Recent content by colombiom

  1. C

    WHAT are you talking about those are LEAST COMMON NAMES in any isekai NO MAJOR ANIME even has...

    WHAT are you talking about those are LEAST COMMON NAMES in any isekai NO MAJOR ANIME even has one with either of those names rofl WHAT are you on about xD fail
  2. C

    I've Got You Covered!

    you KNOW u necro'd a 1+ year old post from an op who has been awol over a year correct??
  3. C

    Gimme your song lyrics!

    please don't die today when the sun rises you'll find you have made it through
  4. C

    Mentioning a weird thread.

    throw in morons who say climate change complaining and MEAN GLOBAL WARMING and ignore the world's BIGGEST PRODUCER of carbon because they DO NOT give a bloody damn about global warming.
  5. C

    Mentioning a weird thread.

    People who start randomly bitching about America online for absolutely no fucking reason REALLY grinds my gears. This is on all you Europeans btw. Why did you have to make it a plebeian thing? :blob_catflip: