Recent content by LilithFairen

  1. LilithFairen

    Netflix is pushing pedo bait and people are still angry what reality do you live in where people aren't infuriated by that Netflix show? Do you honestly believe there's more outrage over that one piece of over-sexualized fan-art than the massive social-media anger towards Cuties? (And frankly, I'd ask if the OP thought there wasn't anything...
  2. LilithFairen

    Character deaths in fiction.

    Death can be a way to raise stakes and tension in a story. But when a writer thinks killing off characters is the best or even only way to effectively do so, it becomes very obvious in the quality of the story.
  3. LilithFairen

    Drop your links and view counts.

    Glints Saga: Dove is at...1390. 🙃
  4. LilithFairen


    I just tried searching for anything about this, and I could not find a single news article supporting your claim about Visa and Mastercard—not even right-wing news outlets. All I found was some Reddit post on an alt-right subreddit of someone saying this was the case. The great thing about...
  5. LilithFairen


    See, that's what you've heard, but very rarely is that even the case. What usually happens, as what happened with this Patreon lawsuit, is that the anti-"woke crowd" is just full of delusion. They actively ignore everything that doesn't suit their narratives, make up complete lies of their own...
  6. LilithFairen

    What is your Gem of a novel on this site ?

    Huge word of warning for folks going into it for a cute, fulfilling yuri romance that .
  7. LilithFairen

    Any insecurities you authors have about your novels?

    The fact that the ideas I've really gotten into writing are of a genre that's often dismissed as immature and childish because of its focus on feminine elements, all while it's considered "mature" and "deep" to take said genre and turn the people it's meant to positively portray into a bunch of...
  8. LilithFairen

    My first 24 hours on Scribble Hub

    The secret to success is writing the tropes that readers here want to read. That and that alone gets you readers.
  9. LilithFairen

    Recommendations strong female MC

    Glints Saga: Papillon might be your cup of tea: it's a positive-hearted story about a female protagonist who once saved the world and longs to have magic back into her life once more, finding love along the way (said love interest is female, FYI).
  10. LilithFairen

    Community Here Is So Nice

    Since when do isekai readers complain about every isekai being the exact same story?
  11. LilithFairen

    I'm curious, how did you get so much exposure?

    I wrote the tropes that people read about. 🙃
  12. LilithFairen

    What's Your Most Ambitious Story Concept?

    At present? I've got ideas in mind for three sequels for the first in my magical girl series, Glints Saga. Then I have a fifth book in mind, Glints Cross—a cross-over between the characters of the first four books, all gathered together and pitted against a great threat that will test their...
  13. LilithFairen

    Writing 404: Marriage not found

    How in the world would matriarchy result from a system where a woman is deemed to be "claimed" by a man?
  14. LilithFairen

    Popularity doesn't matter in terms of quality.

    It's interesting that both the shows you listed as a contrast to "philosophical stories" are both shows made for female audiences, but you're also ignoring the fact that a huge part of Friendship is Magic's popularity came from the themes and philosophies the show shared through its episodes...
  15. LilithFairen

    What Genre/Concept appeal to you?

    Light-hearted stuff with positive outlooks. And gay girls being cute together.