Recent content by Chaperone

  1. Chaperone

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    Hey @TheTrinary please review my prologue. I have edited it a few times already as views dropped off quite hard afterwards. Would love to know where Im going wrong. Thanks in advance.
  2. Chaperone

    The Fat Elf's Review Emporium

    Hey @FatElf I would love it if you could review my first chapter. First time writing so any feedback is golden. THanks.
  3. Chaperone

    Free First Impressions Feedback Thread

    Hello @M.G.Driver would love to hear your thoughts on my novels first chapter. Thanks in advance for your time.
  4. Chaperone

    I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.

    Hey @OatMush would love to see how far you get with mine. Thanks for your time.
  5. Chaperone

    The Hive(Free Feedback Thread)

    Hey @Glitched, please could review my novel. I am happy to take some brutal feedback if it's needed. Cheers.
  6. Chaperone

    The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)

    Understood, the slang actually plays a subtle part in the foreshadowing of a betrayal later down the line. However, I am reading it in a specific British (commonish and Northenesc) accent that readers may not pick up on. I suppose we roll the ball and hope people can collect sometimes. Thanks again.
  7. Chaperone

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    Thanks for the help, I see exactly what you mean after reading your rework of the blurb. You're a hero!
  8. Chaperone

    The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)

    Thanks for taking the time to read through those chapters. I will have another crack at that tricky prologue, felt like a good idea so so so long ago. I'll consider your other points while I'm doing my edit. Churrs chux
  9. Chaperone

    I will read your story and give reviews. (I am OatMush's disciple).

    Hey, please can try my novel. I don't mind feedback on the thread. Thanks in advance.
  10. Chaperone

    Free feedback thread.

    Hey, any feedback is helpful. I don't mind it being posted here. Thanks for your time.
  11. Chaperone

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    Hey @Corty I would love some advice on my cover and blurb etc. Thank you for time.
  12. Chaperone

    The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)

    Dear chick, it would be great to have you feed upon my story. Any little nuggets would be appreciated. Thanks.