things...
  3. ButteredRiceball

    Online Resources For New (and Experienced) Authors

    If it's about world building and story creation, HelloFutureMe did a video series on writing books. In it, he talked about creating magic systems, utilizing prologues, etc. It's a good source for writing and learning materials.
  4. ButteredRiceball

    Do you RP?

    I used to do RP quite a lot back in 2014. This takes me back lol. If you guys don't mind it, I would love to join.