Recent content by DoubleBlind

  1. DoubleBlind

    Would love some feedback on the first 5-10 chapters

    So I've had this story up for quite some time now. I feel like it's been seeing good success, so I'm not taking what I've gotten for granted, but something fairly consistent that I run into is that it seems a good number of people drop off during the beginning sections. Mostly the first 10...
  2. DoubleBlind

    How do you do it???

    Typically, about 1k-2k. What's important here isn't the word count, so much as making sure I stay consistent. I find that works best for me.
  3. DoubleBlind

    How to distinguish between perfection and good enough?

    Don't obsess. This is very easy to do. The truth is, no matter how great of a writer you are, you will always find a flaw somewhere. Whether it be word choice, theme, repetition, characters, the overall plot, anything. It cannot be helped. This is an art form, and like any art, it's going to be...
  4. DoubleBlind

    What’s it like for a author to read their own works?

    Depends on how I'm feeling that day. It can vary wildly from "hey, this is fun and I made up a couple cool plot points," to "wow, this is garbage, why does anyone even like this?" It's a swingset of emotions, but I suppose it would be kind of strange if I was excited every single time. Getting...
  5. DoubleBlind

    How much did you pander to the audience?

    These are the sorts of issues I try to avoid when possible. I can't speak for every author obviously, but pandering is like dancing on a knife's edge. The readers don't know how it ends. They don't know what your outline looks like. They don't know your plans. Sometimes, events in the story are...
  6. DoubleBlind

    When you have to wait

    Keep typing.
  7. DoubleBlind

    Is all this just a waste of time?

    Self-publishing is the way to go now. From my experience, the ones who do well on RR and SH are those who keep a steady stream of content going out on the website, then self-publish whatever works they've completed and edited. They'll make additional sales from either Kindle Unlimited or going...