Recent content by heheawecomemana

  1. heheawecomemana

    Minacia's First Chapter Feedback

    heheh thank you so much for the feedback!! Haha yeah I love Chinese novels and it was inspired by it ...opps too inspired? hahaha....hehe yeahhh its old scars, due to her old occupation...I agree I was debating between flashbacks with her nightmares or just info dump...cough I got lazy? xD LOOL...
  2. heheawecomemana

    Minacia's First Chapter Feedback

    hue hue hue....grammar is an issue in my story for sure, but I would love your feedback :) :blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww: *taking cookies on the side to prepare for critical feedback
  3. heheawecomemana

    Free First Chapter Feedback

    Hehe...sigh grammar is not my strong point :blob_pat_sad: I've edited it like 5x already LOL but thanks for reading! I will continue to try to edit it more xD
  4. heheawecomemana

    Free First Chapter Feedback

    I volunteer as a tribute! xD Any Feedback is welcome :blob_aww: thank you
  5. heheawecomemana

    Can anyone give me some feedback for my story?

    No problem! :) That's rather odd...for me when I write...I just write on word and then copy and paste it to here, if it helps. Ah I see now, yeah adding this explanation into the story would help clarify things I believe. Yeah, I'll continue reading it once you update xD, I do want to see how...
  6. heheawecomemana

    Can anyone give me some feedback for my story?

    Hey! Not sure if I am qualified enough to give feedback haha but the story name was decided to give it a go...! I think one of the main issue you have is the spacing? First prologue...there was no space at all which made reading hard, while chapter 1&2 spacing was awkward...
  7. heheawecomemana

    Offering Feedback for BL novels

    *raises hands up nervously... Would you be willing to read my story? Hehehe it's my first published story...Ik the MC is a little bland at the moment...but you would understand once it gets explained for why he acts a certain way. But I do want some feedback to see how I can improve the story :)...